Chapter 13- Despa-shit-o

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Finna get lit to this jam 


It was nearing the end of the night and I had been sent out to get more milk and things for the Alphas as they sat through their meeting. It was dark, the night sky blanketing the quiet street, street lamps flickering on as I walked with my hands deep in my pocket, thinking. 

Merrick and I hadn't spoken since the bathroom- but I could feel his gaze on me as heavy as any burden. His body heat had been like my own personal fire, warming me more the closer he got. And I noticed- noticed the way he moved milimeters towards me, body angling in a such a way so that he could watch me from the corner of his eye. 

A small part of me smiled. The rest of me made a figurative eye roll. 

A shop's lights winked at me a few meters ahead and I strolled in, taking note of the two bored teenagers at the counter, an old man buying some groceries and a dressed up pretty woman in the corner, eyeing a box of condoms. I mentally wished her luck then grabbed four bottles of two liter milk, going to the counter. 

"That's ten dollars fifty." The bored teenager said, scratching his head. He was nearly half asleep, but looked at me, narrowing his eyes before they widened. 

"Holy shit, you're Karen!" 

I slid the money to him and nodded, a trace of a grin on my lips. "Yep, and you?" 

The teenager- why was I saying that? I'm eighteen- held out a large palm, shaking my hand. "Josiah, I'm friends with Bane." 

"Oh, really? Is he a good friend?" 

Josiah became serious in an instant, nodding solemnly. "Yes Enforcer. He is a great friend." 

I nodded, pleased and amused, before leaning over the counter and slapping him on the back. "I'll see you later!" 


The Pack hall was within reach, so close, before the inevitable encounter with my father came to a front. 

Alpha Gray stepped out of the shoulders, big arms folded over his chest as he practically radiated the power that came with his pack. I frowned and kept walking, bowing my head in his direction before going to open the door- that was, until he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, a harsh pull that had me gasp. 

"We're going to talk." 

There was no give in his voice and I sighed, turning around. "Yes, Alpha Grayson?" 

He clucked his tongue, familiar green eyes flashing. "You're coming back home." 

"I am home, Alpha Grayson." 

He flicked his hand, brushing me off. "You don't know what that means Karen, just pack your things. You'll be coming back with me tomorrow." 

Resentment and a fresh anger bubbled up, stiffening my muscles as I struggled not to snarl. "I am sorry Alpha Grayson, you'll have to talk to my Alpha about me leaving this pack. And in all reality, I don't want to leave." 

I turned to leave, but his hand shot out, gripping my wrist in a vice like clasp. "What you want doesn't matter Karen. Now do your duty and don't disgrace your family any longer." 

I couldn't hurt him in anyway- that would guarantee a war between our packs, since father would most likely blame me and try to have me killed. I growled and wrenched my arm from his grip in an almighty pull, so much force behind my pull I stumbled forward a few steps. 

"I am not apart of your pack or your family Alpha Grayson. As soon as you broke that link, I became nothing to that pack- but I suspect I was nothing to you far earlier." 

His eyes were only on our broken link, hand still grasping empty air. 

"Now, leave me alone." And there was nothing subordinate about my tone. I walked back inside, bag of milk still in my free hand, and I winced, other wrist hurting a bit. Stupid shithead, he had probably fractured my wrist. 

Merrick was beside me in an instant, taking the bag, intense gaze on the fading marks around my wrist. I shook my head and walked back to the Alpha's side, feeling as soon as Alpha Grayson walked back in. Merrick placed a hand on Alpha Luke's shoulder, stopping him mid-speech. 

Merrick grabbed my arm, sniffed the air, then growled so low and so angrily my heart nearly stopped. All murmurs came to an abrupt halt as Merrick's presence filled the room, red eyes brightening to an almost iridescent scarlet. 

And then he was gone from my side, sprinting over to my father with a roar that set my hair on end, grabbing him by the throat and shoving him into the ground with an impact that had the floor cracking. 

"Did you touch her?" Merrick growled, teeth bared and canines elongated. He looked...ready to kill. The very embodiment of animosity. He roared when my father didn't answer, tightening his grip as Grayson tried to get free, clawing at Merrick's arm. 

He held Grayson down with just one arm. 

"Did you touch her?" Merrick roared, rage coating every syllable as the sound of his voice vibrated the room. 

Grayson could only wheeze out a small "Yes" before Merrick picked him up, drawing back, before throwing him into the back wall, completely busting it as Grayson toppled through the wall, concrete debris falling to the ground. Merrick was on my father in an instant, claws bared as he snarled at him. 

"You don't touch her, breathe near her, even fucking think of her at all. If you do- I will find out, and I will slaughter you, your family and your whole pack in a bloodfest you won't be able to stop me from doing." 

His voice rang out clear, no matter how low it was, and I realized it was a warning to all other Alphas too. 

He cared that much? 

Merrick stood, traces of wrath still evident on his rugged face as he walked back to us, body tight with controlled rage. 

Alpha Luke nodded at his enforcer, some unspoken masculine thing, and Merrick stood by my side, fingers gentle as they came to my wrist. 

I frowned, pulling away and stepping back. Merrick's brows furrowed and a pang of hurt ran through his eyes before he masked it and I scowled. 

I gestured to two spare enforcers, then leaned down to my Alphas. "May we retire for the night, Alphas?" 


I grabbed Merrick and we walked outside, when we were a safe distance away, I tutted, fingers hovering over the healing scratches over his arms. 

"Be careful, Merrick." 

Merrick froze, going still as I went over his injuries. I glanced at him, "What?"

"You said my name."


Merrick bent his head, but not before I saw his lip tilting upward. "First time." 


I let go of his hand and walked to his jeep, leaning on the door. "Let's go back. We need to clean you up and have dinner." 

Merrick's gaze flicked over, something in them that I didn't want to understand. He jumped in the front seat and I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. There was a pitter patter in my heart, something that concerned me. 

But what concerned me even more, was the way I had nearly ran to him, when my father had clawed his forearms. 

Or was it the way my breath hitched when he touched me. 

Either way...I didn't know what to think. 

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