1/ New School

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General POV

It was Millie's first day at a new school, school had only been in session for a week or two, so she isn't too behind.

Sophomore year. GREAT, Millie thinks to herself. She has to walk to school, she lives pretty close, so it'll only take her about five minutes.

Millie brushes her teeth, takes a shower, gets dressed, all the stuff you do in the morning. And then she's ready and out the door to walk to school.

Once she arrives, Millie heads to the front office to get her class schedule, and her locker number and combination. Along with a 'buddy guide' - someone who has to show her to around the school.

Millie's buddy guide is a overly perky red head with blue eyes. She's pretty, but a little bit, tiny bit annoying, in Millie's opinion.

"Hi! I'm Sadie, I'll show you to your locker!" She says cheerfully.

"Okay, thanks," Millie responds.

"Okay, here you are. Locker 459, I gotta run to class. Catch you later!" Sadie says.

"Okay, thanks," Millie half shouts back as Sadie runs down the hall, and almost runs into this guy with curly light brown hair.

Of course, there is a couple literally sucking each other's faces inches from her locker.

The girl, brown hair, pulls away, "I better go to class, see ya later."

"Okay," the boy responds, black hair.

As Millie attempts to open her locker, she senses the boy staring at her through her peripheral vision. After to attempts of opening her locker, Millie opens it on her third try. GOD, Millie thinks, SO MANY COMBINATIONS.

Millie places her backpack and two of her books into her locker, keeping four (two textbooks and two notebooks) and shuts her locker. She's shocked to see the boy's beautiful brown eyes still staring at her from right behind her locker door.

"Oh," Millie says," hey." Pretending that she didn't see him stare.

"Hi, I'm Finn," the gorgeous boy says.

"Millie," Millie replies extending her empty hand, expecting him to shake it, like normal people do when they meet.

To Millie's surprise, Finn grabs her hand, and instead of shaking it, he kisses it like they do in old romance movies. This makes Millie nervous, why would he do that for? Her cheeks turn a moderate shade of pink. She brushes a chunk of her short, brown hair behind her ear.

Millie can see other students in the hall stare and at the situation, one girl gives her an absolute death glare. Oh no.

Millie laughs awkwardly, and slowly pulls her hand away.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," she says.

"Nice meeting you," Finn repeats. As Millie starts to walk away, the boy realizes he doesn't want her to leave.

"What's your next class?" He asks, "I can take you."

"Honors Math grade 10, with Mrs. Dasanjh room 268, but I don't know where that is."

"Woah!" He laughs," specific. Ooh and an honors girl."

"Haha. Yep," Millie replies, blushing.

"Here follow me, it's on the second floor. I have that class too."


Millie has an odd feeling of happiness, because they had a class together. Something inside her hopes that she has more than one class with Finn.

And with that, they headed towards math together.

A/N: hey guys, another Fillie fic and I haven't even finished the other one... I know! But I had this idea and I couldn't let it go. I hope you enjoy. Also, in this story none of the cast are in Stranger Things or act.

If you want you can check out my other Fillie story. In this one, they are in Stranger Things, and they're filming season three.

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