11. Last day on set

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Chris and I both stepped out of the car, walking on set. It was our last day together, we didn't know what would happen after this, if we would keep seeing each other, if we would see the cast, if we would keep contact. I lit my cigarette, my last one to be exact. I decided to quit, or at least try to quit. I took a few drags, enjoying the feeling it gave me before I had to quit. Of course I was emotional that day, but knowing I wasn't able to smoke anymore made me more emotional.

Chris acted rather awkward towards me when we were in the group, the same goes for me. The cast started to tease us with that night, how we didn't remember it, how we were acting ever since. Whenever they said something about that night Chris would blush and look down, I would huff at their comments.

As I stamped out my last cigarette we both walked inside, ready for our last day. Anthony and Joe immediately walked up to us.

"Ready for your last scene Captain?" they asked Chris, he smiled at the 'nickname'.

"I'm going to miss you guys," Chris told the brothers, he embraced them in a manly hug while I stood there, awkwardly.

"And you Tilly, thank you for your work! The story is truly amazing," Joe told me, I smiled to him.

"Come here," Anthony told me as he embraced me in a tight hug. I smiled and hugged him back before I went to Joe and did the same.

"Let's make this an amazing day!" Joe told us before he went back to the actors they were talking to before. Chris and I separated our ways until he was ready for his scene.

The day went by quickly, we all cried, we were all emotional to be exact. Everyone said their goodbyes to each other before everyone departed. Everyone would be seeing each other again with the press tour and the premiere and other events. Chris, Mackie, Sebastian and I decided we would drink something together, although Chris and I knew Mackie wouldn't stop teasing us that night. We all went to a little pub around the corner, it wasn't really known in town, which made it perfect for us. We all sat down as we ordered a beer.

"I'm going to miss being on set every day," I started the conversation. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But we will see each other in a few months again for the tour," Anthony happily told us, I looked down at my beer, I knew I wasn't going on tour with them. I was only a writer, what would I even do on tour?

"Yeah, heads up Tilly," Sebastian said smiling, I shook my head.

"I'm not coming on tour," I told the three guys in front of me. They all looked at me with open mouths.

"What would I even be doing on tour? I mean, you guys are going to promote the movie and me? There is no room for me," I told them, they all shook their heads.

"No, no, no, you're coming with us, Chris wouldn't wike it if you wouldn't come," Anthony smiled at me while Chris laughed at his statement.

"I'm not the one who decides if I'm coming or not," I winked at Anthony.

"We will take care of that," Sebastian told me smiling. I smiled at the men in front of me and thanked them, for everything they did for me.

"I'm going to grab another beer, Seabass?" Anthony asked Seb. Seb gave him his empty bottle and looked back to us.

"Vanilla ice, can you come with me?" Anthony tried again, desperately wanting Chris and me to be alone. Sebastian looked weirdly at Anthony.

"Why? You only need two beers?" Sebby told Anthony before he turned around again, Chris and I both blushed and looked down at our hands in our lap.

"Sebastian Stan, you need to come with me right now!" Anthony grabbed Sebastian's arm and took Seb with him. Anthony winked at me before they went to the bar.

"Well, that was obvious," I laughed, Chris started laughing too.

"They keep looking at us," Chris pointed his head to the place where Mackie and Stan were standing, looking at us.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing," I told him as I put my head in my hands. Chris laughed at my silliness.

"I actually have to tell you something Tilly," Chris told me as he took my hands and moved them away from my head. I looked at Chris, silently telling him to go on.

"Ever since that one night," Chris started, blushing a bit, "I know I have been acting a bit weird towards you," Chris told me as he smirked a bit.

"Ever since that night I have been looking at you in a different way, you were my best friend, the one person I could always talk to, no matter how silly my problems were,

"But I have started to look differently at you, I have been trying to recollect the memories of that night, but I failed miserably but I know now that I didn't kiss you for nothing,

"I definitely felt something when I kissed you, the same thing I have been feeling when I looked at you, the same thing as I feel right now, telling you this

"Tilly, I have to admit this to you because I know we might not see each other in a while from now on,

"Tilly I have started to feel things for you, things that are more than the feelings you have towards friends, or even best friends,

"I really hope this doesn't change our friendship, or maybe I do, but in a better way," Chris ended his little speech, at the end I was smiling brightly.

"Chrissy, you really have no idea how happy I am right now," I smiled to him, Chris looked confused at me.

"I started falling for you even before that one night," I told him, Chris smiled brightly at me before he placed his right hand on my cheek and his left one on my waist. He started to lean in, at first he just placed his forehead on mine, still smiling as he looked in my eyes, I got lost in the blue oceans before he closed his eyes and leaned in. His lips touched mine and I felt like I was discovering a whole new world with flowers, butterflies and only happiness. His lips moved slowly and lovingly against mine.

When Chris and I broke apart, we smiled at each other. Anthony immediately interrupted us.

"That took you long enough," Anthony interrupted us, we both looked over at the black man who was now standing in front of us. Sebastian was standing next to him, first smiling but showing us his tongue when Anthony wasn't looking.

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