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So, yesterday was a pretty good day! School was awful and I felt my heart breaking every other period of the day which sucked.  I hate how emotional I am.

After school I went to the place where my mom grew up. It was so nice to bond with her and my grandma in that way. I saw their childhood and memories through their eyes. It was so cool.

So I didn't get home until 10:30 last night and I was incredibly tired but had to finish my precalc homework. I went to bed at 1:00 in the morning. So that wasn't fun.

Today in school was a lot better. I saw Logan and he looked more cute than ever 😩 he's just so adorable and I fall more in love with him everyday. I love doing cute little things with him in orchestra like getting close to him and holding his hand.

Logan keeps taking pictures of me without me noticing and I'm kind of worried that the pictures are really trash but a big part of me doesn't care because he still tells me I'm beautiful multiple times in a day ❤️ just out of no where, just to remind me that he's thinking about me. Ugh he is perfect.

Anyways, I pretended to care more than I actually did because I would playfully take his phone and act like I was going to delete his pictures of me because the way he would fight to get it back was so adorable 😩 he would wrap his arms around me and be so close to me, I never wanted to let go of his phone so he could hold me and be close to me like that all the time...

I know that sounds kind of selfish but I promise I would never do that 😂 I just really love his soft and gentle touch and wish I never had to imagine it.

My family and I planned to go to a baseball game. They planned to when I was still dating Zach, and now that I'm not, I had to find someone to go with but I couldn't so Im going partner-less to the game, which is ok. I've learned to be content with being alone. 

It's 5:22 and we haven't left yet. We're going to be super late.

It's 11:30 now and the game just ended. We have a two hour drive back, so this will be fun.

The game was really fun! I hung out with my mom a lot and I really enjoyed it! My team lost, but it was still a close game! After the game it was very chaotic. A red hot chili peppers concert was going on in the venue like, 2 ft away from the stadium. And it let out the same time that the game did. What are the odds.

This crowd was wild. Like, at least half of them were smoking, the other half were drunk. It was wild trying to get back to the car. But we made it and we're on our way home! I had a fun night 😊

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