4/ Swimming p.2

537 21 11

Finn's POV

I grinned as Millie splashed around in the pool. I look over to my left, where Sadie and Caleb are still struggling to get into the pool.

"OOH. Oh god!" Sadie exclaims, in a high pitch.

"Ahh!" Caleb screams with an even higher pitch. Gaten and I laugh.

"Come on! You pansies!" Gaten shouts.

Millie swims over to Sadie and grabs her arm.


But it's too late, she pulls Sadie into the pool. This is followed by a few shrieks from Sadie.

"Now it's just you, Caleb," I say.

"Come on Caleb," Millie says in the most adorable British accent I have ever heard.


About three minutes later, we finally managed to get Caleb into the pool. I look over at Millie, who is staring across the room, eyes lit up.

"There's a water slide!" She exclaims cheerfully.

"Hell yeah!" Gaten shouts.

"I'm down," Caleb says.

Fuck, I hate water slides, you could even say I'm scared of them.

"Ugh, fine," Sadie says slowly.

"Woo, water slide!" I say, I get a weird look from Caleb, he knows I hate water slides. Also I did not sound convincing just then...

Millie's already getting out of the pool and walking over the slide, it's pretty big, not huge or anything. But still pretty damn big. Oh god.

We all get out of the pool and walk down to the far edge where the slide is, the ceiling is up very, very high, so there's room for the slide. A life guard in the corner is just on his phone, what a great job he's doing. We walk up the stairs, being careful not to slip and fall, since they're wet.

"I CALL FIRST!" Gaten says, giggling.

Millie scoffs, "Okay."

I gulp, in a few minutes I'll be the one to ride down that slide. I don't even know why I'm so scared, omg we are up really high.

I hear myself swallow really loudly.

"Finn?" Millie whispers in my ear, "you alright?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," I say, a tiny bit shakily.

"Don't tell me the Finn Wolfhard is afraid of water slides?" she teases.

"I'm not," I whisper yell, as we hear Gaten's voice- cracking whoops going down the slide... and then a distant splash.

"Me next," Caleb exclaims, getting onto the slide, the lifeguard in the corner nods.

"Wee!" Caleb screams as he pushes himself down the slide, going straight down, steep. Then going upwards kind of like a ramp, being flung off the slide, basically, and landing in the pool.

Shit, shit, SHIT!

"Millie, your turn," Sadie says.

"Uh, you go first," she says. Sadie shrugs and gets on the slide. Once she pushes off, she screams the whole way down. This doesn't help me at all. My heart is pounding. I'm breathing faster.

"Finn, it's alright. It'll be fun, you'll see."

I gulp and shake my head.

Millie grabs my hand, and some of my fear seems to go away. Her touch calms me a down a little somehow.

"We can go down together, okay?" Millie says reassuringly. I nod my head.

"Do you want to sit in front or back?" She asks.

"Uh... back?" I ask, Millie nods and sits down at the edge of the slide, and pats the space behind her. Oh no, oh NO.

I sit behind her, and I hold onto her waist, my legs at her either side.

"Okay, 3...2...1," Millie pushes off, I instinctively hold onto her tighter, we go straight down, super fast, may I add.

A little girl scream escapes my mouth, Millie laughs.

"WOOOOOHOOOO," she exclaims with her adorable accent. I start to see light, the big leap is coming.

"AHHHH!" I hold Millie even tighter. We gather speed, and start going up the ramp.

Soon enough, we're both in mid air, falling towards the pool.

We both scream. SPLASH!
We scramble to come up for air.

Millie comes up shortly after me, smiling with her mouth closed. I'm about to say something, and then.....

She fracking spits water in my face! She giggles. A/N: mwahah got you there!

"Your giggle is the most adorable thing I've ever heard," I blurt out. Shit!

Millie's cheeks turn a brilliant shade of pink. I can only imagine that mine are the same color.

"Oh..." I say, "and you're so dead!" I exclaim. Millie screams and starts swimming away from me. Gaten laughs and gives me a thumbs up. Meanwhile, Sadie and Caleb are chilling, or should I say warming, in the hot tub. BA DOOM TSSS! No? Anyone? Okay.

To be continued....

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