Chapter-22 It's for your own good.

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Early July



Kari' s POV

I've decided to surprise Levi and pick him up so we can go head to Napa for the weekend. He's been in trial all day and they finally got the verdict, he won of course.

I am sitting at the waiting area until Annie says I can go see my boyfriend. I still blush at the thought of him being my boyfriend.

"He's ready for you." I stand up and walk to his office. He is behind his desk cleaning up the paper work and scribbling something when he look up.

"What are you doing here? You should have text or called before showing up." He hates surprises when it comes to work.

"But, it's Napa weekend and the quicker I'm with you, the faster we can get to Napa. I even pack for you so we can just go straight." I say cheerfully, he walk over to me and make some stupid excuse for me to just wait outside until he's done. He sounds nervous and something isn't right. I woke up this morning with some butterflies in my stomach and I can't pinpoint as to why. Is he going to break up with me? Am I not enough? Is he tired of me? Maybe I'm too clingy!

"What the fuck are you doing here? Are you following me you filthy slut?" That voice, same voice that would verbally abused me when I was... I look up and saw the man I've been hiding from since the day I step foot out of the house I grew up in.

"Dad..." I started to sweat, my heart is beating fast as Levi stands right behind me.

"What are you doing at MY lawyer's office?" His lawyer? Levi knows my dad, but he never mentioned it. I turn around to see Levi with his neutral stare. He is about to say something to my Dad.

"Mark, Kari is my..." Levi start

"Client.. I'm his client. We just had a meeting. Sorry to keep you Mr. Ackerman I'll be going now." I force a smile even though I want to scream and cry. I stood my ground and walk pass my father. He catches my arm and I'm force to look at my father's eyes.

"Drop him or I'll make his life and yours a living hell." My dad whispered to me. This man I haven't seen for almost 10 years and he is still haunting me and threatening me to hurt my friends. To hurt Levi. I shake out of the grip and walk to the elevator turning around and looking at Levi before walking into the elevator. Before the door closes he ran inside as the door closes.

"No! You gotta go back! You're giving him a reason to hurt you. You have to go back." I furiously press the open button but it's too late the elevator start descending.

"It's ok. You don't have to worry about him. I'll protect you from him." Levi pull me in a hug. I push him hard off of me.

"You lied. You knew my life before you even know me. You knew my father. For how long?" My voice are start to shake. The elevator ding and I walk out and Levi follows me into the garage where the car is parked.

"Kari! Face me! Stop running away!" He booms and his voice echoes through the parking lot.

"How long have you known my father." I face him as tears starts to leave my eyes.

"Almost 10 years. Erwin gave me Mark Lancaster as my client. He was my first case to win." His voice are soft, almost whispering.

"Then that's it. This isn't going to work. If I stay next to you, he'll make sure that you will be in pain. He's not a very nice man. I'm living proof. The only thing keeping me alive standing in front of you is that I walked out and hide from him. Levi, he can hurt me, torture me, make my life a living hell, fine, the minute he put a hand on you, I would never forgive myself. You're the best thing that ever happen to me, to my hell hole of a life and if he ever find a way to hurt you I might end up in jail. I can't let him do that. I must walk away. It's for your own good." My voice are shaking and tears are falling but those words are needed to be said.

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