Chapter Two

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Macie had been here for an hour and right now we were watching "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" while shovelling down our fourth packet of popcorn.

Macie was snuggling up against me, her green eyes fixed on her favourite movie. She could go on and on for hours about how much she adored Charlie.

An hour or so later, the movie finished and Macie had fallen asleep beside me. That girl could sleep anywhere, it kinda freaked me out.

I slowly got up, grabbing a blanket from the linen cupboard and put it over Macie. I wanted to let her sleep, since I knew she didn't get a lot of it, considering her parents never stopped fighting, and Macie's worrying had no off button.

Just as I got up from the couch, Drew came in through the door. I looked up at him and saw that he was soaking wet from the rain. I scowled at him and went to the bathroom to get a towel.

When I emerged again, I chucked the towel at him. "Hey, loser. How was it?"

He smiled softly at the sight of Macie and then turned back to me, his face falling slightly. "I see you made up with Macie."

"It went horribly, didn't it?"

Drew wasn't very good at hiding his emotions.

"Dad just wanted to talk shit about Mum." He said, sitting down on a chair. He put his head in his hands and sighed. I really didn't like seeing my brother upset.

"I'm sorry," I said, resisting the urge to add an 'I told you so'.

"Don't be."

"I know, but-"

"It doesn't matter, alright?" Drew told me harshly before taking his suit jacket off and going to his room. I fought the urge to go after him.

I sat for a moment longer before getting up and going to the fridge. I hadn't eaten a proper meal all day, so I was starving for real food. After a minute or so of deciding whether I wanted a meat pie or a slice of pizza, I pulled out the pizza box from a couple of nights ago.

My mum couldn't cook for shit, so we normally got take out or just starved. No one really complained though; we knew that Mum was doing her best. After finishing the pizza, I chucked the box in the bin and went to find Drew.

When I reached his room, his door was open and he was watching a movie. As I walked into his room, he looked up and smiled at me, slightly embarrassed.

"Hey Ashy. Sorry bro."

I sat down next to him and shook my head. "Don't be. What are you watching?"


"That movie sucks. The books are way better." I said matter-of-factly. Drew rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He said, punching me softly in the arm.

We acted like we wanted to kill eachother half the time, but we had a decent relationship, mostly because we were all each other had for the longest of times. Dad was always at bars and Mum was always working to support our family. Drew was more like a friend than a twin.

I sat down and watched the movie with him in comfortable silence before Macie knocked on the bedroom door.

"Hey guys, sorry for falling asleep." She said coming into the room and sitting on the bed.

"Don't be. How'd you sleep?" Drew asked kindly. He was always kind when it came to Macie.

"Fine, thanks."

"Macie! You left me alone while he was in a grumpy mood! How could you?" I said dramatically, placing a hand on my heart.

Macie shoved me and let out one of her wild laughs. "Oh, shut up."

We all laughed and laid down, finishing the movie. After the movie was done we all decided to play truth or dare.

"Ash, truth or dare?" Drew asked while drinking the vodka and coke he stole from Mum's liquor cabinet. I took a sip of mine and thought.

"Uh, truth."

Drew thought for a second. To tell you the truth, I was scared. Drew could usually control his drinking, but lately he was getting worse at it. I think Jace, his best friend, had rubbed off on him.

"Would you fuck Bel Sanderson?"

I felt my jaw drop as I stared at him in shock. Oh, I'm gonna have one hell of a conversation with Jace. What the fuck are these questions?

"I think you're the one that wants to fuck her," I laughed and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at him.

Drew smirked and laughed. They both went back to drinking and talking, seemingly forgetting I was in the room and about our game.

"Gah, you guys are no fun," I said, sighing.

"Oh, come on, Ashy. Sorry for not talking to you, you're just really boring!" said Macie, snuggling up against me. I rolled my eyes and pulled her close.

"You're so mean to me. Both of you!" I pouted, laughing. "I should call Jace."

"I'll do it," Drew said, getting up from the bed and stumbling over to his phone. He left the room to make the phone call, Macie was still snuggled against me.

Drew and Jace had been friends ever since they were in primary school, but he didn't come around much anymore. When I asked Drew why, he just shrugged and said that Jace had gotten into trouble with the cops and our family home wasn't the best place to spend his time, which was very true, unfortunately.

I sighed, just as Drew came back into the room. "She's asleep again."

I looked over at Macie and smiled. "It's your fault for getting her hammered," I told Drew, turning back to him.

"Oh, fuck you." he replied, punching me in the arm. I winced and kicked him.

"Ow!" he shouted.

"Shut up! Macie is sleeping."

"Whatever. Jace is going to be here in ten minutes, so put Macie under the covers and let's go out to the lounge room." He said looking much sober than he'd acted just before.

"Dude, you were faking being drunk."

"No shit. When Jace gets here, we're going out and I don't want Macie to come. She deserves to sleep."

I smiled at him. Macie was like our little sister, I could understand why he did what he did. "Ah, right then."

Drew grinned at me before we both went out to the lounge room with the leftover vodka in my hand. Tonight was going to be quite alright after all.

Edited by: LarryShipSails

Hey guys, how are you liking the story so far??

i realise that leaving macie alone, drunk, isn't the smartest choice but macie's comfortable in that house so she's gonna be kk c":

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