Chapter 15 - Jade's Story

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Age 7

"Too slow Cooper." one of the kids teased. The bigger kid kicked the other kid in the stomach a few times before punching him across the face. The beaten down boy laid on the ground aching in pain as the three bigger kids walked away and left him there. A small amount of blood dripped out of the boys mouth and onto the floor while the blood on his face slowly began to dry.

Jade was standing against the wall in the dark hallway as the three boys left the bathroom and walked in the opposite direction, not noticing her and leaving the younger and weaker boy to deal with his wounds. She peeked around the corner, seeing the boy lying there and felt an anger grow inside of her. At the same time the feeling of sympathy filled her, replacing the anger and she stepped into the doorway.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked. The boy looked up and saw Jade standing in the doorway and staring at him. He nodded his head and slowly picked himself up, groaning as his ribs ached from the repeated kicking.

"I can go get-" Jadel began to say.

"No!" the boy said quickly. "No. They just hit harder."

"Okay..." Jade responded, walking over to the boy who was sitting against the wall and holding his stomach. She took some toilet paper and used it to wipe away the blood on his forehead. "I'm Jade."

"I'm Cooper." he said, looking into her eyes as she cleaned him up. "You might not wanna be seen with me. They'll hurt you too."

"No. They won't." Jade said, sitting down next to Cooper.

* * *

"Hey!" Jade shouted, causing three older boys in the foster home to turn and look at her as they were gathered in a circle outside on the steps. The leader of the group smirked at her as she marched up to him, her fists balled up.

"What can we help you with little girl?" he asked. Jade quickly punched him across the face, taking him by surprise as he felt a sudden ache in his jaw. His hands went to it quickly, holding his chin as he looked at the girl in shock.

"That boy you beat up... you mess with him you mess with me. Got it?" She ordered. The other two bullies looked at their leader, not sure how a seven year old had been able to cause him pain.

"You're gonna hear from Miss Greenberg for that!" he shouted at her. He couldn't help but shake in anger, pushing past her as the two other bullies were left embarrassed. Jade smirked to herself though, knowing Cooper wouldn't have to worry about getting beat up anymore.

* * *

Age 13

Jade sat on her small bed, a book in her lap as she read it to herself. The younger kids of the foster home filled the building with screams of joy and fun, but she couldn't feel that. Cooper had been picked to go to a home, and she hadn't felt the same since. The other teens tried to get her to get up and have fun, while all she wanted to do was read and stay inside.

"Jade, come on." one of the kids said, appearing in the doorway to the shared bedroom. Jade looked up briefly, shaking her head as her eyes went right back down to the book. The kid sighed, turning to the hall and saying "She said no again."

Footsteps filled the air as the kids ran down the stairs and Jade looked up at the doorway. She sighed to herself and slowly stood up, closing the book and putting it on her bed. Jade walked over to the window, looking out at it and seeing kids running around on the sidewalk, laughing, smiling, and just generally having fun.

"I miss you." she whispered to herself. Jade turned around, heading back to her bed where she climbed onto it and laid down. She shut her eyes and soon fell asleep.

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