Chapter 23

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Things were going alright, I felt okay. Okay was an easy thing to feel. It was noncommittal, it was neither good nor bad, it just was. At least it was better than where I’d been so I reveled in the feeling of okay because I knew what the opposite was and I didn’t want to go back there. I was trying not to.


I got home from Josh’s house and I felt really good, like top of cloud nine euphoria good. I always felt good after visiting his house. Where my house was cold and uninviting, his was warm and welcoming. What I liked about it the most was his family, they cared. They all cared and it felt so nice to be cared about. They were interested in what I had to say and they listened. They didn’t expect anything in return, just a hug and a thank you. I almost felt like crying at how happy I was to not just have Josh in my life but also his family. I didn’t realize how much I missed that, a family.

My euphoric mood didn’t last long, it never did. Everything came crashing down around me when I walked through the door of my house and saw my brother Zack and some of his friends all sitting around the living room. There must have been six or seven guys sitting around. But all noticed was him, sitting on the couch with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. He grinned when he saw me. I froze in place. Vinny.

I felt like I was going to collapse, my breath caught in my throat. I wanted to run to be far away from here. But my mind seemed unable to communicate that to my legs because I remained rooted in the same spot. My brother spoke, “ Hey! There’s my baby brother, you all remember little Tyler. He just tried to slit his wrists like some sort of emo like a week ago, but I saved his life. I’m like a hero or some shit.” He was drunk. All of his friends laughed and they stared at me.

“Yeah, I remember Tyler. Very well,” Vinny spoke. “Is your cock still so cute and tiny?”


“Not much of a talker anymore, are ya? Why don’t you come join us, you can snort a line of coke off of my dick if ya want, I’d bet you’d like that. Zack here tells us you’re a fag now.”

Everyone laughed. They all fucking cackled like it was the most hilarious joke they’d ever heard. I don’t know what my face must have looked like. I don’t know if there is a facial expression for the way I was feeling. “Aw guys, he crying. Be nice! You know how sensitive fags can be they’re just as bad women when it come to emotions,” Zack said.

Vinny leapt up from the couch, holding his beer and cigarette in the same hand he walked towards me. “Come on, come sit by me.” He tried to touch me. I jerked away. “Don’t be like that, come sit next to me, puberty has been very kind to you, let me see just how kind.”

“Don’t fucking touch me,” I said my voice shaking making me seem a lot less threatening than I was trying to be.

“Woah awful hostile for a little faggot.”

“Don’t call me that! You’re the one who raped me, what does that make you,” I said gaining a little confidence as I spoke. I was still shaking. But he didn’t speak. He just shook his head and walked back to the couch. I took this opportunity to turn and run from the house. I ran and I ran. The wind was cold and the snow was slush on the ground. I ran in no particular direction.

Eventually I had to stop. I was out of breath and I was cold. My body shook uncontrollably, my entire being shook. It took me a moment to realize that I was crying, tears were pouring down my face. I collapsed to the ground, the slush immediately soaking through my jeans. I felt bad again. Oh God did I feel bad, it had just surrounded me, all my surrounding sound. I needed Josh. I wanted him.

I was still crying but I managed to make it to my feet, and I looked around where I was. I was about two miles from Josh’s house. I started walking. I had to get to Josh before I did something stupid. Before the bad thoughts made me do something stupid. It took me for ever to get to his house. It was dark and cold, and I didn’t feel like walking but managed to put one foot in front of the other.

I made it. I stood outside his house and tried to wipe off my face with my sleeve before knocking. My teeth were chattering I was so cold. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. Mrs. Dun answered the door and when she saw me she pulled me inside and made me take off my wet clothes. “ “Joshua, get down here,” she yelled. “Tyler’s here and he needs you!”

Josh came bounding down the stairs two at a time and when he saw me he ran to my side. “Ty, what’s wrong?” I just started crying, I didn’t want to talk about it again. He took me into his arms and I collapsed against him. He held me as I cried. It was kind of awkward because I was just in my boxers and Josh was holding me in front of his mom. She just looked really concerned though. About me. That felt nice, that someone was concerned about me. It really did. She left after a few seconds and left us alone.

“Tyler, baby? Everything’s all right, I’ve got you. Shh.”

“I’m s-s-sorry,” I stuttered out between tears. “He was there, at my house. Vinny. With my brother.”

“Fuck! He didn’t fucking touch you did he cause I will fucking end him if he-”

“No he didn’t, I ran out. He just talked to me. He tried to touch me though.”

“Oh god, babe.” He wrapped his arms tighter around me, I nestled against his chest. “You’re staying here tonight okay? Lets get you upstairs and changed into some pajamas, I’ve got an old pair that might fit you. I walked upstairs with him and put on the pajamas he handed me.They smelled like him, I really liked that.

“Lay down in bed, I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go talk to my mom for a second.” He walked to the door and opened it to find his mom standing right by the door about to knock.

“Oh hi honey, is everything alright?”

“Yeah um Tyler’s gonna stay here tonight.”

“Of course he’s more than welcome. Tyler if you need anything make Josh do it for you okay. I’m sure he would anyway because I raised my son right and he knows how to treat his boyfriend.”

I was shocked by her words and looked between her and Josh. “Oh yeah, my mother knows about us,” Josh said sheepishly.

“A mother just knows, plus you too can never stop making puppy dog eyes at each other. Welcome to the family Tyler.”

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. “Everything’s gonna be all right honey. You have us now and don’t ever forget that. We love you.”

She left the room after that and I felt myself about to cry at her words. Josh came and hugged me. “She’s right, you have us now and I love you and so does my family. So you never have to face anything alone.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It was gentle and sweet. And I felt so much more than okay. I felt good in that moment. Good.

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