Chapter 15- Ballin with a Baldy

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That baldy is Merrick. Not edited. 


Choosing a ball dress. For the love of the moon Goddess, why couldn't I choose a playsuit instead? 

Merrick didn't look any more enthused, eyeing the array of tuxedos with mild discomfort and disgust. He picked up a sleeve of a blazer then practically threw it back again, lips thinning. 

" I don't want to do this." 

I patted him on the shoulder, nodding my head in agreement. "Join the club. Let's just get this over with and then go and get some food since we have the day off." 

He grunted, clearly unhappy, but still went to the rows of tuxedos. "Where do I even start?" 

This was somewhere I could help-Moses always needed my help with choosing suits, and it was probably the only thing my father ever liked in me. I walked to a particular rack, dark, stony tones with no patterns or embellishments. "This rack. Choose from these sets, then get the blackest dress shirt you can find, but no tie." I gave him another once over, mentally very appreciative, and nodded. "Get a blazer with no buttons. And some dark grey wingtips." 

He raised a brow, no doubt wondering how I knew so much about suits. I shrugged in answer, walking back to the dresses. 

"I know what looks good on people. And you're definitely not ugly, so you're easy to dress." 

There was some silence after that, and I didn't look back to see his reaction at my kind of compliment. Plus, I was struggling enough with thinking about what I was wearing myself. It would be my first night 'on show' for any other pack, since my father didn't host a debut for women in my old pack. And being the only female pack warrior, deputy warrior, and the mate of Merrick Bale meant I had to look really fucking good. Reputation mattered- especially  to a pack as strong as Caneblood. 

I sighed, flicking through the dresses until I paused on a near emerald green dress, like a jewel with strong rays of light shining through it. It was a beautiful silk material, off the shoulder and pooled at the cleavage, cinching the waist and falling to the floor in an elegant stream of material. 

It called to me. 

I pulled it out, could practically feel what I would look like in it and looked at the price tag. 

"Fuck. Me." I breathed, eyeing the generous amount of zeroes. I may have had money from my jobs saved up, but paying this much for a dress? Even a perfect dress? 

"Pass it here." A voice murmured behind me, calloused hand already reaching out for the dress. I turned, holding it to my chest and shaking my head. "What for?"

"Just give it to me" 

I frowned. He probably knew I was too poor to pay for it, and was trying to take the decision away from me. Which was a good idea, considering I was leaning towards buying it when my bank account was like 'Oh no honey, what is you doing?' (A/n my wallet whenever I go to buy sushi for lunch for the fourth day in a row, when I know damn well I have a packed lunch)

Merrick took the dress out of my reluctant hands, and I nearly cried as I watched him take it. My beautiful baby. I spotted a suit cover in his other hand, and looked back at him. 

"You've bought already?" 

He nodded then handed me the suit, jerking his head to the toilets. "I'll be back." 

I shrugged and went back to looking at dresses, trying to find something within my budget. It was a sad and lonely search, one that was accompanied by my distaste for all the dresses that were stocked in front of me. 

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