Chapter 10 - Maldives

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November 7
Day before the Wedding
Lunch right after the rehearsal

November 7SaturdayDay before the WeddingLunch right after the rehearsal

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Kari' s POV

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Kari' s POV

The rehearsal for Hanji and Mike's wedding was not a rehearsal. It was the bride and groom giggling and half of them are drunk. Even though I wasn't part of the wedding entourage, Hangi let me stay to help around and it was fun to watch Levi throw a bitch fit cause either Mike or Hanji would not be serious about the rehearsal.
We are now eating a very special Lunch with their closest family and Friends who is part of their entourage and their date, that's why I'm with them.

We are in the middle of a very filling lunch, the food kept coming and the drinks are flowing.

Half, no, three fourths of the table are drunk and well i just want to go back to the cottage and soak on the pool and read my book. I sigh as I shifted on my seat and take a sip of my water.  I close my eyes and hope for something to happen, anything before I lose my mind.

Levi' s POV

I watch Kari starting to looked annoyed and irritated. I don't blame her, people are drunken mess and I want to kick all of them down for dragging this whole rehearsal for so Damn long.

I mean in to Kari' s ear and I can feel her tense up.

"Follow my lead and I'll get us out of this mess." I whisper softly. I take her hand and intertwined my fingers with her, she accepted them and I pull he up and close to my body.

"Well everyone, we should be going now. Kari and I would like to enjoy each other's company in our cottage. So if you all don't mind we will be leaving and enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you for a wonderful lunch." Kari and I start walking away and I know their eyes are on us so I took my hands off of her and put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me and even kissing her soft cheeks.

"That's some show Levi. I owe you one for taking us out of that mess." She whisper playing along and giggling to make our escape more believable.

She look up to me and kiss me just mere inches from my lips.  I pull her closer and kiss her forehead. That's when we hear Hanji yelling some drunken slurs about "You'll get married next shorty!" That comment send shiver up and down my spine. I don't think Kari would be Into me.

I kept my arms around her until I know it's safe that those Brats are not watching me or Kari anymore. I let go of her as she walks up to the cottage where she and I share and open the front door. I felt a sudden realization of loneliness when Kari left my side and I'm not so sure why is that. The blue ocean water glisten against the sun making this place even more breath taking than the last time before.

"Levi, you coming in?" Kari snapped me from staring at the horizon, the endless water just behind our cottage. I nodded to her and walk up to the door.

I shut the door behind us and I watch her head over to the bedroom she and I share. She starts to distress and I seriously don't blame her for being so stressed out. She didn't ask to come out here, she is doing me a favor. She has been nice and patient with me and my crazy drunken friends. 

"I'm sorry." She look up to me as she sits on the bed and I'm leaning against the doorway.

"For what?" She gives me a small smile as she stretch her arms up and wait for answer.

"For dragging you to this mess and letting you deal with those idiots." I walk over and sir on the bed we share. I insisted on taking the couch last night but she told me that she would have slept outside if she didn't sleep with her on the bed.

"It's okay, their not that bad. They're just happy and excited for tomorrow plus this is Maldives. I'm really enjoying this little trip. So you don't owe me an apology." She take her hand and rub my back m, comforting me, making me relax with her small touches.

Kari' s POV

"Thank you. Well after dinner tomorrow night. we can ditch and go on an adventure if we can. That's a promise." Levi gives me a small smile and all I did was hug him. I quickly pull away and apologize. "I keep forgetting that you're my boss. You're just so nice and kind to me. Well when we are alone and I understand that you have this persona you have to keep when you're at work and with people you work with so understandable."

I'm so lucky, Levi open up to me and he doesn't have that jerk douche asshole attitude when he and I are alone.  He and I have been getting along and getting to know each ither, I do trust him completely. 

A/N :woot chapter 10 is finish. Thanks... vote and tell me what you like about it

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