Chapter 31

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I'd just about fallen over from shock when I walked through the door and everyone jumped out at me. I hadn’t been expecting anything like that at all, I’d figured it would just be a quiet day with maybe a cake or something. It blew me away to see everyone there and it warmed my heart so much. I had never in my life imagined that so many people would want to come to a birthday party for me. It made me feel so loved and yes I did almost cry but I held it back because I didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of everyone.

Everyone wished me a happy birthday and once I’d caught my breath Josh and I danced a little. I was nervous to dance because I knew how awkward I looked but everyone was dancing and everyone looked weird so I went along with it and actually had a lot of fun.

A bunch of Josh’s teammates were there and I got along really well with Jared and Jensen, they always talked to me when I went to their practices and games. Josh had recently told me that he thought that they had feelings for each other and the more I watched them the more I agreed. They were so into each other it was really only a matter of time.

Then there was the cake, it was huge and it was chocolate, I was in heaven. Josh said I had to make a wish when I blew out the candle and it took me a minute to think of what I wanted to wish for because it seemed to me that I’d gotten just about everything I’d ever wanted. I had a family that loved me, I had an amazing boyfriend, and I had friends. My life was amazing now and I never imagined that I would ever be this happy again. It seemed futile to wish for something when I had everything I’d ever wanted but then I did think of one thing. I blew out the candles and made my wish. I’d just have to wait and see if my wish came true.

Once everyone had left and we picked up a little it was quite late so Josh excused us and we went upstairs to go to bed. Josh had whispered in my ear earlier about having a gift for me later and ever since he said that I’d been excited to go to bed. In more than one way. But when we got to the bedroom Josh shut the door and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him.

“So did you have a good birthday?” Josh asked me staring down at me, his eyes full of love. “It was the best birthday ever. I feel so loved, and I’m just so happy right now. I’m afraid it’s all a dream or something. I don’t feel like I deserve all this,” I told him. And the words were true. I felt so inadequate and undeserving.

"Tyler you deserve so much more than this, you deserve the world. You are an amazing person and an amazing boyfriend. I just love you so much. You’ve made my life so much better by being a part of it,” I felt like I was going to cry at his words. I guess I did cry a little because Josh leaned down to kiss the tears off my cheek.

I blushed a little. It seemed silly to blush now after all this was the man with whom I’d been naked with many times. But the expression of emotions like this was wholly more intimate than anything sexual.

He leaned down and kissed me, and we didn’t kiss for very long but I could tell that it was different than before. There was a new intensity there and I liked it. We broke apart. “I couldn’t help falling in love with you Tyler,” Josh said to me. And if I wasn’t already overly emotional this might have broken me. Every word he spoke I felt in my heart.

I felt the meaning of the words slam into my frame like I’d fallen from a tall building and smashed into the concrete. Only it wasn’t painful so maybe that’s a bad metaphor. The feeling was intense but entirely blissful--euphoric even if I had any sense of what euphoria was then this was it.

I needed him right then. I wanted him. So badly and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. It had to happen now. That connection was what I craved, and having that connection with the man I loved was going to be amazing. I just knew it. All the bad memories I had associated with that act would be replaced with such beauty and I just needed that. I needed him.

“Make love to me Josh,” I said simply. “Anything for my birthday boy.” I reached up and kissed Josh, the kiss was intense in a way that was completely new because tonight was different. His lips on mine was a feeling I’d never tire of, his lips on my neck lightly nibbling just about drove me crazy.

It was really embarrassing the sounds that came out of me when he did that. But I didn’t waste that much time worrying about how embarrassing it was because well my thoughts were otherwise occupied. We made out for several minutes before Josh pulled me over to the bed he then pulled off his own shirt and then mine before he pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. Josh held himself above me and stared down at me, his eyes bore into my soul.

“Are you sure about this babe.” Josh asked me. “I’m very sure. I’m sure that I love you and I’m sure that I want you inside of me.” “You make my heart do wild things when you talk like that. You’re not the small innocent burrito that you seem. You’re so fucking sexy and you drive me wild. I can’t wait to be inside of you.” His hands moved down my chest slowly causing me to shiver at his touch, it was electrifying and made it seem as though my body was buzzing with the excitement he made feel. His lips trailed down my chest gentle and passionate, My hands gripped his arms as I experienced all the sensations he inflicted on my body. Somehow my pants became unbuttoned, I honestly don’t know when that happened.

But next thing I knew my pants were down around my ankles and I kicked them off and they fell into the abyss. My hard dick sprang free from the confines of my pants and I felt Josh’s calloused hands grab ahold of me. Such a slutty moan escaped my lips when he grabbed me but I didn’t even have time to be embarrassed. My body arched with pleasure and I gripped onto the sheets in a rather futile attempt to remain quiet.

“Oh God,” I moaned. “You like that?” “Uhuh.” Josh smiled and stopped long enough to take off his own pants and throw them away cause really they were garbage and needed to be gotten rid of immediately. Good riddance pant. He reached over and grabbed a bottle of lube from the bedside drawer. I watched him eagerly as he poured the lube onto his hand and he reached down and slid one finger inside of me.

I tensed when I felt his finger inside of me but I quickly relaxed it didn’t hurt so bad. He slid two more fingers in before he pulled them out. I watched him stroke himself covering his length in lube. “Are you ready babe?” Josh asked me. I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

He pushed my legs up and before I knew it I felt him begin to slide into me. He took his time, going slowly and asking me how I felt every time before he went any farther. Once he was all the way inside of me he stopped and kissed me and kissing him while feeling him inside me was the most amazing sensation I think I’d ever experienced--that was until he hit my prostate and I was just about seeing stars.

I’d never felt such a pleasurable sensation in my life. My body literally shook from pleasure and I was pleading with him to fuck me harder and faster just to keep the feeling coming. He began to slow down and said to me in a breathless voice that he was about to come.

I felt his body shudder above mine as he came inside of me and that was all I needed before I was coming myself without him even touching me. It was that good. He collapsed down on top of me and my cum stained stomach. I felt him go flaccid inside of me and slide out and I wrapped my arms around the boy I loved and whispered in his ear.

“Thanks for making my birthday wish come true.” He looked at me and smiled. “It was my pleasure.” We both giggled because really it was quite a pleasure for both of us. I got to fall asleep in the arms of my lover basking in the post orgasmic bliss of sex and really it was the best birthday I’d ever had.

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