Chapter 5- She's not all Smiles

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June 10th
11:55 am
SOMA condos

June 10th Saturday 11:55 amSOMA condos9G

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Kari's POV  *Ding-Dong*

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Kari's POV 

Why does this man makes me so nervous? Inhale, exhale, deep breaths.

"Oi, Kari. Ready?" I just nodded and let him walk out of his condo and we walk side by side towards the elevator.

"I suggest we take my ride, you tell me where we are heading." For what I get from Mikasa, this man doesn't talk much but he's been talking more than I am.

"The farmers market along the bay? I usually go there. I was thinking scallops for the first course with a light salad, roasted chicken for second course with roasted veggies, gravy and some kind of grain. Then for dessert I was thinking a cherry cobbler." I explained to him as we make our way down to the garage and he open his sleek black car, opening the passenger side first (a gentleman) and enter his side before starting the engine.

"Sounds great but first lunch. I know a  place." Levi glance at me and gave me a small smile.

Wait! What? Isn't this supposed to be work? Why is he taking me out to lunch? It could be just cause he's hungry, yeah that's it.

"You've been to this place called ' The Butler and the Chef Bistro' ." Levi asks as he turn to go to 3rd St. The restaurant he says is not too far off from his condo.

"Yes, I've been there before." Actually more than once, I even worked there. I won't sat anything to him though unless he asks.

The Chef and the Butler
12:15 pm

"Good" Levi quickly finds a parking spot just in front of the small bistro that seats only 30 . The small place is hidden in a small park surrounded by residential area.

There's not much people in the small bistro. Levi and I stands by the podium waiting for the hostess to guide us to our table.

"Kari? Kari! Heyyy!" A tall, bubbly red head come rushing towards me with a huge smile on her face and eye glasses and gives me a big hug.

"Ooof! Hey Heather! Long time no see." She and I giggle as she still holds onto the hug and even sway us a little.  

She pull out of the hug and twirl me checking me out. "Look at you, hot stuff!" I giggled and say my thanks.

"Well who's this handsome guy? I'm Heather, your server for today. If you're trying to date Kari, I approve for sure." Oh god! She didn't just try to hook me up with me boss. 

"Heather, this is Levi, my boss, we are having lunch before running errands for work." Heather turns beet red, matching my tomato face. Levi has a smirk on his face before looking at the menu.

"Nice to meet you Heather, I'll start with black tea please." Is all he said to her, obviously enjoying the little situation between me and my friend.

"Make that two please." I added.
"Perfect,  see you two are already compatible. You should smile more, it suits you." Heather leaves me and Levi with our menu.

Levi's POV

Well that was different. I'm trying my best not to smile from ear to ear after being checked out to trying to be hooked up with the female in front of me.

"Sorry about Heather. Sometimes she doesn't have a filter." Kari says as she put her menu down and look me in the eyes with sincerity. No one ever looks at me like that. Why is she making me feel all hot and embarrassed.

"It's fine. She reminds of Hange, Hanji Zoe. I work with her. Did you pick what you want?" She only nodded and Heather came back to get our order.

"Are the menu for tonight okay or do you want me to change anything." She asks before she takes a sip of her tea, she likes her tea with cream and sugar while I drink mine straight black. 

"I would rather have berries or some peaches or pluots, I'm not into cherries." She nodded and pull out a small black note book and make notes  on it. From where I am sitting, she's a list maker and she's organized. I guess she saw me looking while she writes.

"It keeps my head clear. I sometimes have too much in my head and I don't want to forget anything. What exactly are you looking for me to do as your chef?" She asks.

She and I talked about what I expect of her and how I want meal prep for work and dinner made and if she could reheat and join me to some dinners during the week and gave breakfast ready to eat. She asked about any allergies, food that i like, dislike, just normal things that chefs asks when they are gired to privately cook for someone. She nods along and eat lunch with me, the settle giggle and smiles is making me wonder if I hired her for her services or the way she smile and makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

We pay are meals and head to the market. I watch her buy produce and proteins and spices that she needs for tonight. I also watch her interact with farmers and vendors, with her smiles and stories.

It's about 3 pm and I'm holding bags that we bought at the market as she and I head over back to where I parked my car.

"You're really comfortable talking to them and I never really seen a chef work up close." I popped the trunk and put the food before opening her side of the car and shutting it before I enter mine and head home.

Kari' s POV

"I just went food shopping, if you really want to see me work up close, I'm sure I can find some work you can do while I make dinner for you and your friends." I sat jokingly as I buckle my seatbelt up while he pullout of the parking spot and head back to his condo.

"Sure. I can peel potatoes, or other vegetables for that matter. And I do work clean if that helps." A small smile escapes my lips.

"Alright just don't regret offering a help to a chef cause I'll put you to work. "  I say. He drives in silent , in a comfortable silent with a soft music playing in his phone that is playing into his car speaker and before I could say anything else, I slowly fall asleep.

Levi' s POV

I stopped at a red light and look at where Kari is sitting and she has fallen asleep. She looks cute even when she's sleeping.  I take some of her hair and tuck it behind her ears. I'm slowly liking the idea that I hired her, she's not all Smiles.

A/N : yay!  Ch.5 is done. Hopefully I can write ch.6. Soon. Still thinking if I should just go at it to the dinner party or have Levi peel potatoes.  Thoughts?

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