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I spent the rest of my weekend watching Netflix and doing homework. Finn must've tried to call me about forty times, and Sadie. I muted the group chat because I was being bombarded with messages.

Ugh, I don't know what they were even trying to do. As I finish up my last math problem, I'm just about to use the square root function on my phone calculator when Finn calls.

This time I decide to answer, "What do you want Finn?"

"Oh my god Millie, hi! I didn't think you'd pick up, I was-"

"Finn you have three seconds to start explaining or I'm hanging up. Three..."

"No no no! I'm sorry okay let me start. First I want to say that we're all really sorry Millie, especially me. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wanted to see if you were serious about me, if you'd get jealous,"

I scoff into the phone, "To see if I'm serious about you, are you kidding? You're the one who's the hard-to-get, school player?" I snap at him.

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"I'm sorry Millie, I thought it was a good idea at the time, I thought that once you found out it was a prank you'd laugh... I-I... can I talk to you in person, please?"

Millie hesitates, "Fine."

"Okay I'll be over in five."

Millie tosses her phone on her bed and decides she should brush her teeth and her hair, it's a Sunday, morning... well it's almost 12, buts that's besides the point.

Millie barley has enough time to change before Finn arrives, in fact, she just put her shirt on before the door bell rang.

She opens the door to see Finn holding a yellow rose and two daisies, and a box of pizza.

Millie's face softens, and her heart melts. She smiles, he's so fucking sweet holy sh- no Millie you're mad at him!

"Come in."

I lock the door behind him and we head up to me room.

"So uh, where's your mom?" He asks casually.

"Brunch with a friend," I reply.

An awkward moment of silence passed.

"Thank you," I start, "for the flowers... and the pizza."

Finn smiles, "It was the least I could do."

I take the flowers and put them in a vase in my room, I set them on the window seal, pretty.

"So, talk," I say while opening the pizza box.

"I'm sorry that we played that prank on you, it was a stupid idea and not much of a prank to be honest. But we didn't kiss I swear on my pet hamster's grave."

The part about his old pet hamster makes me giggle, but then I stop myself because he told me how much he loved that hamster on our first date.

"Yeah," I say, picking up a slice of pizza, "it was a real shitty thing to do."

Finn looks down, frowning. I hate to seem him sad, but he deserves it.

"What about the picture of you on Sadie's Instagram?" I bite into a piece of cheese pizza.

"I actually don't know what that was about, I think she put it there as a joke, a lead up to the prank?"

I nod, not fully believing it.

"Why did you want to make me jealous?"

Finn looks back up at me, his brown puppy dog eyes slowly melting my protective armor.

"I-I, I don't know I guess I thought it would bring us closer together?" Finn shakes his head. "No that sounds ridiculous I'm stupid, I don't know it was like a part of the old me, I guess I'm just so-"

"Hard to get?" I finish for him quietly, with a small smile.

"Yeah," he stares into my eyes, I feel my face flush.

Oh Finn how do you do this to me?

"I don't know Mills."

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did."

I face-palm myself, and Finn laughs, his real, beautiful laugh.

"Want some pizza?" I say, waving a slice in front of his face.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He smiles.

I sigh, "How could I not?"

He smiles wider, eyes light up. I melt.

"Well there's something else I want," he says.

"What? Pepperoni?" I ask genuinely.

Finn pulls me into a hug, my heart flutters. His arms are warm.

"I'm sorry," he whispers in my ear.

I pull away from his hug slowly, so I'm still really close to his face. I look at his lips to give him the que.

But right as he leans in, I take a bite of pizza.

He laughs and makes a pouty face at me.

"Want some pizza?" I repeat.

He shakes his head at my behavior.


To be continued...
Jesus Finn you better not screw up again. But I thought this was really cute so tell me if you liked it.

Hard To Get: Fillie Where stories live. Discover now