Chapter 17- EHEEHEEHEE

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You won't regret it.


An ocean was what I was swimming in. An ocean of by-God-it-hurts-make-it-fucking-stop. I never did like the beach though, so it made more sense that my association of pain went straight to the beach. 

I grimaced in a bed I didn't remember getting into, barely opening my eyes to wince away from the too bright light. 

"Someone turn off the lights- yes, you, you're right fucking next to them" A familiar voice snarled, and the overwhelming light dimmed, no longer hurting my sensitive wolf eyes. My fingers felt normal, as did my teeth, and I realized it was just my eyes that remained changed. 

I forced them back to normal, then opened my eyes fully, waiting for my vision to clear. Lyle, Alpha Grace and Bane all sat in the room, and when I looked to my right side, I found Merrick. Awake, face hard and searching my face for any pain. 

He found it as soon as I moved, my whole face contorting with the effort it took not to cry out. That rogue had nearly ripped through my whole side, and I looked down, relief spilling through me as I realized I was fully dressed. No one would be able to see the top of my back, or my legs. 

"Kar? Are you okay?" 

I gave him a look, gesturing weakly to the IVs attached to my body. "If the rogue had succeeded, I would be all right"         (A/N AHAHAHAHAHAHAH) 

I laughed loudly (and I heard a giggle from Luna Grace), then instantly regretted when my wound seized up and tears welled up in my eyes. Merrick growled, a frustrated rumble that made me move my attention to him. His face was strained, fingers curled in the edges of the blanket on my bed. 

I wonder how he had reacted. The ferocity in his eyes dimmed a bit when he noticed I was staring at him. 

"It was just a joke Merrie." 

His lip curled back from his teeth, "Don't." 

I rolled my eyes, "Make me. But you can't stop me from doing anything since I'm hurt, and you have to look after me and do whatever I want. Sick people rules." 

He scowled darkly, face setting in that stubborn way of his. "I was going to anyway." 

Aww. My heart warmed and I smiled at him, feeling something stir in my messed up stomach. It was relaxing and invigorating being in his presence. One part of me wanted to run forever and live with the land and air- the other part of me wanted to let his scent overwhelm me and just lie there breathing it in. 

Maybe it was the drugs. 

"So. What have I missed? And how long have I been out?" 

Luna Grace came to the other side of my bed, eyes red from probably crying. She had cried for me. 

"Well. All the Alphas took over after Merrick left the battlefield, bringing you here to the infirmary. There wasn't that many rogues left from you and Merrick, but Luke is questioning them right now. He sends a 'get better soon' also. Most of the Alphas have left back to their packs, but have extended favour onto you and Merrick. Oh and you've been out for two days." 

Pack favour? Shit. They must like us. Pack favours were when you could go through their territory anytime, or stay with the Alpha family at anytime if you needed to. Since wolves were stereo typically very territorial, it was a huge deal. 

And two days? Shit. I had an assessment due yesterday. I tried to sit up, biting my lip when a lance of pain ran up my left side. Merrick cursed and helped me up, snapping at Bane to get another pillow. 

I waved them off. "Can I go home now? I have an assessment to start that was due yesterday." 

Lyle and Bane laughed, leaving the room after Luna Grace. Merrick sat by my side, forehead on the bed, and his hand stretched out so close to mine. The need to touch him came then, feel my mate's skin after being in so much danger. 

I gently grabbed his hand and brought it to my lap, settling my other hand over the top. It felt nice. It felt good. It felt right. 

Merrick stared at me, and I squeezed his hand before lying my head back onto my pillow. Another, larger hand came on top of mine and I smiled sleepily, now, able to go back to sleep. 


Just something to tide things over. 


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