Chapter 8 - Detention

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Another day went by as Jade walked into the school with her earbuds in and a bag hanging off on of her shoulders. She walked straight to her locker, opening it, only for sometime of liquid to shoot out onto her black leather jacket. She attempted to step back but wasn't able to in time and got covered by the substance. Girls laughing could be heard from the opposite end of the hall. Jade turned her head to see Skylar and a small group of cheerleaders watching Jade.

"Looks like a sticky situation." Skylar said with another laugh as she and her posse walked away.

"That was a lame joke." Jade said to herself quietly. She grabbed the books she needed and went to the bathroom just as the bell rang for the first classes. Jade spent a few minutes trying to wipe away whatever was on her jacket and then walked to her first class where it was already in progress.

"Ah, Ms. Summers. So great you can join us ten minutes after class started." her teacher said, causing the class to turn and look at her.

"Sorry." Jade mumbled as she took her seat.

"You'll be staying after school today for detention. Remember class, I do not put up with tardiness." the teacher began to lecture as Jade sunk down in her seat and rolled her eyes.

* * *

Danny was sitting in one of his classes, wearing an old hoodie from the wrestling team along with basketball shorts. He was copying down the notes on the board as a piece of paper hit him in the back of the head. Danny looked at the small ball that sat on the ground next to him and picked it up, hearing Johnny and his lackeys cackling to themselves.

"Ever wonder why Sophie was always running late?" the note read. Danny bit his tongue, crumpling up the paper and going back to copying down the notes. Johnny was shocked that someone didn't get baited by one of his easy attempts at teasing. He leaned over his desk and whispered into Danny's ear.

"It's 'cause she couldn't bear the thought of being' away from all of this." Johnny taunted.

"That's hilarious Johnny. Really happy for you." Danny whispered back, not even bothering to turn his head.

"Just wanted you to know she wanted a real man. Not a boy, Storm. Apparently you weren't... much of a man anyway." Johnny whispered again with a soft laugh. Danny put his pencil down and stared forward, making a fist with one of his hands. "She'd come to me every night for the good stuff."

"Enough Flash!" Danny shouted, standing up and shoving his desk out of the way. Johnny stood up immediately, getting right into Danny's face. The two stood nose to nose as the rest of the class gathered around the two and the teacher struggled to gain control.

"Swing Storm. Don't wimp out like you did for the wrestling team." Johnny said, lightly shoving Danny. Danny ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"Fight. Fight. Fight." the rest of the students chanted.

"Stop this! Now!" the teacher shouted trying to regain control. Danny lightly shoved Johnny back, but due to his strength Johnny went back into his group of jocks.

"Danny Storm that is enough! You will get to calm down in detention later!" the teacher shouted, finally getting between the two. Danny and Johnny stared at each other as the bell rang to signal it was the end of the class.

"Watch your back Storm. It's not like you have anyone else that will." Johnny said, grabbing his bag and walking backwards to continue staring down Johnny. Danny balled up both of his fists and struggled to contain his anger.

* * *

"Yo. Pssst. Dude!" Javier whispered loudly to Cooper who was seated next to him in one of the classes they shared together. Cooper sighed and looked at his schedule. It was only third period. Cooper looked over at Javier who smiled widely.

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