Chapter 14- Sweatshirt

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My boiiiiiiii Jacob Shit-on-my-uterus


Apparently, as I opened my bleary eyes to a world I relearned, I had slept in my clothes and boots. When I looked down, taking the blanket off my body, it was a truth. 

Sleeping in your clothes is one of the most uncomfortable things ever, just short of being shackled in silver. Although, I may be saying that as more of a moany teenager, than actual discomfort. 

A cup came down in front of me, held by a huge hand that had tattoos twirling up towards his fingertips. Merrick looked me over, then pushed the cup forward more, insisting for me to drink. I rolled my eyes but took the cup, sipping the drink before wrinkling my nose in disgust. 

"What is this? It tastes like shit." 

Merrick turned away and walked back to the kitchen, since I was asleep on the sofa, and switched the kettle on. "One of Lily's brews. She works as an intern to the pack doctor." 

I nodded and counted to three before chugging back the whole cup, almost retching as I swallowed. Disgusting. Just disgusting. 

"We have the ball tonight, right?" 

All the Alpha's families would come just for tonight, to mingle and do sociable things like that. I had only been to one before, and it was the most boring thing I ever had the unfortunate privilege of going to. 

My mother had forced me into the poofiest dress she could find, trying to add some sort of curve to my hardened body. Didn't work and I looked like a chocolate cupcake. 

"We're off duty tonight. We have to go as members of the ball, not security." 

My head snapped to him, mouth slack. "What?

Merrick glanced my way as he poured two cups of coffee. "We have to go and get our clothes today. Be there by seven tonight." 

I was still reeling, fully awake and with a bad taste in my mouth- not just from Lily's concoction. I stood, "wait. So you're going to have to wear a suit?" 

The only flicker of emotion on his face was the discomfort in his milisecond wince. If he was going to be as uncomfortable as I would be, then I was definitely going. Even if I had to wear something as stupid as a floor length dress. 

"How's your wrist?" 

I leaned on the bench next to Merrick, taking the extra coffee cup and sipping. "It's alright."

Merrick put his cup down and touched my wrist, gentle and as light as a feather. So different from the ragr driven man I had seen last night.

"Thank you Merrick. For last night. Thank you for...doing something I didn't expect you to do. You didn't have to." 

Merrick looked away, hard face flashing with something so dark that it took me a moment to realize what it was. Pure, unadulterated wrath. 

"My pleasure. There will be many more times I will have to...act out, and please do not hold that against me. I expect your father won't give up." 

Neither did I. But his concern was touching. "I won't hold it against you. For me, the urges are there, but for an Alpha male like you... they must be overwhelming." 

Merrick nodded stiffly, and for once, maybe for the first time, I gave him a smile. It was small, tenuous but undoubtedly there and Merrick went completely still as he caught it. 

"Thank you for your actions in protection of me. I can tell you are trying to treat me better, and leave me to my own, thank you for letting me try to forgive you by myself."

I shrugged a shoulder, placing my cup down and reaching a hand out to settle on his shoulder. "I will try harder to be better. And if you do to, I think we can make something  out of what the Moon Goddess has given us." 

Merrick stepped forward, grabbing both my hands and palming the few scars that remained there. He nodded, red gaze on on my wrists.

And judging by the warmth that surged throughout my body from his touch, he was more than ready to make something of this. 

And I was ready to forgive. 


SHORT CHAPTER I KNOW, but I now tutor like fifty people at school, so.....slow updates. 

Sorry fam. 


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