16/ Crystal Ball

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"One. Two. Three," Millie whispers to herself. Her eyes are uncovered

Where am I, what's going on?

All of the sudden, a bed appeared. Not just any bed, a bed with navy blue covers and white pillows, Finn's bed.

He was there, freckled skin and dark hair. Flushed cheeks.

Millie couldn't see his lips, they were connected to someone else's. Millie felt a pang in her chest, in her head. Like weights dragging her down to the floor.

Finn was shirtless now, Millie couldn't believe her eyes, she tried to escape the room, but she couldn't walk. She was frozen. Her eyes welled up with tears.

She was being held, by hands, she couldn't see who the hands belonged to, but they were holding her arms tight.

She was forced to watch, her beloved Finn, makeout with another girl. Millie tried to turn her head, but another set of hands held her head to look straight forward.

"WHAT KIND OF SICK TORTURE IS THIS!" Millie tried to scream, but it was nothing but a quiet echo.

The girl had taken her clothes off, left in her underwear. Finn seemed really happy about that.

"F-Finn?" Millie stuttered.

The two teens were giggling.

He looked at her, for a second. That's when Millie realized who the girl was, it was Sadie.

Her best friend. Her hair went from regular red, to flames, smoking up the room in a cloud a dark grey.

It was hard to see through the smoke and ashes coming from the fire Sadie had started with her hair.

But Millie got the point, they weren't just kissing. Hot tears stung Millie's eyes and ran down her face, slowly melting her, the hands let go of arms.

And Millie dropped to the floor.



Millie shot up in her bed, her cheeks stained with tears and her breathing fast.

Realizing it was a dream, Millie calmed down. But why would she dream about something like that?

Why was the dream so scary? Fire, hands, melting? It was a very vivid nightmare. Why was Millie being held against her will to watch?

Millie opened her phone to try and take her mind off of it.

She scrolled through Instagram, Sadie had a new post.  It was a picture of Finn, and the caption was the heart eye emoji.

Millie's blood boiled. Why would she post that?

My dream... I thought it was just a dream. But is Sadie into Finn?

Millie's mind swarmed with thoughts that consumed her in curiosity and anger. A weird combination.

What if my nightmare is showing me some version of the future? Like a crystal ball.

To be continued...
Sorry for the short, weird chapter. Scary dream sequence, let's we how this plays out...

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