29. Happy at home, or not?

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Chris and I had been at home for a couple of days now, we took it easy and stayed in for most of the days and only come out when we had to. I had several calls from Sebastian, Scarlett and Lizzie, asking me if I wanted to hang out with them. I always told them I'd call them back when I wanted to go out, but for now all I wanted was to spend the days with Chris. Unfortunately Chris told me he had an appointment with Sebby, something about the movie and he told me to go shopping with the girls or something. I agreed and called Scarlett and Lizzie.

Once we were in the mall we visited several stores and bought a little too much, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. When we were having lunch in a little restaurant we saw Sebby ordering food, a few tables away from ours. Sebby was sitting all by himself when he ordered, but when the drinks came, it was clear that he wasn't alone. Thinking it was Chris, I left them be and enjoyed the little girl time I was having.

"Hey, I didn't know you would be shopping today," Sebby said to us when he was walking out of the restaurant.

"Chris proposed for me to go shopping since you guys were together today," I told him, still sure he was with Chris, I hadn't seen the girl next to him.

"I'm not with Chris, I didn't even know I'd be meeting him today," Sebby told me, I immediately looked down.

"I'm sure it'll be okay Tilly," Scarlett assured me. I silently nodded my head, thinking of reasons why he'd lie to me.

There was one thing I never liked, lying. I'd rather have a boyfriend who cheated on me than having one who lied to me. Lying was a big mistake in my eyes, you couldn't do anything worse to me.

Scarlett, Lizzie and I didn't stay long after that, I really wanted to get home, to ask him what that was all about.

Scarlett picked me up, so she would be dropping me off too. First of all she dropped Lizzie at her apartment, before Lizzie stepped out of the car she spoke to me.

"If anything happens back home, please know you are always welcome here," Lizzie assured me.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," I told her in all honesty.

The drive towards the apartment was silent. Scarlett knew I wouldn't be answering if she spoke up. She knew I had zoned off long time ago and that all I wanted was to get home. Once we were parked in front of our apartment she told me she would be home all night and I was always welcome. I quickly thanked her, she knew something was up. Chris wouldn't lie to me. I unlocked the door, only to be greeted by Chris who was already home from his 'meeting with Seb'.

"Hey babe, you're back early," he told me as he looked up from the book he was reading.

"How was your meeting with Seb?" I asked him, making sure he was lying.

"Great! We talked about the next movie and grabbed a beer afterwards," Chris lied in my face.

"Well, that's weird. I saw Seb at a restaurant back at the mall today, he told me he didn't meet you today," I told him, furrowing my eyes, making sure I glared at him.

"Uh," Chris didn't know what to say next, he stood up and walked over to me.

"I-" Chris started saying before I interrupted him.

"Don't even start, you lied to me Chris, in my face! You know I hate you lying to me!" I started yelling at him, Chris flinched at the sound of my voice.

"I really believed you wouldn't hurt me," I whispered to him before I took my purse again and went out the door. I quickly called a cab over and told the driver where I was headed.

I rang the doorbell, Scarlett soon opened the door.

"That bad?" She asked me once she saw me, I wanted to speak, but all I could do was sob. Scarlett led me to her couch, embracing me in a much needed hug.

"I'm sure he has an explanation, and even if he doesn't, it doesn't matter, you'll get over this," Scarlett told me. After a while I heard a little girl saying some things.

"Momma, do you want to play with me?" she asked Scarlett. My friend smiled at the little girl before she answered.

"Momma is a little bit busy right now, but I'll come and play in a bit okay?" Scarlett told Rose.

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