Chapter 12

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My thoughts were consumed by Tyler Joseph. His smell, his taste, the feel of his skin so soft against mine. It was all completely overwhelming and it had me flying on cloud nine. I scooped him up in my arms, and ran with him in my arms upstairs to my room. My room was the second door on the left, I pushed through the door and walked over to my bed and lay him down on it. I stood there for just a moment looking at him lying on my bed, eyes closed, mouth slightly ajar, face flushed red. Beautiful.

I climbed onto the bed, holding myself up over him, my face just inches above his. “Tyler,” I spoke softly, causing his eyes to open and meet mine. “I just thought that I should tell you that you look absolutely breathtaking right now.”

“Shut up,” he said smirking.

“Make me.”

His arms stretched up, grabbing me around the neck and pulled my face back to his and our lips met once again in a passionate fury. A fiery Tyler was just about the hottest thing I’d ever experienced in my life. Our mouths moved in perfect synchronization against each other. I moaned into his mouth, a feeling of electric current buzzing through my body making me feel alive. I wanted to touch him, to run my hands over his entire body memorizing each inch of him. “Ty,” I said panting, moving my lips off of his for a moment to speak. His lips moved to my neck and a shudder ran through my body as his teeth nipped at the sensitive skin on my neck. “Ty can I touch you?”

“Fuck yes.”

That’s all it took for me to reach down and grab the hem of his t shirt, ripping it off of his body and then taking off my own shirt. My lips moved down from his neck to his chest, lapping my tongue over every inch of his beautiful physique. I smiled when I felt him tense up beneath me as I ran my tongue over his nipples, he was like putty in my hands. I let my hand wander down lower to his waist, where I grabbed him in my hand through his pants, he was already half hard and I had to let out a groan at the feeling of my own pants tightening at just the feel of him in my hand.

I fumbled around and undid the button of his pants and slid the zipper down and then I reached inside of his boxers and grabbed him. An involuntary moan escaped his lips and I smiled and kissed him on the lips as I worked on him. “Come on baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good.”

I moved down his body until I was crouched at his feet, I pulled down his pants and boxers in one sweep exposing his hard dick to the air. “Oh fuck,” he exclaimed as I bent my head down and took the head of his cock in my mouth. He tasted amazing, I was surrounded by his essence and I was entranced. I ran my tongue around the head of his dick and delighted at the way he kept muttering and exclaiming aloud with pleasure that I was giving him.

I took a bit more of him in my mouth and lapped up the precome that leaked from him. It tasted salty and odd but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. “Ugh, Josh, I-I- I’m gonna come.”

I let his hard dick slide out of my mouth and moved back up and attacked his mouth fervently with my own. Neither of us keeping very quiet as I worked on him with my hand, our lips never leaving the other’s body for a moment. He came suddenly without warning, his warm come covering his stomach and my own. He lay there for a moment breathless until he sat up and pushed me down on the bed and clambered on top of me. “Your turn.”

I lie there motionless as he unbuckled my jeans and pushed them down revealing my hard dick to the air. “Oh fuck, you're so big Josh,” He said moaning at the site of me, and I have to admit that I bit back a bit of a smile because isn’t that every man’s dream to hear. He wasted no time in lowering himself down and taking me in his mouth. I almost came the second I felt his mouth on me, so warm and wet. He amazingly took most of me in his mouth rather quickly moving his tongue around my dick, making me squirm with pleasure. I screamed aloud when I felt the head of my dick hit the back of his throat, I couldn’t believe he took me that far. “Oh fuck!”

I didn’t last long after that, I told him I was about to come, and he didn’t move. I came with a quaking breath, spilling into his mouth, with a feeling of disbelief as I watched him swallow every drop of my seed, with a glimmer of pride in his eyes. “Jesus fucking Christ get up here,” I said pulling him up into my arms after he let my spent cock slide out of his mouth. “How the fuck are you so good at that?” I asked breathlessly, holding him in my arms as his naked chest touched mine.

“You’re not the first dick I’ve sucked.”

“Oh,” I said surprised to hear that. “Well then you’ll have to give me some tips, the whole gay sex thing is rather new to me.” “I’d be happy to do that,” he said giggling, his head tucked into my chest. I let out a small laugh at the sight of him and wrapped my arms around him as we lay there in post orgasmic bliss.

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