Runaway Lux Baby

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           "Last looks, boys!" Lou called in a whisper-yell.

            They lined up, letting her adjust their hair just before they ran onstage.

            Harry smirked at me.

            "Wanna give me a kiss for good luck, Gia?"

            The crowd was roaring and the music was already starting.

            "That's your cue, Cheeky." I said, cocking an eyebrow.

            "I kiss you good luck, Hawwee!" Lux said.

            Harry leaned down, kissed Lux, then winked at me just before he ran onstage.

            The concert was wicked. I'd never actually seen them play live. Lou, Lux, and I sang along in the wings; I even danced with Lux a little. (Apparently, Louis had already taught her how to "Stop the traffic and let 'em through.")

            The changes ran smoothly. Not to mention that I was probably the only girl in the fandom who had seen 5/5 in their underwear. At the same time.

            I'm gross, I know.

            But anyway, the show was great.

            "I neeeeed that one thing!" Lux and I sang.

            Lou tapped my shoulder. "Having fun?"

            "Best. Ever," I replied.

            I reached down to grab Lux's hand, but when I looked down, she wasn't there.

            "Oh, Jeez! Gia, go get her!"

            I looked over and saw Lux waddling through the wings toward the stage.

            "Lux!" I hissed, crouching down to chase her.

            She was out there. It was too late. I reached out to grab her but she darted forward.

            "Hawwee!" she giggled, running towards him.

            Suddenly my ears clouded with noise.

            Oh. Crud.

            I stood up straight and tried not to be blinded by the stage lights....because I was onstage.

            I was going deaf, I swear.

             "Everybody say hello to one of our new stylists!" Harry said, picking up Lux. "Lux, why don't you tell everybody who she is?"

            Lux leaned into the mic. "This my Auntie Geeyuh!"

            Liam was taking my hand, pulling me towards center.

            "Lux's cousin, Gianna Miller, everybody!" Louis introduced me.

            I smiled and waved sheepishly.

            Niall put his mic to my face. "Hi!" I said.

            Harry looked at Lux. "What do you have to say for yourself, Missy?"

            "I watch from here?" she asked innocently.

            Harry looked at me, and I looked at Lou, who nodded.

            "We can stay!" I reported.

            "Yaeee! Play da music!" Lux cheered, sending the crowd into a chorus of "awww"s.

            I held Lux while the boys got started on the next song. Soon enough, the two of us were dancing and the boys were coming up to give us the occasional twirl.

            As soon as they started "Kiss You" we became a full part of their choreography. Liam was mock-waltzing with Lux and I was singing along to the first verse arm-in-arm with Harry and Zayn. Niall even picked me up and spun me in circles! I was honestly a little sad when I had to go offstage for the last change with Lux in tow.

            "Weehee! That was fun!" she said.

            I fixed Harry and Niall's hair before they ran back onstage.

            "Having a good time, yeah?" Niall asked.

            I nodded. "It's amazing."

            He leaned forward and gave me a hug. "Good." 

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