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The tour bus life was, in a word, exciting.

            After every show, we’d all pile into the bus and hop into our bunks to get as much sleep as possible until the next morning. Once we got to a city, we’d goof off for a day, have a quick rehearsal for a show the next night, and then back to the bus, back to the road.

            We made our way along the top of the map: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan Wisconsin, North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, and then we headed down through Colorado, Utah, and Nevada.

            After our show in Vegas, we were finally ready for California. Two shows and then we had a two week vacation on the beach. El, Dani, and Perrie would be flying in tomorrow to meet us there at our beach house.

            “Caaalliforniaaaa…” I sang, following Lou onto the bus. The boys were dragging their feet behind us.

            “Tired?” I asked.

            “Yeeeess…” they groaned in unison.

            I pulled my suitcase from one of the compartments in the hall and pulled out some PJs before running into the bathroom to change and remove all my makeup.

            When I flicked the light off and stepped back into the hall, everyone had already piled into their bunks for the night. I tucked myself into bed and drifted off to sleep to the sound of the tires rolling on the interstate.


            I was standing outside the mall, around the corner, exactly where I’d been attacked by those superfans.

            “Harry?” my voice said, even though I wasn’t in control of my voice at all. “Harry, where are you?”

            “Gia? What’s going on?” Harry’s voice asked. I looked around for him, but I couldn’t find him. His voice sounded mechanical, like it was coming from a phone receiver.

            “Harry I’m here! Help!”

            Why do I need help?

            “Have enough to drink babe?”

            I turned to the voice that I knew all too well. The memory I could never shake. The most horrifying night of my life. What always amazed me was that no matter how drunk I had been that night, I never blacked out. I remembered every terrifying detail. And right now I was reliving the beginning in my dream, because when I turned to the voice, I found myself in a dark, loud, crowded party, where Jason was standing all too close to me, gesturing to the empty plastic cup in my hand.

            My vision was lagging and my words were slurred.

            “I’m not your babe, silly. Where’s the booze? I’m so thirsty…”

            He led me from the dance floor to the table where the drinks were. I reached for a bottle of beer, but Jason handed me another cup.

            “Here,” he said.

            Don’t drink it.

            I tilted my head back and downed the whole drink in one gulp. But it smelled funny. And it tasted weird. I instantly became completely disoriented.

            I felt Jason’s hands on my waist from behind. He was attempting to grind on me. “Let’s go upstairs, Gia…” he whispered.

            Run. Run. Run. Run.

            “No…I wanna party…the party’s right here….”

            He was pulling me towards the stairs and I couldn’t resist. “Nah, babe, the party moved up here…come on…”

            “Where’s Karen?” I asked, still unable to struggle against him.

            “Don’t worry about Karen. She passed out a little while ago. We were making out and she was totally wasted.”

            “Gia, tell me what’s going on right now!” There he was! Harry! Where is he? He said he’d protect me! Where is he!?

            Jason led me unto the bedroom. I was collapsing on the bed, Jason climbing on top of me, kissing my neck sloppily and heading straight for my chest.

            Harry….make it stop…make him stop…

            “Maaake him sttttOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” I screamed with all of my being. I was trying to kick, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs, but my body didn’t respond at all. All I could do was sit there as Jason wriggled out of his clothes.


            I closed my eyes and instantly felt myself being shaken. There were no more kisses. There was no more Jason. All that was there was Harry, shaking me awake.

            “Gia! Gia, I’m here!”

            I shot up, sobbing into his bare chest and holding him tight to me, sure that I wouldn’t lose him.

            “Harry! He was doing it to me again! I couldn’t stop him! I couldn’t do anything and you weren’t there! Jason had me! Where were you?”

            “Sh…Gia, it was just a nightmare…”

            “No, no, no….” I shook my head. “It was real. It was all real.”

            He rubbed my back and smoothed my hair. “He’s not here. It’s just me. I’ve got you. I’m never letting you go.”

            I tried to calm down, letting all of my tears spill onto his chest and shoulder.

            I leaned back onto my pillow and wiped my face of my tears and sweat.

            “Think you’re gonna be okay?” he asked, standing up.

            “NO! Don’t leave! Please!” I jumped on him again, clinging to him.

            “Oh….okay,” he half-smiled.

            “I want to sleep with you.”                     

            He looked around for a minute, and then nodded. “Okay.” He lifted me and carried me across the aisle to his bunk, snuggling under the covers with me.

            I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but I couldn’t shake the memory.

            I whimpered and buried my face in his neck.


            “It won’t stop!” I cried.

            “Shh….what can I do?”

            “Just talk to me.”

            “Okay…did you enjoy the show tonight?” 

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