Chapter 2 - High School

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Cooper Hayward was a junior in high school. He didn't have many friends in the school and was known as the loner. He always wore black along with a leather jacket and barely ever spoke to anyone. He had short brown hair and green eyes that looked cold and even lifeless at times. He was taller than most kids and at 17 years old, he couldn't wait to get out of the hell hole he considered school. Walking down the hall he was preparing to go to class when he was grabbed from behind and thrown into a locker. 

"What's going on cry baby Cooper?" Johnny Flash, the school's bully said, holding Cooper's leather jacket. Cooper just stood there, not reacting to the jock at all. Johnny was one of the stars of the school's football team, and his buddies backed him when he hassled kids like Cooper. 

"Looks like the cry baby is still mute." one of his friends said. Johnny just laughed and pulled Cooper away from the lockers only to slam him back into them. 

"Got any thing for me today?" Johnny asked. 

"Just leave me alone Johnny." Cooper said, clearly annoyed with the constant bullying. People in the halls stopped to look at the scene but no one did anything to intervene. 

"You hear that guys? He actually spoke for once." Johnny said laughing again, turning back to look at them. Turning back around, Johnny was surprised to receive spit in his face. Everyone fell silent. Johnny closed his eyes and wiped the spit off of his face. Without even looking his hand formed a fist and he swung it right into Cooper's gut. 

"He ain't worth it Johnny." one of the guys said. Johnny backed away and Cooper fell to the ground, clutching his stomach. Johnny didn't say a word to Cooper as he walked off, not forgetting this moment. Cooper looked around at everyone who was staring at him. He picked up his bag and his books, and then continued on his way through the halls, remaining quiet. 

* * *

Mollie Gryphon walked down the hall with her posse of cheerleaders behind her. Her curly brown hair bounced as she walked and her brown eyes were filled with a fire that sent fear into whoever looked at them. She was the head of the cheer team, president of the student body, a straight 'A' student, and was pretty much perfect, and this was all as a Junior. All the guys wanted to be with her, and all the girls wanted to be her. 

"I hope we have all been practicing. The cheer competition is a week away and I want no mess ups when the time comes for us to win." Mollie told to her girls. They all nodded except one. Skylar Thompson was the second in command of the team. She was always one step behind Mollie and hated her for it. 

"Why is it you are always doubting us?" Skylar asked, causing the girls to look at her. Mollie stared at Skylar, her eyes squinting at her rival. 

"Our cheer team hasn't won any of the championships in years. I'm planning on changing that. Maybe if you put in the effort I did, you would be head of the team." Mollie said. This caused a chorus of "ooo's" from the other girls. Skylar just scoffed and stormed away from the others who went back to gossiping and chatting like nothing had happened. Mollie watched as Skylar walked away with two of her cheer friends following after her. 

* * *

Danny Storm was walking down the hall with his bag hanging off one of his shoulder's. His long blonde hair and bright blue eyes made him look like a stereotypical surfer kid. His reputation didn't help him either, since he was one of the most popular kids in the high school. Everyone adored him, and the lower class men looked up to him. His grades weren't the best but he was graduating by the end of the summer, and he knew he was going to make it. 

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