22/ Dreamer

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Please read my author's note at the bottom when you're done reading 💗

Later that week in theatre class, both Millie and Finn sat in their seats next to their friends, and waiting anxiously. Mr. Anderson looked even more happy than usual, his smile was bright as he called names for role.

He clears his throat, "Today class before we start, I have an exciting announcment."

Millie squeezes Finn's hand, thinking this must be it. Sunddenly both of their heart rates kickstart, nearly beating out of their chests. Millie inhales a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

"So earlier this week I had some students audition for a new Netflix Original Movie, let's just say I know the director, we were great friends in performing arts college, and I pulled some strings," Mr. Anderson starts, multpile audible gasps escape the sea of theatre students.

Millie turns over to see Caleb and Sadie literally shaking, just like Gaten and Noah? Why are they so nervous, Millie and Finn auditioned, not them. Unless...

A loud, rather british sounding gasp escapes Millie's mouth, some students laugh, but Finn's eyes just widen.

"Millie?" Finn whispers, "I think that our friends may have a-"

Mr. Anderson speaks into his microphone, "Could I please have Millie, Finn, Sadie, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb come up onto the stage please?"

Millie swallows the lump in her throat, and still holding Finn's hand, walks up to the stage alongside her friends.

"Oh my fucking god," Gaten whispers, this makes Sadie laugh.

Once they're all up on the stage, Mr. Anderson clears his throat, you could literally hear everyone's heartbeats.

"So my friend, the director called me and..... I'm proud to pronounce the new cast, of the Netflix Original coming out next year, Origin!" Mr. Anderson grins, spreading his arms out as if to say "hug time bitches." The fellow students appluad them, some jealous, and some just fucking ready to see that movie already.

"OH MY GOD!" Millie and Sadie squeal in unison, while hugging Mr. Anderson. The boys join in shortly after.

It was the most beautful, heart warming, group hug anyone in that room had ever seen, with literal tears running down Millie's face, she proceeds to jump into Finn's arms.

"I think I'm dreaming, what are the odds that we're ALL in a movie together!?" Millie exclaims, slightly out of breath. Finn hugs Millie and pulls away slightly.

"I have no idea, but this dream, its real," Finn says, leaning in.

They kiss infront of the whole class, it was short and soft but it was probably the best kiss they've ever shared.

"Aweeeee," Says literally everyone.

"I love you guys so much, and there isn't anyone else I'd rather film my first movie with," Millie says, still crying tears of joy.

"We love you too Millie, " Noah says.

"Preach," Caleb adds.

"Well said," Mr. Anderson claps his hands.

The groups of friends hugged in a circle, some still crying, and some not. This was the end of the beginning, a start to a completely new, and different story in their lives.

"Now," Gaten pulls away from the hug, "who's ready for some fucking icecream!"

"Me!" the group shouts between giggles.

Their lives just took a huge turn.

~ The End ~

I hope you noticed the not so subtle hinting at the possibilty of a sequel, if ya'll want one.

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