15/ The Lake

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"But just for the record, Wolfhard," Millie says while taking off her shoes, "You are not seeing me in my underwear."

Finn raises his eyebrows, "So you're going to swim with all your clothes on?" He says sarcastically.

"Not exactly," Millie says while digging into her mini backpack.

Finn takes off his shoes, socks and his shirt. When he turns around, Millie is in a red, one piece swimsuit.

Finn laughs, "Okay, how the hell did you do that?"

Millie laughs, "I'm always super prepared."

Finn shakes his head grinning, "And how did you change so fast?"

Millie folds up her clothes and sticks them into her bag, "You'd be surprised by how many situations I've been in that required me to change into a swimsuit in a very short amount of time."

There was a small moment of silence.

"Don't ask," Millie says.

"Swimming in your jeans, Finny?" Millie asks in an innocent tone.

"Well it depends if you're comfortable or not with me... not swimming in my jeans."

"Well," Millie says, scratching her chin, "I don't want you to get your nice jeans wet and I know it's a super weird feeling to be in soaked jeans."

Finn smiles.

"But," Finn's smile fades slightly, "I would really prefer if you kept your jeans on," Millie finishes.

"Of course," Finn says. The last thing he wants to do is make Millie uncomfortable after what just happened.

"I still can't believe you brought a swimsuit!" Finn chuckles.

"There's no such thing as too prepared!" Millie replies enthusiastically.

"But seriously Finn can we go swim now I'm really hot," Millie says, wiping her forehead, even thought the sun has already set.

"Race ya!" Finn shouts and bolts towards the lake. His feet hit the soft sand, but he trips because of the uneven ground.

Millie slows down for him to get back up, and they continue the race.

Millie splashes into the water, "I win!"

"Only because I fell!" Finn says.

"I waited for you!"

Finn stays silent, she's right. She won.

"Okay, okay. You won."

Millie smiles, "That's what I thought."

Millie walks deeper in a gracefully dives into the clear, cool water.

Finn watches in awe as Millie comes up for air, slicking her short hair back.

"Finn the water is perfect, you have to come in!" Millie says.

Finn smiles, and falls backwards into the water, feeling the sand swirl beneath his feet.

Neither Finn or Millie went to far in, they both made sure their feet could touch the ground, other wise they might drift to far into the lake.

While Finn was relaxing, floating on his back, Millie quietly dipped into the water.

She swam under the surface, towards Finn, she got closer and closer. When she finally reached him, she jabbed her fingers into his sides, the ultimate tickle-attack.

Finn jolted in surprised and splashed around laughing as Millie tickled him.

"I'm getting you back!"

He grabbed Millie by the waist and tickled her in the shallow water.

Her laugh is the cutest thing in the world, he thinks.

While tickling her, Millie's head went underwater, bubbles escaping her mouth as she laughed. But she was under for too long, and started the slap Finn's arm, kicking her legs.

At first, Finn thought this was just because he was tickling her, but he realized Millie had been underwater for a while. Not too long, but maybe Millie wasn't good at holding her breath! He stopped tickling her right when her body went limp.

Finn panicked, he pulled Millie out from the water immediately, putting his ear to her mouth to see if she was breathing.

She wasn't. Finn's heart dropped, immediately picking up pace and pounding at his ribcage.

He hurried to the sand and set her down. He plugged her nose and took a big breath, breathing into her mouth. He paused, and did it again. His mouth touching hers once again. Finn could've sworn he felt her kiss back.

She started coughing, or it sounded like coughing until she broke out into a huge fit of laughter.


"That's what you fucking get for tickling me so hard!" Millie shouts in between giggles.

"Millie you scared the shit out of me!"

Millie calms down, "I'm sorry, but never tickle me in a body water again."

Finn nods.

They sat down at the edge of the lake, so that their feet were in the water and when the tide came up slightly the water would splash them.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Millie asks, dreamily starting at the sparkling water beneath the moonlight and stars.

"Yeah," Finn breathes.

He looks towards Millie, her eyes were twinkling in the moon light.

"I always thought the ocean was blue," Finn says, Millie cuts him off.

"The ocean is blue."

"Until I looked into your eyes," Finn finishes.

This spreads a smile over Millie's flushed face.

Finn just looked at her, waiting for a response. Millie smiled wider, and leaned in and placed her lips onto his.

This really was perfect, both Millie and Finn knew that this was going to be their spot. They felt it.

To be continued...
Cute Fillie chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

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