8/ Kiss Kiss

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The friends arrived at Gaten's house. Millie locked her car, and started walking with Romeo to the front door. They rung the door bell and it opened, revealing a smiling Gaten.

"Come in dudes!" He says with a surfer- dude accent. This makes Millie laugh, Romeo forces one out, trying to sound convincing.

They walk into the living room and see their other friends already sitting in a circle, ready to play duck-duck-goose.

"Okay who's ready for seven minutes in heaven?" Gaten asks placing an empty bottle on the floor.

Millie's face grows pale. Not again, she thinks back to her 8th grade year, nearly two years ago. Noah nods his head in disapproval.

"Uh, that's a little much, don't you think?" Millie says, still scared. Noah slightly nods his head in agreement.

"Nah, nah. We won't do anything serious, or anything," Caleb brushes Millie's comment off. Gaten nods.

"Okay.... Noah! Spin. The. Bottle!" Gaten says pointing to Noah. He sounds like a talk show host.

The bottle lands on Gaten. We all laugh.

"Well..." Gaten says still laughing.

"Let's go," Noah says.

They head into the closet. Noah sets a timer on his phone.

"So," Noah says.

"Can we sit down?" Gaten asks.


The two boys sit down and start asking each other silly questions.

"Favorite Harry Potter book/ Movie?" Gaten asks.

"Bruh!" Noah exclaims, "That's an impossible question."

"Okay, okay. Ever kissed a girl?"

Noah's face turns bright red, "Uh, you see, I-I... no."

"No?" Gaten says, sort of surprised.




"How many?"



"Ever kissed a... boy?" Noah laughs.

"Uh... ... ... Yeah."

Noah sort of chokes, "What? How?"

"Well, you see. Last year I was-" Gaten was cut off by the timer.

"Oh! Timers up, gotta go," Gaten says nervously and walks out of the closet.

Noah internally screams, dang it.

"Okay next up, Sadie! Spin the bottle!"

She spins its, and of course, Millie thinks, it landed on Finn. Millie felt a rush of hot jealously warm up her cheeks. Sadie has somewhat of a satisfied look on her face, and Finn's mouth is smirking. But to Caleb and Gaten, the smirk didn't seem genuine.

Millie was on a "date" with Romeo, but some part of her wishes that Sadie and Finn won't do anything in there besides talk. But we all know, they're not going to just talk.

For the first two minutes, Sadie and Finn stood in awkward silence, smiling shyly at each other. They talked for another minute.

Hard To Get: Fillie Where stories live. Discover now