Chapter 23- Realization

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Mikasa's and Eren's Apartment.


Mikasa's POV

This is bad.
The last time this almost happened was 3 years ago but I convinced her not to run. Kari' s father is one fancy douche bag that needs to be castrated.
I hold on to the letter that she gave Eren to give to me and as much as I read it over and over again, she is not coming back unless she's ready to come back. 


Don't hate me okay. I'm not as strong as you. This is how I deal with things. I'm sorry for just picking up my things and leaving without giving you a proper hug or goodbye cause I can't face you. I know you'll find a way to convince me to stay but just let me be. There's so many good things that are still going to happen. I like to think this is just a bump on the road. I'll keep in contact with you.  I also send you an email on things that might need to look after. My apartment has been paid in advance for a year. You don't have to worry. You're more than welcome to use my apartment if Eren is being a pain and throw him out. He can sleep in my place if you can't stand him. Haha. You're a sister a girl could ever ask for and I'm very lucky to be your best friend. I only ask for one thing from you, look after to Levi. Please explain to him and just make sure he is okay.

Love you


"Mikasa? You should eat something. You haven't eaten anything yet." Eren sits next down to me and pull me in a hug. He knows how much it pains me that my best friend left the country. He leans on the coffee table and hands me a bowl filled with rice and some chicken curry.

"You're right. If we need to convince Kari to come home, I need to be full so I can think about a plan." I am determined to get my best friend back.

"Okay, tomorrow, sleep on it. Let's respect Kari' s wishes. She need a to do this on her own. She'll ask you for help if she needs it." Eren says kissing my temple and helping me to relax.

I slowly close my eyes.  Take a deep breath and starts eating the food that was given to me.

There's a knock on the door. Eren got up to answer it.

"We have to get her back" I for curious and rise up from the couch as Eren move out of the way and see Levi walking in the apartment.

Levi looks like a mess, like he doesn't know what to do.

Levi's POV

This is my last  chance. I usually fix everything by myself but with her just leaving, I wasn't prepared. I don't know what to do. I need help, I need help from Mikasa.

"Where is she? I know you know where she is. I need Kari back. I've become human because of her. She made my heart beating again for life. She showed me how to live again and not just to breath but to appreciate everything around me. She's the love of my life Mikasa. She's my Eren." I  never once show any emotions to anyone, but Kari is different she showed me how to be human again. She showed me how to let go of my pain and let me soar in happiness. Then this shit happens. I swear on my life I'm going to get that selfish Brat back! Why is she dealing with this alone.


I love you
I love you around the world 365 times and more. I'm sorry for hurting you. You've always say how you'd protect me, but in reality all I want to do is do the same. This is the only way I know how. I know it's been only been a year but my heart knew how important you are to me. I left my heart in San Francisco with you. It always belong to you. For all I know, I might not survive on my own without you by my side.  The memories we shared, the smiles and the laughter and the incredible amout of teas in my memories will slowly kill me. Please remember that I have to be stronger, I have to be able to stand on my own before I can stand next to you. We will be together again. Just not right now. I gotta fix my family. I gotta find a way where we can be together without my dad threatening us. I just realized something, you love someone and you'll do the craziest things to make sure that they're safe. So forgive me for leaving.

I love you.

Paris would forever be with us as San Francisco.

From always yours


I realized something as I read the letter over and over again. Memorizing every word possible that Kari wrote is that, I have to make a few changes in my life so I can make sure that I can keep her safe.

"I'm slowly going to give your way as a Lawyer. If we are to get Kari back, I can't be a Lawyer anymore. You're ready to take over the Ackerman in the company. I've talked to Erwin and as long as I keep up your training, when you're ready, I am stepping down and giving way for you to shine." I look Mikasa in the eyes and I sense her shock and nervousness.

"I'll be here every step of the way. Don't feel as if you're pushing me out of my spot.  I never really wanted it, but I owe my life to Erwin and he promised me that I can leave anytime I want and it's time." I added. I turned around and leave Mikasa and Eren for the night as I plan my journey alone on how I can get the love of my life back

I am going to get her back. Maybe not tomorrow but eventually she'll be in my arms again. With no care in the world, just me and Kari.

I love you too much to let go.


Wipes tears
Thanks for reading

Sorry for grammar errors

Love u all

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