Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Ash's point of view*

"Why are you here?"

I mentally groaned as I heard my dad's angry voice from outside my hospital room. Jace was an idiot, did he ever think before he acted? He couldn't just barge back into my life — or even my hospital room!

Forget my feelings about seeing him for the first time in months, I was worried about Drew. I glances over at him and saw him staring down at the floor, hands shaking. I knew he'd heard my conversion with Jace and dad's cries. He hadn't seen Jace is months and they'd been thick as thieves their whole lives, so I knew how much this had affected him — even though I'd been hella selfish lately.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, causing Drew to look up at me and smile.

"I guess."

"Go away!" My dad shouted from outside. Drew and I sighed together.

"Drew, wanna go see what's going on?" I asked.

Drew looked up and looked like he was going to be sick. "I guess we have to face Jace, before dad kills him."

I cracked a smile and chuckled. "Jace kebabs for dinner isn't my favourite choice."

"Same." Drew agreed as we both walked out of the room and faced the commotion. The first person I saw was Jace. He looked different, though it wasn't a bad different. His hair was longer and strangely darker and his body was more built.

"You turned my son gay!" Shouted my dad, while my mum just stood off to the side crying. I heard Drew sigh and go over to her.

I rolled my eyes at the situation and walked up to my dad, determined. "Stop."

Dad turned around and glared at me. "Did you invite this fag?"

I sighed. "I'm a fag too daddy dearest."

I heard Jace try and muffle a laugh. "Nice one." He said.

I gave him a dirty look. "We are not on speaking terms right now." I said to him and then turned back to my dad.

Jace was going to say something right up until Drew came up to him and pulled him outside. I'd never seen Drew look that angry before and it scared me.

"Ash. Are you okay?" Mum asked, coming over to me and wrapping me in her embrace.

I scowled. "What no calling me Ashy?"

Mum drew her eyebrows in. "You hate that name."

"Did you invite him Asher?" My dad asked, seemingly oblivious to mine and my mums conversion.

"We're not talking about this now." Mum said sternly.

"And why's that?" Dad shouted.

"Your so stubborn!" Mum shouted back.

"Oh shut up! Both of you!" I yelled over the top of both of them, but then turned to my dad with a glare. "We're in the hospital. You can't invite someone. He came at his own will."

As dad was about to protest, I put my hand up in front of his face and walked out to where Jace and Drew were arguing. Great more fights.

"...You just disappeared Jace! Do you know how that feels? You were my best friend and you didn't even talk to me?" Drew's strained voice yelled. I'd never seen Drew yell like that before.

Jace's face fell, though he tried to hide it. "I'm sorry—"

"Just don't. I'm done with this conversion. Go find Ash, he might listen." Drew said, walking towards me. Once he noticed me he gave me a torn look but kept walking.

I sighed and walked where Jace could see me. "I told you that you shouldn't have come."

"Did you not want me to?"

I took a small step towards Jace, but it was enough to make the gap in between us vanish. "I didn't say that."

"Your not very sarcastic anymore." Jace observed.

I took a deep breath in. "Things can change in a few months." I said and I didn't even think about what I was doing next.

My hands were suddenly in Jace's hair and my lips were attacking his eagerly. Jace kissed back hard and wrapped his arms around my waist. No matter what he has done, I could never hate Jace but that didn't mean I wasn't mad at him.

I pulled away from him and brushed a stray hair away from his face. "I'm still mad at you."

"I know. I can explain—"

I shook my head, knowing that I shouldn't have done what I just did but who could blame me? "No. Not right now, just hold me. I missed you."

Jace hesitated but then smiled. "I missed you too."

"You better find a way to make it up to Drew." I said, pulling Jace down to the floor with me. I sat in his lap and kissed his forehead.

"You think he'd ever forgive me?"

"Well you have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow."

Jace nodded. "Tomorrow."

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