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Its been three weeks since the kiss between Finn and Millie. Nothing crazy has happened. Just the usual, school projects, acting scenes and hanging out with friends.

Finn took Millie on their first official date, they went on a picnic to the lake, they ate, talked, and listened to music. At one point, they even took a nap.

But today is Romeo's big party that he's throwing. Millie does not want to go. She told her friends she wasn't going, but they sucked her into the peer pressure vacuum. She was dreading it.

Sure, Romeo seems nice now, maybe even a changed person, but who knows if he is or not? Millie decided she will not wear a skirt at all costs. She put on a pastel pink T-shirt swith black skinny jeans, and white converse. She tied her hair into cute little half pigtails She looked adorable. To wrap it all up, she worse a thin black choker.

Millie used a bit of makeup, just a tad. She put her phone on her desk to charge and looked in the mirror.

Not bad, she thought.

Finn was coming to pick her up soon, so she started checked to make sure she had everything she needed in her bag.

"Earbuds, check. Charger, check. Money, check. Keys, check. Emergency sleepover kit, check."

Millie was always really prepared, she often over packed when going to sleepovers. Like always over packed, but she always forgot something. She locked her door and shoved her keys in her bag.

Ding dong, the door bell rang. Millie grabbed her mini black backpack and her phone, she opened the door and greeted a smiling Finn. She locks the door behind her.

"Hey Mills," he says in that voice that simply could give anyone chills.

"Hey," Millie tries to imitate an equally captivating voice, it's seems to work a bit as he is caught a off guard.

"...Oh yeah, let's go," Finn said, whipping around.

He opened the car door for her, "M'lady."

"Why thank you sir," Millie said in an ever more posh accent. They laughed together.

They arrived at Romeo's house, it looked even bigger than Millie remembered, but it was still the same house.

"Woah," Finn exclaimed.

Millie grabbed Finn's hand, "Shall we?"

"We shall."

They walked in the door to see a circle of people playing "two options" it's basically dare or dare.

"Gaten your first option is you have to take a hit from my cigarette, or you have to kiss... Sadie," Cole said.

Sadie's eyes widened.

"Fuck man, you know I hate cigarettes. You did that on purpose!" Gaten says, half mad, half laughing.

Cole grins.

"I choose option two," Sadie's eyes open wider.

Gaten leans in and pecks her lips quickly. You can literally see the relief on Sadie's face, she was still trying to get Caleb to date her.

"Millie! Finn! Why don't you join us?" Gaten asks.


"Why not."

Millie and Finn sat in the circle in between Gaten and Cole.

"Ah. Even better," Cole says. Millie giggles.

"Okay Finn, two options. Option one is chug a 16 ounce beer, option two is karaoke any song in the living room, in front of everyone," Gaten said mischievously, knowing he'd probably choose karaoke.

Finn thought hard, he decided he was never drinking at a party again until he was of age. Plus, he knew Millie would hate it if he chose to chug a beer.

"Ugh, damn it Gaten! Okay... karaoke."

"Okay here we go, this is happening."

"Karaoke in the living room!" Caleb and Gaten shout together.


Finn clears his throat, and nods at Gaten as a cue to play the music.

*Finn sings El Scorcho by Weezer*

"God damn you half Japanese girls, do it to me very time. Oh the red head said you shred the cello," Sadie flips her hair as Finn sings.

Finn locks his dreamy eyes with Millie's, "And I'm jello, baby!"

Millie smiles widely as Finn sings his funny song, he was really good. And his voice was kind of raspy too, it sent butterflies down Millie's whole body. Half of the girls were drooling over him, Millie knew that.

When the chorus came, Finn pulled up Courtney, a half Japanese girl, and Sadie, Millie's red head best friend up on stage.

This made Millie fume inside, sure it went along with the lyrics. But Millie was his girlfriend, not either of them. Courtney and Sadie were dancing up on stage with Finn. Millie felt her whole face grow hot. She started to walk away from her front row seat as Courtney got toooo close to Finn, putting her hands on his neck.

Finn shrugged Courtney's hands of of him.

Shit, Finn thought. He led the two girls back off the stage when the next verse came.

"I asked you to go to a Green Day concert, you said you'd never heard of them."

Finn noticed Millie walking away, so he hopped off the stage and grabbed her arm, pulling her up onto the stage. She rolled her eyes, trying to pull back.

"I'm a lot like you so please, Hello, I'm here, I'm waaaiiiting. I think I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me."

Millie smiled as Finn wrapped his free hand around Millie's waist, and sang to her. Staring into her smiling eyes.

When the song was over, Finn was slightly out of breath, but he leaned in and kissed Millie anyway, on the stage, in front of everyone.

There were whoops and 'oooohs' from the crowd, followed by an applause. Millie smiled wide.

That's my boy.

What a great start to the night.

To be continued...

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