Chapter 35

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The sun shone high in the sky, the day was crisp and warm. The sky was a sea of blue above us as we sat calmly below. A warm and gentle summer breeze danced around us, bringing a further sense of joy and adulation to the day. The branches of the trees swayed and moved as though they were keeping in time with their dance partner. The wind and the trees were so eloquent and graceful, moving in time together. The wind lead and the trees followed, together they were the perfect pair. 
I sat in the third row next to Josh’s mom, she was tearing up a little. I understood her sense of emotion and reached to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She smiled over at me and I smiled back. Josh sat several rows ahead of us with the rest of the graduating class. Josh was graduating from high school today. I was so proud of my boyfriend. I could see the back of his head where we sat and he was paying rapt attention to the principal’s speech. I was distracted. 
I was thinking of earlier that morning when Josh had been getting ready. I had set his bright red cap and gown out on the bed for him while he was in the shower. He walked back into the room wearing only a towel, he smiled when he saw me. “Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m graduating today. It doesn’t really feel real. It’s all kind of dreamlike.”
“Well I could pinch you if you need reassurance that this is in fact for real,” I replied snarkily.
“Haha that’s okay. I could go for a congratulatory kiss. It is a big day after all.”
“Oh you think you deserve a kiss?” I asked slyly, as I stood there staring at my insanely hot boyfriend in nothing but his towel. It’s not pervy when you’re dating. 
“Um yeah I think so. I am after all your ridiculously smart and handsome boyfriend.”
“You got me there,” I answered quickly before rushing over to my half naked boyfriend. I threw my arms around him and he leaned down to meet my lips. His lips parted against mine and I took in his delicious taste. His towel may have accidentally fallen to the ground, gravity is a pesky thing after all. Josh smirked at me and I gave him an innocent look. I don’t think he believed it one bit, but it was worth a try. I bit my lip and looked up at him, “how about a congratulatory blowjob?”
“Who am I to ever refuse a blowjob?”
I giggled. “You never have.”
“Not when my boyfriend is so good at giving head.”
“What can I say, everyone has a talent.”
Josh just laughed at my words. I dropped down to my knees in front of him and grabbed ahold of his cock in my hand. I was just about to suck him off when a voice called out from the other side of the door. “You two better not be horsing around in there. Mom says you’ve got thirty minutes before we need to head to the school.” Jordan. Fuck. Josh groaned and I sighed and stood up. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Don’t worry I’ll give you even better tonight.”
“I can’t wait babe. But that doesn’t help me now.”
“Oh christ just go jerk off real quick. I’ll get your clothes out for you.”
He picked up his towel and wrapped it around himself before sneaking out to the bathroom. I got his dress shirt and pants out of his closet and carried over the bowtie he’d picked to wear the night before. Then I started to get dressed myself in an almost identical outfit except my bowtie was different than his. He walked back into the room just as I was finishing up. “All better?” I asked him smirking at his unhappy look.
“It’ll have to do,” he said grumpily.
He got dressed quickly and it was then he noticed our almost identical outfits. “Are we turning into that gay couple that dresses alike.”
“Yes. Yes we are.”
He laughed, “okay cool.” 
I walked over to him and he looked down at my arms. I was wearing a short sleeve shirt for the first time in public. His eyes raked over the scars that littered my arm and I watched his expression change from sadness to pride. “I’m really proud of you Ty. You look so handsome today.”
I felt a swell of confidence that I’d been needing with his words. He always knew what to say, he always had. “Thank you Josh. You gave me the support and confidence I needed to do this.”
“That’s what I’m here for babe.”
Jordan called out again for us to hurry our asses downstairs. We both rolled our eyes. Josh leaned down to give me one last peck on the lips before he reached over to grab his cap and gown and we raced down the stairs. I beat him this time. 
Finally Josh’s name was called and he stood to walk up to the stage. He grinned over at us and gave us an excited little wave, that just about melted my heart with his adorableness. He walked up to the stage and the principal handed him his diploma and shook his hand. Then he moved the tassel over and it was official. He was graduated from high school. 
We all cheered and hooted and hollered way too loud but we didn’t care. I definitely didn’t care, I was so proud of my boyfriend. The rest of the ceremony after that seemed to drag on because I was dying to run up to my boyfriend and give him a hug and tell him how proud I was. Josh’s mom seemed to be feeling the same way, we shared exasperated looks with each other. 
Finally everyone had received their diploma and Josh came jogging over towards the family. His mom and dad hugged him first but Jordan pushed me in front of him so I could get the third hug. I got a hug and kiss though so I knew I was special. We all piled back in the car and went out to dinner, we went for mexican food of course because Josh had a certain affinity for burritos. 
That night when we got back to the house we spent the night playing a card game called bullshit with the entire family. I won one game which was fun, but the most hilarious part was watching the ongoing rivalry between Josh and Jordan. It ended after an argument turned slightly violent and they rolled around the floor ‘wrestling’. Then Lorraine had to break them up and announced that the game was over, Hannah and I laughed at the faces our boyfriends made after getting scolded by their mom. 
Then Jordan and Hannah left and Lorraine and Derrick announced that they were going to bed as it was pretty late. Suddenly I realized that Josh and I were all alone in the living room. I stood up from the couch and grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs after me to the bedroom. I told him it was time for him to get his graduation present from me. His face lit up at my words and shook my head at my crazy sex fiend of a boyfriend. I loved this loser. 
We made it to the bedroom in record time, I’m sure we beat our previous record. He threw me back against the wall and his lips immediately were on my mine, rough and passionate. I gripped onto his shirt and held him against me as his lips attacked my neck. I groaned at the feeling of his lips on my skin, it was hard to remain quiet. He only broke apart from me long enough to tear his shirt off and then my own shirt. I ran my hands up and down his smooth chest and leaned in to place a line of kisses along his chest until he stopped to suck on his hard nipples, he moaned at the feeling of my hot breath on his sensitive skin. 
I reached down while I still had my mouth on him and unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down. Pants were such a nuisance sometimes. He stepped out of them and I pushed him over to the bed and then pushed him onto the bed. “Jesus I like it when you’re kind of bossy.”
“Oh you do,” I said seductively. “I can do that.”
He laid back on the bed and watched me as I slid out of my own pesky pants and stood there for a moment in front of him making him watch me as I fondled myself for a moment. I teased him,” see anything you like?”
“Huh, no. I see something I love.”
“Do you love my cock?”
“Oh fuck yes, I love sucking your cock and jerking you off while I fuck you.”
I walked towards the bed and straddled his legs. I leaned down and took his hard member in my mouth and worked on taking as much of it as I could. His breathing hitched and he squirmed beneath me. I was really mean and got him all worked up and then let him fall out of my mouth. “Josh you can’t come just yet, We just got started.”
“Fuck Ty, you mouth is just so fucking warm and god I can hardly stand it.”
I grinned at him and moved so that I was standing over his hard cock. “Don’t worry Josh, I’m gonna take care of you.”
I started lowering myself down onto his long and hard member. I moved slowly allowing myself to loosen up as his girth entered me. Josh squirmed and moaned my name as I did so. I told him to stay still and he stopped moving. Finally he was all the way inside of me and my ass was right against his balls. “Ah fuck,” he exclaimed. 
“Just wait,” I said just before I pulled upward a little feeling him begin to slide out of me. Then I plunged back down onto his dick and began riding his engorged member. It felt amazing and he began to buck his hips up to meet me and every single time he hit my prostate a rather unbecoming noise would escape my mouth, I couldn’t help it. “Fuck it Josh, I’m gonna come!” I barely got the words out before I came all over his chest. As soon as I came I felt him swell inside of me before he screamed that he was about to come and I felt his seed fill up inside me. 
I waited until his now flaccid member slid out of me before I rolled off of him and reached over for a shirt to wipe my come off of his chest so that I could lay there. I rolled over right next to him so that he could wrap his arms around me as I nuzzled into his chest. “That was a really great present Ty.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” I said blushing a little because I loved it so much when he complimented me. It always felt good to know I’d pleased him. 
“I love you my sweet little burrito.”
“I love you, you soccer playing goof ball.”

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