Chapter 7- I Got Issues

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I was now even more infamous than before. People stared as I went for runs with Lyle, immediately turning away from me as soon as they caught my eye. And always, always, their eyes flicked to the still healing rings around my neck. 

It was stifling and downright annoying- people talking about me but never too me. A part of me wanted to hear what they said- the more reasonable part didn't. Judging by the pitiful or angry looks I receive almost constantly, it wouldn't be anything I would like. 

"The Alphas want to talk to us" Lyle murmured over coffee, drawing my attention away from my buttered bagels. Bagels were the best. 

"Really? what time?" 

He looked at his phone again then checked the time. "In about half an hour." 

I nodded again, sitting back in my seat. I had been at Lyle's for only two days- but that was a long enough two days for nearly every pack in this territory to find out what had happened to me. The troublesome daughter of Alpha Jay. Lyle had been by my side through the whole thing, helping me stand back up on my own two feet and be the person I was so recently. 

It was amazing how much locking up a girl could teak before finally breaking down. 

"Well. We better get changed. Ice cream?" 

"Anything for you." 


The Alpha's house was large but not daunting. It had a cozy yet powerful feel to it, a familial landmark in the middle of a supposedly bloodthirsty pack. 

Lyle kept by my side and we walked in together, silent as we waited for the Beta to send us to their office. To my surprise, Luna Grace walked down the stairs and smiled at us, a kind of sympathy in her face that hardened my face. 

Sympathy was never wanted in the Jay house, and definitely not by me. 

"Luna Grace" I stiffly bowed my head. Her smile faltered for a moment before she nodded back. "How are you feeling Karen?" 

"I am fine, thank you for asking Luna." 

There was a kind of annoyance and anger in me, stemming from one fact. They hadn't known- or chosen not to know- the reality of how misgynistic their enforcer was. I didn't know which was worse. 

Luna Grace swiped her eyes over me, holding my stare for a moment too long before she gestured for us to follow her up stairs. 

I inhaled deeply to help calm myself down, and stopped in my tracks. 

Leather, lemon and pine. 

"Is Enforcer Bale here?" 

Luna Grace nodded slowly, watching my face shut down. Lyle's hand entwined in mine, squeezing it briefly for strength. I exhaled and followed Luna Grace up the stairs, feeling myself get tighter with every step I took. 

She opened the door and walked in, me following a few seconds after. 

A growl rumbled through the room, Merrick's eyes on Lyle's and I entwined hands. I didn't let go and bowed to Alpha Luke, keeping my attention on him, despite the fury that was pulsing through the room. 

"Hello Alpha Luke, thank you for having us today"

Lyle murmured the same and his hand tightened around mine. Alpha Luke nodded in return, eyes flicking over me briefly. 

"I trust you are well?" 

"Yes. Thank you Alpha" 

He gestured to the seats and we sat, my face avoiding Merrick's glare. 

"Over the past few days we have been deliberating on your...situation with your mate, Karen." Alpha Luke said, eyes flicking over to Merrick. 

"Luna Grace and I have come to the decision of splitting you apart. Karen, you may stay with Lyle for the time being and will begin high school with the daughter of our beta, Lily. You will also be given a job that is to be chosen by you and Luna Grace, which you will discuss after." He took a breath, as if what he would say next would be something I wouldn't like. 

"You have to spend an hour a day with your mate, Merrick Bale. The Moon Goddess doesn't give partnerships for no reason- and we believe in this pairing."

I straightened, back ramrod straight and held back a snarl. "Do you want to know how I feel about this?" 

Luna Grace nodded quickly, not hearing the malice behind my words. 

I stood and bowed my head to the Alpha for letting me speak and then directed my furious gaze to my intended mate- who stared at me right back with nothing stirring in his eyes. 

"My name is Karen Jezebel Jay and I am an Alpha blooded werewolf who has been discarded by her home pack and family. I came here for a better life- and because I had no other choice. I also wanted to try to become what Alpha Luke and Luna Grace see in us. But you fucked it up. I was ready to negotiate some things, and sure, I might be a pain in the ass with my attitude and personality- but that is the only way I know to survive. So yeah, you might be some amazing warrior wolf with millions of wolves fearing you- but a mate isn't supposed to fear you. I'm meant to love, cherish and support you- but how can I do that when you destroy my sense of self worth, safety and desire to be happy?" 

I sighed, running a hand through my hair but keeping my attention on his cold, cold eyes. 

"We could be good together- amazing even- but I really don't see that right now. And I don't think you ever did. I deserve more than that, something I think even you know, but just ignore. I'm so angry at you- so, so, so angry at you- but am tired too. So for now, when we have our scheduled one hour together, leave me be. Just leave. Me. Be." 

Silence resonated through the room at my words, Luna Grace's sniffles the only thing penetrating it. 

Merrick opened his mouth, something flickering in his gaze before he clamped it shut. 

"Alpha Luke, Luna Grace, may we leave now?" 

Alpha Luke nodded, face grave and concerned. I bowed low, gripping Lyle's hand tightly as we walked out, letting my tears fall freely. 

Maybe I wasn't meant to be happy. 

Or maybe I was just meant to hurt. So I could get strong again. 


I have made too many stories and updating them all is fucking me up. 

Thanks for reading


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