Chapter 12- What exactly are you two?

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Erwin' s vacation Los Angeles Home



Levi's POV

Kari and I arrived last night in LA. Currently at Erwin' s house and just lounging about in his living room having drinks before dinner that Stacy (Erwin' s wife) made for this holiday. Mike, Erwin and I are just casually talking while Hanji, Kari and Stacy are in the kitchen finishing up the meals.

"So second time you bring that girl to an intimate gathering Ackerman." Mike eyeing on me as he sip his whiskey.

"Tch" I don't look him in the eyes, I don't need these two prying into my personal life. What Kari and I have is special and I don't want to put any label on it. I care for her and she cares about me, that's it, nothing wrong with that.

"I think what Mike is trying to get at is what are you two exactly? " the eyebrows himself finally went straight to the point.

"Humans." I keep my neutral voice and look before taking another sip of the drink that Erwin gave me.

"No shit sherlock! What he meant is, are you guys dating?" Mike says and I'm actual enjoying how nosy these two are.

"Dating?  No. She and I are friends. She's alone on Thankagiving so I brought her here. Is that a problem?" I say trying my best not to glare at Mike.

"Why not? I mean she's a good looking single woman. You're,  well you are you and you're single. So why not. " Mike shifted his body on the couch and I reach for a throw pillow and throw it square onto his stupid face. I swear, if he didn't marry Hanji, Mike would be dead by now. He is always up my ass with question and won't leave me the fuck alone.

We hear laughters coming our way and I see the ladies walking into the living room. Hanji with a plate with crackers and cheese. Stacy with some soup shooters and some shrimp inside . Then Kari with toast with fresh tomatoes, cheese, basil and balsamic on top.

"Boys will be boys. We came bearing gifts. Appetizers before dinner." Stacy says as she sits next to her husband. Same with Hanji but with her she's mostly eating the food she got for us. Kari sits next to me and I sit up straighter and take the platter from her and I start eating.

Kari' s POV
"What's with the pillow on the face Levi?" I asks me before I  takes some food and starts eating.

"He's being mean! I just asked a question and I got a pillow in the face. Then he glared at me sweetie." Mike pouted and try to be cute and nuzzle his face onto his new wife Hanji.

"Tch!" Levi rolled his eyes, literally rolled his eyes at Mike's antics. "Don't be an idiotic Brat!" He ignores the tall man who is hugging his wife and continue eating.

I smile and giggle a little bit before I put my hand on his knee and I can feel him tense up. "Be nice Levi. It's a holiday."

"Its Thanksgiving day.  Not be nice to Mike day. He's being a brat and I don't have time for that." That cause everyone to laugh except Levi and Mike.

"Alright. Let's have dinner. These two aren't going to play nice with an empty stomach" Hanji says as she gets up and we all head to the dinner table and have a nice dinner.

Levi' s POV


On our way to my beach house in Venice beach

In my rental car.

There is some mellow music playing on the background and Kari is sitting next to me humming along to the tunes while looking out the window. The lights are twinkling against the night sky.

Los Angeles is very different from San Francisco.

Where we are climbing hills to get to where I live, I and driving long roads and town from Erwin' s Malibu house to my Venice Beach house.

"You seem quiet..." I decided to cut the silence.

Kari turn to me as I look onto the road. I glance at her and she has a small smile, her eyes are tired but smiling nonetheless.

"You're the one to talk. Guess I'm just tired and taking in the memories that I had this thanksgiving." She reach over to where my hand is resting on my side while my left hand is on the wheel. "Thank you for bringing me, I haven't had much fun like that on a holiday in a long time." She held my hand and squeeze it lovingly.

"You're welcome." The question that  Mike asked me earlier has been taking over my brain and it's giving me a headache.

"Kari? What are we to each other?" Fuck it! I just asked and I am ready for the answer.

She once again lay her eyes on me with a smile. I can't get enough of that.

"Boss to employee. Friends. Someone I trust. Someone I'm very grateful to have in my life. I don't know exactly what we are Levi but I know that I care deeply about you. That I get worried when you haven't sleep the night before or when you have a long day at work. I feel safe when you're around and nothing else in the world matters as long as you're smiling back at me. I'm not sure what the name is for this but I like it and I hope you don't want to change anything between us cause I'll be sad and it will suck." I didn't notice that her hand was still on mine until her finger starts caressing them.

"Don't worry, nothing won't change between us.. promise"

Unless it's for the better. For something deeper than what I'm already feeling for you.


Chapter 12 done...woot

What would happen next for these two?

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