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So my day was ok. It got better as it went.

When I got home Hayley was being really pushy and took all of her anger out on me today and it made me feel like crap when I didn't even do anything. But I didn't argue with her like I normally do. So I was proud of myself for that.

I didn't forget my violin lesson today!!! I keep forgetting every Wednesday to go to my lesson and at this point I think Mrs Parkinson hates me. Especially because I'm not on her board showing all the students she has. I hope she doesn't hate me :(

When I got home, Logan invited me to go to Olivia's and I wasn't able to because my family wanted me home. I haven't been home all week, so I understood. But I was still really sad 😔 I wanted to see Logan so much and spend time with my friends, but I just couldn't. I felt really left out but Logan made me feel a lot better later in the day.

I was really sad at first though so I took a really long nap to avoid my sadness which usually that makes it better but it didn't today :( so I tried putting my mind to other things and I cleaned my violin case. It used to have so many scrapes and scratches so I took some kind of solution and scrubbed it. It took an hour!! But it looks so good now! I'm really happy :)

Logan doesn't realize how much he helps me. When I get sad over the small things, no one has ever been able to help me. Not even Zach, in the two years I've been dating him. (By the way, we hardly text anymore.) But Logan just has a way with words and comforting people. Yesterday I had an anxiety attack and he calmed me down. He actually helped me! No one has ever been able to calm me down from an anxiety attack. But he did. He's like my Superman. He can do anything!

So Harry Styles came out with a new song and OMG!!! It's so amazing. It's called Sweet Creatures, id recommend that song to anybody. I'm such a big fangirl to this stuff and Logan let me fangirl to him and just 😊😊😊 ugh. He's so perfect. Zach hasn't been there for 90% of the things that has been going on in my life, but Logan has been there for me 100% of the time. I love him so much ❤️

I should get back to doing the homework I procrastinated on doing all day...

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