Chapter 30 - You've got a friend in me

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Kari's POV


Freedom Wings Restaurant.

It's been a good 4 months since the Eremika wedding. I finally started getting back into the groove if my life. The last three months has been catching go with work and training new staff members in our restaurant. With business really picking up for the holidays, Levi and I hired new people so we can actually have 2 days off with each other and have a life outside of our work.

I walk in the office that Levi and I share and I find him there, eyebrows crunch up on his forehead, glaring at paperwork. I walk over to where he is and smooth out the wrinkle and worry lines on his young face.

"You know not everyone goes to school for business and tea skills so they can open a restaurant with their girlfriend.  Some may even call it insanity." I saw as I sit at my chair next to him and start answering emails and making food orders.

"Yea, and not everyone agrees to open up a restaurant with their boyfriend
After they thought it's a great idea. Some may even call it impossible." Levi return pulling my rolling computer chair closer to him and lean in and kissing me.

"Levi, we can't be too lovey lovey. We are at work." I gently push him, still blushing from the heated kiss as I roll back in front of my desk.

"Tch! Fine but when we get home, I'm not letting you out of the bed." He winks at me and turn back to work.

That's what I love about this man, he thinks like a business man, like a boss even when I'm around and he doesn't make decision base on our relationship outside of work but makes decision on what's best for the business. I admire that from him and still learning with that skills. That's why this restaurant works out cause we don't bring work at home.

The last couple of years has been full of milestones in my life and in my friends' lives. Jean and Marco travelled the world, Jean being a writer and Marco being a photographer. Sasha and Connie are expecting their first child. Armin and Crista are getting married and also moved in together. Mikasa and Eren just got married and is on one of their honeymoons. I think those two aren't wasting time to grow a family, Eren doesn't mind the baby making part for sure. Levi and I, well, we have the restaurant, I still have the wine company in Napa and I moved in with him. Everything is going smoothly and nicely if I say so myself. Matt, my brother also gotten married and has his own practice as a pediatrician in the city with his wife Dana. Mark Lancaster end up in jail after a company suing him for something he can't pay back after my mother draw out all the connection they had after the divorce. My mom Kristine is in Europe, retired and just having cup of tea with her fancy friends, she visits me once in a while. Dad, well , he is also a doctor so he's dealing with that but I spend time with him every other Sunday as our new tradition, he would make dinner for me and Eren and our significant others. Erwin and Stacey have 3 kids now, they all have their mothers hair, red and fair skin but they have their father's eyebrows. Levi always tell me how lucky those ladies who pluck their eyebrows, they get so much good business from the Smith family. He's a jerk for saying that but I always laugh. Hanji and Mike have adopted twins from Korea and those two are definitely fit to be the cool parents. Over all everyone is doing great, I can't complain how our lives have been good.

There's a knock on our office door.

"Name and state of business." Levi called out and I shake my head smiling, he always says that when the door is close and someone knocks even when it's a good delivery at home.

"Chef? You have a delivery." It's Kayla my sous chef. She opens the door and she is holding a big vase filled with 2 dozens of  roses with a small card on it with my name on it.

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