Chapter 24

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Josh's P.O.V.

My mother’s words made me stop cold and I stood there frozen in place her words echoing in mind. “So Josh how long have you an Tyler been a couple?” Shit. She knew. Abort mission, abort mission, my brain screamed out to me. But my mom just smiled and shook her head a little.

“Joshua William Dun, why do you look so scared? What? Did you think your father and I were so close minded that we would kick you out on the street or not love you because you’re gay. I’m almost hurt.”

“I’m sorry mom, I guess I was just nervous.”

“That’s understandable honey,” my mom said walking over to me and wrapping me in a big hug. “I love you honey. And you know I love Tyler just as much, he’s really a special boy and I can see you two care about each other a great deal.”

“Uh mom how exactly did you find out about us,” I asked thinking about a worst case scenario that she caught us in the actor something equally as horrifying.

“It was just the way you two act around each other and the way you’re are constantly making eye contact and smiling and blushing. It’s so adorable sweetie. I’m happy for you two I really am. Tyler’s a great addition to the family, just make sure you take care of him.”

“Of course mama,” I said. “I love him a lot.”

“I love you Joshua, never forget that honey,” she said giving me a final squeeze before releasing me and walking back into the living room. I smiled and stood there feeling kind of ashamed that I’d ever doubted her in the first place. I shook my head and smiled as I walked upstairs to my room to do some homework that was due soon.


I lay in bed holding Tyler against me as he slept soundly, his breathing a soft and steady rhythm so melodious and calm that to me it was as beautiful as a symphony. Holding him in my arms was reassuring because as long as he was in my arms then nothing bad could happen to him because I wouldn’t allow it. I felt such love for the boy in my arms it was overwhelming and amazing. It was like a tear in my heart. I was on fire, this feeling set my soul alight with passion, it took me higher than I’d ever been before. Tyler was a like a butcher with a smile, a beautiful and angelic smile that cut through my heart like it was butter.

The morning came too quickly and the light of the sun woke me up before my alarm clock even did. I opened my eyes and realized that my face was nuzzled in Tyler’s hair, he still lay asleep in my arms. He was the perfect little spoon. I smiled against his hair and breathed in the scent of him. I didn’t want to wake him and it seemed it would be a sin to do so. So I didn’t I lay there holding him and listening to his soft breath. It was a veritable heaven. If any of that stuff was true then when I died this would be the way I’d chose to spend eternity. It was bliss.

Eventually I felt him move and he turned his head and his sleep filled eyes met mine. I smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Good morning sleepyhead,” I said in a cheerful voice, smiling at the sight of him.

“G’morning,” he muttered in a sleepy voice.

“Not much of a morning person,” I asked giggling at his response?

“No, not really,” he said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He turned to face me and nuzzled face first into my chest. “Can we just stay in bed all day,” he asked?

“That sounds like an awful good idea but I’m hungry. Can I tempt you to get out of bed with the promise that I’ll make you a super tasty breakfast.”

“Yeah that sounds really good.”

I leaned down to give him a kiss and he buried his head in my chest to stop me from kissing him. “Nooo, my breath smells bad.”

“I don’t care, I want to kiss my super hot boyfriend.”


“What did you say?”

“I’m not super hot,” he mumbled. “You are.”

“Pfff, you’re way more hot than I am.”

“Uh uh,” he muttered hiding his face.

“Are we going to argue all morning or are you going to let me kiss your adorable face?”


I reached down and pulled him further up so that are faces were at the same level. I smiled at him and he tried not to smirk but he grinned anyway. “You know you’re really sexy when you’re stubborn.”

“Maybe I just like arguing with you.”

“Bad boy.”

“Your bad boy.”

I groaned and little and he bit his lip and that was it, I couldn’t stand it another minute and leaned in to kiss his delicious lips. I was so turned on by his words and our ‘argument’, kissing him was a religious experience. It started calm but both of us were too turned on and it began to grow my frantic and sloppy. I flipped him down on the bed and rolled on top of his and held his arms above his head as I attacked his face with my kisses. He was so hot, so sexy, I felt like the luckiest person on Earth. I was in love with Tyler Joseph and I would be until the day I died. he really was the tear in my heart.


We were in the kitchen and I was making pancakes for breakfast per Tyler’s request and anything for my prince. He was sitting at the counter looking cute as ever in my pajamas with his hair all messed up not just from sleep but from what we did earlier. He was watching me pour the batter on the sizzling pan and asked me when I learned to cook.

“I don’t really remember I’ve just always helped my mom cook and I love to eat so it only made sense to know how to cook myself.”

“I used to cook sometimes with my mom, it was always really fun. But I haven’t cooked in a long time, I don’t think I remember how.”

“I could teach you if you want, at least what I know. I’m no gourmet chef or anything, my mom’s better than me, she could teach you more that I could.”

“Yeah I’d like that sometime.”

Once the pancakes where done I set a stack of three in front of him along with some warm maple syrup. “Woah are you trying to fatten me up for the christmas feast?”


He just shook his head at my antics but dug into the stack after pouring a generous helping of syrup on top. In no time he had polished off the entire stack of pancakes and was leaned back in his chair with a satisfied look on his face. “That was delicious Josh.”

“I can tell you thought so, you have syrup on you face,” I said laughing at him. I got an idea and leaned over to where he sat beside me and licked the syrup of his cheek. He blushed and moved to kiss my lips. It was kind of a sticky kiss, but sticky wasn’t bad.

“Woah! Keep it PG, mother in the room,” My mom shouted as she walked into the kitchen carrying grocery bags.

We flew apart, both Tyler and I blushing furiously. “Oh don’t look like scared puppy dogs, it’s cute, I just don’t need to see it. I get it young love is exciting. Not like a couple that have been together for forty years where the love has dried up and the sex has all but disappeared, not that that’s your father and I we still manage to keep it interesting in the bed-”

“Mom,” I screamed!

“Haha,” just messing with you two.

I thought Tyler was going to turn into a tomato he was so red. My mom proceeded to unpack the groceries and I pulled Tyler upstairs with me. “C’mon we’re going to take a shower.”


“Duh.” Tyler smiled at the idea and I smiled because as long as he was happy then I was happy. I always wanted to make him happy.

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