21/ Audition

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*time skip*

Millie and Finn stood hand-in-hand. Hearts beating against their ribcages, they walked forward. Both are extremely nervous. Finn could feel Millie's hand shaking under his own.

But Finn kept her calm, he squeezed her hand gently.

"You'll do great," he whispers to her as they push open the black, ebony door.

Millie breathes in slow, "So will you."

They walk down the hallway, looking for the right room.

Millie pauses and turns towards Finn, "I can't believe Mr. Anderson did this, how is this happening? I must be dreaming."

Finn cups her cheek, "It's completely real Millie, Mr. Anderson saw real potential in us, and this is an opportunity of a life time."

"It's always been my dream to become an actress," Millie looks into Finn's deep brown eyes.

"This is what I want to do with my life," Finn adds, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

Millie smiles widely, "I am so helplessly in love with you."

Finn's breathing hitches at the mention of the word love. He melts.

"I love you too, Millie."

Millie stands on her tippy-toes and pecks Finn's lips.

"I'm so nervous," she admits with a shaky breath.

"Me too, but that's okay. It's natural to be nervous. Just don't let it get in the way of what you want to do."

Millie nods her head, "Mr. Anderson is such a great theatre teacher, I can't even-"

Finn places both hands on Millie's shoulders, "Are you ready to ace this audition with me?"

"No, not really, oh god."

Finn furrows his eyebrows, "Come on Millie, you're amazing. Now come on we don't want to be late, we're lucky we even get to audition."

Millie nods her head, and takes a deep breath.

"I'm ready."

"You promise?"


They found room 11 and entered.

"Hello, are you two here to audition for Origin?" Just a random name for a movie or something...

"Y-yes," Millie replies.

"Great. I'm Matt Duffer, and this is my brother Ross Duffer."

"You two will be auditioning for the roles of Ella and Mark, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct," Finn says as confident as he can manage.

"Okay, let's begin."


They exited the room after their audition.

"I think we did really well," Finn says to Millie.

"Honestly, me too," she replies as they walk down the hall.

"I really hope we both got the part, but if not, that was really cool, just to audition," she says, holding Finn's hand.

Finn nods his head, "Yeah, it was."

They leave the building and head to Millie's house. In the car they listen to they're favorite songs that they share, screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

When Millie and Finn walk through the front door her mom is waiting in the kitchen, an angry expression plastered on her face.


"Mom, didn't you get my voice mail? Mr. Anderson surprised today us and got us an audition for a Netflix show!"

Millie's mother's anger melts away, and a smile spreads across her face.

"Oh my goodness, Millie that's wonderful!" She walks up to Millie and pulls her in a warm embrace.

"Oh I'm so proud of you!"

"Mom, calm down. We don't even know if we have the roles yet," Millie says with a small frown.

"But you got an audition right? And I bet you and Finn will land the roles!" She says smiling.

"It's possible," Finn says and wraps an arm around Millie's shoulder.

To be continued...

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