11/ Flashback

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Warning: this chapter contains slightly more mature content. When someone does something even when they're told "no"

*Millie's eighth grade year*

"Oh come on Millie, we have to go. Its. Cole's birthday party, for christs sake."

"Okay fine, but if anything bad happens I'm leaving."

"Yes! Thank you Millie you're the best girlfriend ever."

"About that, Romeo, I thought that maybe it's t-time that we... ya know, went on a date?"

But Romeo didn't seem to hear her, he was playing a game on his phone. Millie clenches her jaw slightly.

"See you later, Romeo."

When Millie had gotten home from school, she did some math homework, and then decided to start getting ready. She put on a black skirt, a white and black tripped top to tuck in, a jean jacket and her favorite converse.

Millie applied a bit of perfume, and a bit of lipgloss and she was ready to go

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Millie applied a bit of perfume, and a bit of lipgloss and she was ready to go. Her dad drive her to Cole's house. (They're dads were good friends) Millie held an envelope in her hand, containing a card and some money.

Once they got there, her dad kissedher cheek good bye. Millie just hoped that nobody saw, because that's embarrassing!

"Bye Millie, be safe and have fun! Call me if you need me to pick you up."

"Okay dad, love you," she says as she gets out of the door.

Inside the house was unlike an Birthday party Millie had ever seen. No bounce house, or piñata.... but she realized that's for younger kids. She was a teenager now, of course there was no bounce house.

She met up with Romeo and Cole, giving Cole a big hug.

"Happy Birthday Cole!"

"Thanks Mills," he replied cheerfully.

Seems like a harmless birthday party right? Well it's not. There were all sorts of snacks now, and drinks- not alcoholic drinks, thankfully.

Romeo and Millie we're sitting on the couch, eating some chips when someone shouted, "Seven minutes in heaven!"

Millie's breathing had immediately hitched, she was only thirteen! She had never played this game before either. She tried to keep her cool, steadying her breathing. She couldn't make a fool out of herself in front of everyone.

"Who's going first? How about the schools cutest couple, Millie and Romeo!"

Oh god oh god oh god, Millie panics inside her head. Romeo and Millie have kissed before, but seven minutes! What if he were to... he wouldn't, he loves Millie and respects her. He wouldn't do that. Millie reassures herself.

Romeo grabs Millie's hand, "Let's go."

They went into the closet, someone outside had started the timer. Immediately Romeo began to kiss Millie, this caught her off guard, but she enjoyed it.

"I love you Millie," he breathes into the kiss.

Millie pulls away for a few seconds, "I love you too."

Romeo's grin grew wider.

Then, he pulled her closer, sliding his hand up and down her arm. They pull away for breath, and reconnect. His hand goes up her stomach, and keeps going up until-

"Romeo!" Millie whisper yells, as he starts pulling down the hem of her shirt to see her bra. She slaps his hand off.

"I only wanted to see it," he said sheepishly. Millie laughs it off.

They kiss again, only this time Romeo is rougher, both hands on her waist. He pushes her at the wall. Stepping back to look at her.

"I knew you'd wear that skirt."

"What?" Millie asks.

"It's your favorite skirt, right?"

"Um, yeah it is," Millie says, kind of giddy because he remembered what her favorite skirt was. She thought he was so sweet.

Romeo grins widely.  He walks closer and starts to slide his hand up Millie's leg, getting closer and closer to her skirt. This shakes her out of her lovey- dovey thoughts.

"Romeo what are you doing, stop!" She says, her voice loud.

He doesn't stop, he reaches her skirt.

Millie try's to push his hand off, but he's stronger than her. Her eyes begin to water and she starts to sob.

"Stop! No Romeo stop!" She screams in between sobs, but he covers her mouth, and his hand goes up her skirt, pulling it off. He stares at her underwear for a second. He then kisses her neck while pulling her jacket off.

Millie takes this opportunity to pull her skirt back up, grabbing her jacket. She runs for the closet door, but he pulls her back.

"HELP!" She screams as Romeo kisses her, sliding his hand up her shirt this time. She's pulling away frantically when Cole opens the door.

Romeo flinches, slowly pulling away from Millie. Still crying, she runs into Cole's arms, sobbing into his shoulder.

"What the fuck Romeo!?" Cole yells angrily.

Romeo shrugs, "She wanted it."

"And how the fuck would you know that? She told you no!" Cole spits back, still comforting a crying Millie.

Romeo opens his mouth to say something, then shuts it. Millie gathers up the courage to turn around, walk up to home and *SLAP*, right across the face.

"We are over! You- you asshole!"

Millie takes the birthday card out of her huge jacket pocket, fumbling with it for a second.

"Here Cole, happy birthday. I'll talk to you later."

She walks out the front door into the yard, still crying and calls her dad.

*end of flashback*

Millie's eyes jolt open, she's in her sleeping bag, wedged in between Finn, and... ROMEO! Millie just relived the moment in a nightmare, her eyes were watery and her heart was still racing from the night mare. She flinches at the sight of Romeo.

Millie silently escapes her sleeping bag and slips into Finn's two- person sleeping bag.

He stirs in his sleep, but when he opens his eyes he smiles, wrapping an arm around Millie. She turns towards him and buries her face into his chest, not wanting him to see her cry for the fifth time in the last 24 hours.

To b continued...
Now you all know.

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