Chapter 19- Sissy That Walk

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I have a biology internal due this week (one we have had four weeks to do) and I haven't STARTED SHIT OMFG. 

Please pray for my soul and sanity. 


The healer was a kind looking man who had soft-looking blonde hair and even kinder blue eyes. He kind of looked like Moses- just with cerulean irises instead of brown. 

The healer- named Fallon- looked me up and down before pulling out a notepad and pen. My hand subconsciously went over to Merrick as my heart beat sped up. I could feel Merrick's eyes on me, but his fingers slid through mine- a silent steel that helped me push through. My experiences with my old pack doctor hadn't been great.

No, that was wrong. My experiences with my parents at the pack doctor hadn't been great. 

"I've noticed your rate of healing is much slower than that of a regular wolf. Has your past doctor given an explanation?"

I reiterated what I had told Merrick a few minutes before, brows furrowing when his expression became less than believing. 

He tapped a pen against his lips and frowned. "That wouldn't make sense- as most wolves are bigger than their human counterparts. No, I'm sure this is something different, something deeper."

My grip tightened around and I leaned forward, immediately wincing at the pain that shot through my abdomen. "What do you mean?"

Fallon shook his head and stood up, grabbing a book off his extremely full shelf. "In history we have seen wolves who are as big as Merrick are- but they are a small handful.However, we have never seen a female wolf as large as you are Karen. I don't think you both being mates is a coincidence also. There's something I've forgotten, I'm sure of it." 

Merrick and I looked at each other, something foreboding in mine-nothing in his. He just stared right back at me, pulling my hand onto his lap and stroking his thumb over the top. 

It had an instant, calming effect. 

I exhaled slowly, feeling my nerves leave me as Fallon sat back down. He flipped through another book until he made a noise of triumph, opening to the page he was trying to find. His eyes quickly scanned over the page, face paling as he read further. 

Anxiety sprang up, and I spoke. "What? What is it?"

Fallon pinched the bridge of his nose before breathing out and looking up at me. "I was wrong. There has been one case- a long long time ago- of a female wolf who was your size." He mulled the words over in his mouth, seemingly oblivious to the anticipation in the air. 

"And?" I asked.

Fallon sighed. "When she was younger, her parents realized how strong she was. They poisoned her as a child to suppress the werewolf healing gene, which ended up with her growing up without any ability to heal at the rate a normal werewolf would. When she turned eighteen her parents had her ripped apart by wolves in their pack, because of the threat she displayed to them." His gaze moved to the ground, the air a lot more...heavy than before. 

My stomach churned at the information, and I processed it quickly. "Do you parents did the same to me as a child?"

Fallon nodded his head slowly. "It is plausible-very plausible if the stories about you being locked up are true." It was a question, one I could tell he was sorry to ask.

I nodded stiffly, appreciating when Merrick's hand squeezed around mine. 

Fallon shook his head again, anger and disgust plain on his kind face. "I am glad you are in this pack now. No matter how strong a wolf is- they should never be put through that." He bit back a snarl and looked back up at me. "Your parents may have given you a dose of the same poison, just at a lower concentration. Which is why your healing is accelerated, but not as strongly as a normal wolf's is."

Merrick replied before I could. "Is there anyway to get it to the normal level?"

Fallon thought, going back over the contents of the book. "I do not think so. That poison is said to have no antidote, simply because the plant used to make the poison is so rare itself." He gave me a sad look, but one filled with belief. 

"You are a strong wolf Karen. And you have a strong mate. I do not believe this will handicap you in any way other than being a bit more careful on the battlefield."

Merrick frowned, and I placed my other hand on top of his, calming the nerves I saw in his eyes. He was worried about me. 

I then took a deep breath and proceeded to tell Fallon something I had never told anyone before. If he broke my trust, Merrick would kill him. 

I drew one of my hands away and focused my wolf. My long fingers sprouted thick talons, the top of my hand became covered in black fur. Fallon gasped, Merrick's thumb stroking my hand paused. 

"Has this ever been seen before?"

And judging by his gobsmacked face, it never had been. 


"Have you always been able to do that?" Merrick asked, stirring some soup that Luna Grace had dropped off. 

I shrugged, trying to remember. "Ah, I don't think so. All I know is that the first time I used it was when I fell down a cliff and my claws dug into the cliff face to keep me from dropping into the sea below."

Merrick paused, raising a brow. "What were you doing on a cliff?" 

"Survival hunts from my father." 

He growled lowly, pouring my soup into a bowl and bringing a spoon to me. I don't know about you, but bringing me a bowl full of soup kind of canceled the effect of his growl. He sat in front of me, frowning when I took the bowl myself and pushed him to sit. 

He leaned back onto my legs, seemingly content at just sitting in that position- even though his impossibly long and muscular legs were cramped up.

"What was your childhood like?" I murmured, blowing on a spoonful of soup. 

He stiffened against my legs, and I knew I had hit something. Something bad. 

His fists clenched on the ground before he raised them and punched into the ground, the impact sending a ripple through the concrete floor. Lucky I had put my soup on the table next to the sofa. I wasn't afraid though, I understood the need to be violent when you had a..past. 

He closed his eyes, a bit of the tension running out of his body after his act. He leaned his head on my legs, face visible. 



Wrote another chapter just then because I'm procrastinating. 

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