Chapter 2

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I walk into school and am instantly greeted by my teammates, I automatically smile and wave back. Its senior year, the last year of high school and things couldn’t be going better for me. I’m captain of the soccer team and we’ve won every game so far this year. I’ve got amazing friends, and of course my lovely girlfriend Debby. I shake my head at the sheer perfection that is my life. What did I do to deserve all of this?

Debby was waiting by my locker, her red hair tied up in a loose ponytail with a few strands falling down over her face. Her face lit up in a smile when she saw me and I smiled back. I walked up to her and wrapped my arm around her waist giving her a small peck on the lips. “Hey sweetie,” she said to me as I turned to open my locker. “Hey babe.”

“So are you all psyched up for the big soccer game tonight,” she asked me in her usual perky voice?

“Of course,” I said grinning at the excitement of tonights game. It was against our rival and we were all confident that we could beat them easily. “I know you’ll do amazing and I’ll be in the first row cheering you on, I’ve made a sign and everything but you’ll have to wait and see it at the game.”

“I can’t wait,” I said closing my locker and shoving my books in my backpack. I grabbed Debby’s hand in my own and walked her to her first period class which was just a couple rooms down from mine. I gave her another peck on the lips before leaving to go to my own class. I walked in the room and immediately saw my group of friends hanging out by the windows before class started. “Dun, my man, how’s it going?”

“Can’t complain,” I said taking a seat and getting out the materials I needed for class. I listened to my friends chatter on as I finished up the last few questions on my homework that needed to be done. I smiled a bit at their antics and shook my head when the teacher came in and scolded them to quiet down.

After class I had a free period, which are usually fun but I didn’t have any friends with me so I usually just read or did school work. In the middle of class, the teacher got a call from the principal, wanting me to go see her. I walked down the hallway wondering what she could possibly want from me. I walked into the office and greeted the receptionist, Mrs. Richards with a smile and a polite hello and she told me to go right on into Mrs. Chamber’s office.

I gave a little knock on the door and waited for her soft voice before entering. She gave me a smile and told me to take a seat in the chair across from her desk. “Good morning Joshua, how are you today?”

“I’m doing really well, thank you. How are you?”

“I’m great. So I bet you're wondering what I called you down here for.” I nodded. “Well you are such a good and well rounded student that I have a favor to ask of you. I’m interested in starting a mentoring program, where junior and seniors would be paired with an at risk underclassman. You would act as a tutor and help them with school work, but also be a mentor and a good role model. Someone they can talk to and get advice from. I’m only trying it out with a few students this year to see how it goes but if it's successful then next year we’d do it on a larger scale. Would you be interested in being a mentor. I know you're busy with school work and sports but I think you're the ideal person we’re looking for.”

I thought it over, it did seem like a good idea and I wouldn’t mind helping somebody out. I gave her a quick answer that I would definitely do it, that it seemed like fun. “Great, thank you so much. We’re still working out who will be assigned to whom but I should have the name of the boy you’ll be paired with in a day or so.” She thanked me as I stood up to leave and I told her it was my pleasure to help out. Since my older brother had gone off to college I’d been missing someone to hang out with all the time. Maybe I would grow to be really great friend whomever I was assigned. I walked back to my free period and took a seat and got back to work. I didn’t get straight A’s by not studying, so I turned my attention to the history textbook to study for the history test tomorrow

Mentors - A Joshler FicWhere stories live. Discover now