Chapter 11- Fangy Fanny

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Day Two of the Alpha Convention was much more boring than the eventful Day One. It was just meetings, and since I guarded the Caneblood Alphas, they were the most important people and had to stay at every meetings. 

Lord, end me quickly. 

Nevertheless, I stood tall and fresh beside Merrick, who had let me go for a quick five minute run to get the blood running back to my head. It was surreal really, how much power Merrick radiated. Most of the time- something I finally noticed- he kept a damper on his own power and influence, clamping it down firmly and only unfurling tendrils of it when danger was sensed or expected. 

And when he released the full potential of it- By God, I did not want to be on the other end of that. He had only shown me bits and pieces of his anger, bits and pieces that I didn't like at all. But there was something else he was showing me now- something I couldn't quite pinpoint. 

"Enforcer Jay, will you please excuse me for five minutes?" Merrick murmured, looking towards the door. I nodded and he left so quickly it was like he was never by my side. Alpha Luke took that opening to talk to me, turning in his seat as soon as the other Alphas left. 

"How is the...relationship between you two going?" 

I bit my lip, thinking. "Well, I don't actively try to hate him now. I tolerate his presence. How do you think we are going?" To be honest, I didn't feel a need to be his mate- to go further than what we had now. Only the stirrings in my stomach whenever his scent left me, that occasionally dizzying smell of leather and pine. 

Alpha Luke raised blonde eyebrows, flicking his eyes towards the door. "Good. That's good." 

"Why do you ask Alpha?" 

Alpha Luke gave what might have been a smile, but it fell as quickly as it had come. "You are both incredibly strong pack members- it would be a loss if you hated each other." Alpha Luke mulled something over, thinking back. "Merrick and I have been partners for years. Friends even longer. I know him better than anyone else're good for him." 

I washed my face blank, hands twisting behind my back. "But is he good for me Alpha?" 

Luna Grace watched me closely, hearing the words I refused to say. No one ever thought about what was good for me. Her lips tightened and she spoke. "We will never allow him to do that again. Never allow him to do something of the like ever again Karen. That is the first time we have seen him get so angry- be so open with his dislike." 

She shook her wine red head, sadness a touch on her face. "Nothing condones what he did Karen- and I know you have been through so much, but this is the last thing you will have to try. Try to forgive, try to have the beautiful mating bond Luke and I both know you can have." 

She glanced to the door, understanding in her eyes. "The only person who has ever cared for you in your life was Lyle? Was he the only one who wanted to understand, wanted to know you and extend a loving hand?" 

It hurt to nod. 

She reached out, placing a small hand on my shoulder. "Merrick only has had Luke and I. And even then, we cannot give him the kind of love Lyle offers you Karen. He's out of reach." She exhaled, sitting back down. "He always has been." 

I kept quiet as Merrick came back into the room, questions spinning in useless circles around my head. Where was his family? What made him the way he was? Why was he out of reach? 

He gave me a curious look with those deep red eyes, and I bit my lip, restraining my questions. His gaze flicked to the action, face darkening before he stood at my side, a good foot between us this time. 

Who was avoiding who now? 

The rest of the day went on dully and boringly. There was no danger, no attacks, no inherent jealousies or unmated females wandering around. I suppose that was a good thing, but I wanted to run. To chase. I hadn't shaken it off since yesterday, and it annoyed the furry hell out of me. Especially since I had to go back to Merrick's house and be shut in that man cave. 

Although, it had changed a bit. The curtains were opened before I woke in the mornings, letting light in, there was more furniture rather than the sparse furnishings that had been there before. It seemed a little more...homely. 

"What do you want for dinner?" Merrick grunted, glancing at me as he drove. My stomach chose that moment to growl and I patted it, knowing instantly where to go. 

"KFC. Need me some protein covered in obesity." 

Merrick nodded, pulling onto another road and speeding until he found the drive thru of my red heaven. The smell of fried chicken filled my senses and I sighed, winding down my window more. I could feel Merrick's eyes on me, and we stopped at the booth, ordering. 

"I'll have two three piece quarter packs, two large cookies and cream crushers and a large popcorn chicken please." I looked to Merrick, who I was currently leaning over and raised a brow. "What are you getting?" 

He was impossibly stiff, seemingly uncomfortable with me being this close and I sighed, flopping back in my seat. After a few beats, he relaxed a little, then ordered the exact same thing. He paid- much to my chagrin and after a good five minutes of arguing- and we went back to his house to eat. 

We ate in silence, apart from my less than ladylike gnawing of bones, and finished relatively quick, both sated in a way that only fatty food could give. He held his large hand on his stomach, and literally- I swear his abs just got more defined through the black top. 

So unfair. 

I stood, grabbed the rubbish and threw it in the trash, wiping my hands. "Mind if I use the shower?" 

Merrick kept his eyes closed and nodded, apparently too full to even look at me. I shrugged and grabbed a towel with a new pair of pajamas- a cropped tank top and leg hugging joggers. Joggers gave me life. 

I took a quick shower and used his shampoo since I forgot my own- then for a few minutes, wondered why someone with a closely shaved head would need shampoo. Deciding quickly it was none of my business, I hopped out, got changed and went back into the living room, looking for my phone. 

Where Merrick lay asleep on the couch, my hoodie scrunched beneath his nose, twisted in his hands. 

He slept quietly and I stood at the doorway for a moment, genuinely surprised at the image before me. His long, big body was stretched out, feet hanging off the end of the couch, my hoodie beneath his head and in his tight grip. And for the first time, I saw what Merrick looked like calm. 

It was so beautiful. How did a man as dangerous and rugged as him, manage to look beautiful? I shook my head out of my thoughts and tiptoed away from the room, forsaking my phone and going to my room. 

And for some reason, the image of my hoodie in his hands, made me smile. 

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