Chapter 25

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Times when I was happy to be alive were when I was with Josh and we were just goofing around and being silly. When we were cuddling and watching a movie. When were having sex in the shower. Basically just anytime with Josh made me happy to be alive, he brought joy into my life when I needed it most and for that I had to be grateful.

Josh pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door behind us. He turned to face me and wrapped his arms around my waist so that we were pushed against each other. He was looking down at me with all this adoration in his eyes and it made the most amazing feeling wash over me. Acceptance. Josh accepted me for me. He accepted all my flaws, all my faults, and every single thing about me. I felt completely undeserving of this look from him but I was working on it. I was working on feeling worthy of him, because he told me I was and I believed him.

He reached down and pulled my shirt off my body exposing my chest. I shivered a little as the cold air hit me, Josh reached down and pulled off my pants. He smiled and I pushed him away a little so I could reach over and pull off his shirt. Then I pulled down his pants and he stepped out of them and kicked them away.

“Mmm you look so sexy babe,” I muttered out blushing a little at the words I spoke.

“No, I’d have to disagree. You are the sexy one here.” He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

“Well,” I said moaning a little as his lips trailed down to my neck. “Why can’t we both be sexy,” I queried?

“Mmm,” He moaned against my skin. “I suppose that’s just as well.”

We stood in the middle of the bathroom making out for a few minutes until I guess Josh remembered what we were in here for. Shower. Ah yes to shower. Josh stepped away from me for a moment to turn on the shower and adjust the temperature and then he pulled me in the shower after him. The water was warm, but his embrace was warmer. In the small space we were forced to be touching at all times, but neither of us minded.

Josh grabbed the shampoo and put some in his hands and then ran his soapy fingers through my hair and massaged my head. He then soaped up his own hair and we stood under the showerhead arms around each other and let the water clean the suds out of our hair. He wiped the soap out of my eyes and leaned down and kissed the water from my lips. I kissed him back and pushed him back against the wall of the shower, I held his hands above his head and attacked his neck with little bites here and there. He moaned as I nipped his skin and it made me smile.

“You like that,” I asked my lips brushing against his skin as I spoke?

“Oh yeah,” he moaned wantonly.

I kissed my way down his chest licking up the moisture off his chest as I went along. I stopped when I got to his waist and saw his hard cock standing at attention. I looked up to him from where I stood crouched on the floor and kept eye contact with him as I took his dick in my mouth. I liked the way his mouth formed a little “O” of pleasure as I sucked his dick. He tasted so good, I lapped up the water around the head of his cock with my tongue and then worked my way farther down the shaft.

His hands gripped my hair and he guided my head further down his cock until I took his entire length in my mouth. I began moving my mouth up and down his length, focusing on getting him off and making him feel good. And from the sounds that were escaping his mouth I guessed that I was achieving my goal. His hands slid down and squeezed my shoulders and he let me know that he was about to come. I let his cock slide out of my mouth and stood up so I could kiss his lips again and I took his cock in my hand. He came only a few seconds later and his cum was washed down the drain with the water.

He slouched against the wall after he came and I leaned against him, trailing little kisses along his jawline. “How was that baby?”

Josh grinned a stupid lovesick grin that just about made my knees weak with the overwhelming realization of his cuteness. “So fucking good babe. Now it’s your turn.”

And with that he flipped me around so I was pressed chest first against the wall. He held against the wall with his body and trailed kisses down my shoulders and my back. His fingers gently gripped my waist and held me in place. His fingers moved to my butt and he leaned and whispered in my ear, “you have such a cute little bubble butt, I really love it.”

“Mmmm that’s a very heterosexual thing to say,” I muttered sarcastically.

He laughed, “I think the heterosexual ship sailed away from me the moment I met you.”

He turned me around so that we were facing each other and kissed me passionately upon the lips. “You know I love you. I love you more than any label on my sexuality, though I proudly claim to be a flaming homosexual for you.”

“I love you so much Josh.”

“I’ll show you how much I love you Tyler Joseph.”

He slid down to his knees and in a quite homosexual manner took my dick in his mouth like a pro. My head fell backwards against the wall and a man escaped my lips in a manner that would be quite embarrassing in any other situation, but it was acceptable when one was receiving a blowjob from their boyfriend. I was kind of amazed at how skilled his tongue was against my dick for a guy who’d before hadn’t ever even had any thoughts about guys in a sexual manner. What could I say? He was a natural. I definitely couldn’t complain.

I came embarrassingly quick but what could I say, I was a fifteen year old boy and it didn’t take much to get off at this age. Josh stood up and a little bit of my come was on his face, I giggled and wiped it away with my finger. “Thanks babe.”

“Um you’re welcome. I mean there’s no need to thank me for the blowjob but the appreciation is welcome.”

I blushed and giggled, sometimes my awkwardness was crippling, lucky for me Josh found it cute. That was the key to love, find someone who finds all your quirks to be endearing then you know that the love is true. We finished cleaning off and then finally had to get out of the shower, I think we wasted enough hot water with our extracurricular activities. Josh tossed me a big fluffy towel and I wrapped it around myself and Josh smiled at me. “What,” I asked feeling shy under his gaze.

“You like a cute little burrito wrapped in that towel, and you know I love burritos. Speaking of burritos we should go to Taco Bell for lunch.”

I giggled at his nonsense and continued to dry off. We got dressed and headed back downstairs where his parents sat in the living room watching TV. We sat down and chatted with his parents for a few minutes before Josh was dragging me out the door because he just couldn’t wait any longer for Taco Bell. I let myself be dragged out of the house by my hand secured in his.

We pigged out at Taco Bell, both getting nachos, a chalupa, and two soft tacos. By the time we walked out of the restaurant both of us were stuffed. I didn’t want the day to end, I wanted to spend everyday with Josh. I dreaded the thought of going home, I didn’t know what might await me there. Would my dad be home? Or would my brother’s friends still be there? I shook in my seat just thinking about it.

Josh headed in the direction of his house and I got confused because it was about the time he would usually bring me home. “Josh, why aren’t you taking me home?”

“Tyler you’re not going back there. It’s not safe for you, and I don’t want you there. You’re going to come stay with me for at least a little while, I talked it over with my parents they love you and don’t mind at all.”

I just shook my head in disbelief. I didn’t believe him and I didn’t want to be a burden upon his family. “Josh… I don’t think I can --”

“Nonsense. You can and you’re going to. You can sleep with me, don’t you want to sleep with me every night? Tomorrow after school we can go to your place so you can grab your stuff.” I just sighed and sat back in my seat. I don’t know why I didn’t feel happier at the news. I should be happy to live with my boyfriend and his family who loved me and treated me so well. But I didn’t because my head was too fucked up. I stared out the window somberly thinking of the many possible ways I could screw this up because to me it seemed inevitable that somehow I would mess this up.

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