Chapter 15

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Tyler's P.O.V.

We stood in the kitchen about to leave, and I stood close to Josh but not too close. Lorraine pulled me into another hug and I breathed in the smell of her gentle floral perfume that wafted to my nose bringing back memories of my mother. My mother’s smell brought back so many childhood memories of sitting in her arms and feeling safe and secure. I liked hugging her, it was nice. I held out my hand to shake Derrick’s but instead he pulled me into a hug. Everyone pulled me into a hug, and as we said our goodbye’s and I thanked them profusely for having me over. Lorraine invited me over for dinner the following Sunday. It was almost impossible to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. But I did make it outside.

“See babe, I told you they would love you.”

“Yeah you were right,” I said sniffling a little as a tear rolled down my face.

“Aw babe, you okay,” Josh asked putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked to his car.

“Yeah I’m just really happy, Josh. You’re family is amazing, they were so nice to me and I can’t believe they want me to come back again,” I said snuggling against him until we had to break apart to get in his car.

“Well believe it, it’s true baby. My mom will never let you go now.”

He drove me home and I noticed that the house was dark and my dad’s car was gone and I was happy not to have to see him. “Josh, do you want to come in for a bit?”

“Definitely, I don’t want to leave you yet.”

I held onto Josh’s hand and pulled him after me as I led him to my bedroom. Once there I let go of his hand and ran to flop down on the bed. I rolled onto my side and lied there propped up on my shoulder, smiling mischieviously. “Well what are you waiting for,” I asked him, smirking at him where he stood in the doorway staring at me.

“I’m just admiring how fucking adorable my boyfriend is, is that a crime?”

“No, I suppose not but why don’t you come join me on the bed. I can’t kiss your face if your way over there.”

“Well now I can’t argue with that,” he said grinning as he sauntered over to the bed and pushed me down before clambering on top of me. “You know that tie has had me all hot and bothered all night, I think we may have to do something about that.”

“Yeah,” I said breathlessly. “You should really do something about that.”

His lips crashed to mine and he was in complete control as our lips moved against one another's. I moaned against his mouth as his tongue traced my lips and teased entrance into my mouth. I felt his hand move up and loosen the tie around my neck, he got it untied without his lips leaving mine. He set the tie on the bed beside us and unbuttoned my shirt exposing my chest. His lips moved down my chest making my skin tingle with an amazing sensation. I was dissolving under him and completely entranced by the feeling of his lips on my body flooding my body with a feeling of ecstasy.

That was until I heard the sound of a door slamming and immediately snapped out of it. Josh jumped off of me and I sat up, suddenly tense and on edge. “Hey fuckwad, I know you’re home. It’s not like you go anywhere, no one wants you around.” My brother.

I jumped off the bed, suddenly terrified and looked at Josh, unsure of what to do. Josh looked confused and then concerned when he saw my reaction. I could hear the sound of my brother stomping down the hallway, the smell of weed preceding him. “Hey Ty, I need cash,” he said as he rounded the corner into my bedroom. He stopped short when he saw Josh standing there.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Josh, a friend of Tyler’s, who the hell are you?”

“I’m Zack, Tyler’s brother. I don’t believe this, someone’s desperate enough to be friends with my brother.”

Zack took a step towards me, the smell of weed and alcohol radiated off of him. I stood there motionless, frozen in place as he approached me. “Woah dude, what the hell do you think you’re doing,” Josh said stepping in between my brother and I.

“This is none of your fucking business, he’s my brother, fuck off.”

“Yeah he’s your brother, not your punching bag.”

Zack got angry at this comment and lifted his fist to punch Josh, but before he could even throw the punch Josh struck him on the face sending him falling to the ground. “Stay the fuck away from Tyler, or else I’ll do more than just this. If you ever fucking touch him again I will beat the fuck out of you and have you turned in for whatever the hell you’re high off your ass on. Now get the fuck out.”

He scurried up, hand clutching his bloody nose and scrambled out of the room. I stood there for a moment in shock. Josh turned to face me, his eyes wide with concern. “Are you alright Ty?” I just nodded feeling a sense of dread flooding me. Josh reached out and took me in his arms, I tucked myself into his arms, burying my face in his chest. I felt tears flooding to my eyes and I felt so frustrated with myself for always crying.

“It’s okay Ty, he won’t bother you again. If he does just tell me and I’ll take care of him, you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything.”

“I’m sorry my brother ruined the night and that you had to do that.”

“Tyler, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“How long has your brother been doing this to you?”

“I don’t know,” I said quietly. “A few years. It’s actually not as bad as it used to be, he doesn’t make me do stuff anymore.”

“What stuff?”

I panicked. I hadn’t meant to say that. It slipped out. I couldn’t tell him about what my brother used to make me do. He would hate me. I already hated myself, I couldn’t have him hate me too.”

“Tyler,” I jumped at the sound of my name. “What did he make you do? Tell me,” he said sternly his voice quiet and commanding. His eyes bore into mine with nothing but love and concern, he still held me close.

“He, well only a few times. He made me do stuff with guys. He owed them money and he made me do stuff with them to pay off his debts. I was twelve. Please don’t hate me,” I whispered out as an after thought.

“Oh Tyler. Oh God. I love you so much, I could never hate you. You are so fucking strong, I don’t know how I would handle what you’ve gone through and yet you’re still here. I’m so amazed by you and I love you more every day that I spend with you.” He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back but I still felt numb. Dredging up all those memories of what I’d been forced to do tore at my mind. I needed to cut so badly, but I put on my game face and let Josh hold me. I would have to wait until he left. I wanted him to leave.

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