10/Teary Eyes, Stary Night

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Most of the friends were settling into their sleeping bags. But Millie slipped away, she had this ability to become like a ninja, invisible. She escaped the room without anyone noticing, and went outside onto the balcony.

The air was cool and refreshing, it was dark out. Millie laid on her back and looked at the stars, finding constellations, and making her own up.

She just kissed the guy she liked, why did she feel so horrible?

He's kissed so many girls, including her best friend. That's just.. weird and upsetting. Millie takes a deep breath.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated?" She whispers to herself.

No matter how hard Millie tries, she can't draw a clear picture in her mind.

"Ugh! I can't think straight!" Millie whisper yells. She just checks her phone, 12:47 a.m.

Millie closes her eyes.

"Millie?" Someone whispers.

Millie's eyes jolt , that frightened her. Her heart races slightly as she looks around, still laying down.

It was Finn.

"Millie, what are you doing?" He asks.

"Oh, just you know. Catching some fresh air, star gazing."

"Millie, I just saw you sleeping." Finn says, holding back a grin.

Millie checks her phone, 1:02 a.m.
WHAT? She thinks to herself. She looks up at the beautiful night sky.

"Kind of breathtaking, isn't it?" She says staring at the sky.

"Yeah, sure is," Finn replies, staring at Millie, not looking up once.

Millie stands up, "I guess your wondering why I'm out here."

"Little bit."

"Well, I uh guess, this is all just weird ya know?"

Finn nods, although he really has no idea what she means.

"Maybe not you, but four minutes before you kissed me, you kissed my best friend and for what? Because she's good at it?" Millie says quietly, still staring into the distance.

Finn stares at the polish on her nails, connected to her fingers, connected to her hands, which are holding the balcony railing. He walks over to her.

"Millie, I- I'm sorry. It's just-"

"You're hard to get?" Millie scoffs.

"Not in the sense that I play hard to get, because on that aspect it's really not hard at all. I-I mean I'm hard to understand. "

Millie nods, not looking at him.

"Maybe I'm easy to get, easy to kiss, easy to date, but hard to love."

This switches Millie's mood around. That was really deep, and kind of sad.
She touches his cheek.

"Hard to love, that's why you date so many girls? To see if any of them would actually care to get to know you?" Millie says, eyes glazed. She never thought about it that way.

"None of them knew anything about me, nothing that everybody else didn't already know."

Finn nods, his eyes are shiny from new tears.

"I want to know everything." Millie says, her breathing hitched.

Finn smiles, that is more than he could've ever hoped for.

The stars reflect off of their teary eyes. Millie inches towards him, still holding his warm cheek. Millie smiles.

Finn leans in to kiss Millie, but she stops him.

"Finn it's like past 1 a.m."

"Just one more minute."

To be continued...
Hi guys, I bet you are wondering what happened with Romeo and Millie in middle school, find out in the next chapter.

Hard To Get: Fillie Where stories live. Discover now