Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Matteo, I swear to god if you lecture me about being late again I'll hit you."

Matteo rolled his eyes. "Whatever, you're still late."

I sighed and ran a hand through my blonde hair. Shaking my head at my work colleague, I went behind the counter of the small bakery I worked at.

'She Knows' by The Cigarette Blondes was playing softly in the background as I tried to make things look presentable. Matteo's family ran the bakery and I swear I did more work around here than Matteo or his siblings did.

"Is Jace okay?" I had only told Matteo about Jace because he had caught me crying in the backroom while I was trying to clean flour off my clothes three weeks ago.

"Sure." I said, smiling at him.

He gave me a skeptical look, "Sure Ash."

I put my hands up in the air surrendering. "I'm telling the truth Matt."

"You look like you haven't slept in months and your more assholey today."

"Assholey isn't a word."

Matteo gestured at me. "My point exactly."

I shock my head and turned away from him. I had only knew Matteo for about a month but he already knew me better than I knew myself, which I wasn't sure about.

What I was sure about was that he was cute as fuck. He was Greek so I guess that naturally just made him look perfect.

I looked up as the bell above the door rang, signalling someone had come in the bakery. I looked to Matteo but he had disappeared down the back of the bakery, so I guess I had to take this one.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" I asked a lady who looked like she was about to go to a pool party. She had a bikini on and everything. But I mean, what else would you expect from Australians. Especially in the summer.

"Hi could I get some Vegemite scrolls?"

I nodded and reached into the cabinet, bringing out three scrolls. "That'll be six dollars thanks."

She nodded and gave me the money, leaving with her scrolls. Matteo then suddenly returned. Bloody crazy cunt he is.

"She was my ex. I ain't talking to that bimbo," he said in disgust.

I groaned. "Your meaner than my father, whom I haven't spoken to in a year."

"I'm sure your father's fine."

"And I'm sure I could fly if I tried."


I smiled. "Cockhead."

Matteo looked offended. "Meanie."

I shook my head. "Loser."

"Boys!" Yelled Matteo's mother, Elle from behind us.

"Oh my fucken god! What's with this family and appearing out of nowhere."

Elle glared at me in all her Greek goodness. "Don't swear at me boy!"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes Mrs. Dodoff."

"That's my boy." She patted me on the back and smiled, taking a seat on a nearby table.

"You bloody Greeks." I said, shaking my head.


Delilah had been glaring at me for the past five minutes, and I'm not sure what scared me more; her glaring at me or the reason she was glaring at me.

Actually both scared me. A lot.

Right now we both have a class together and I was so bored. Delilah just kept clicking her pen so she was annoying me. I would have rather work than this right now.

A huge smile broke out on my face when I noticed that the lesson was over, and I was permitted to rise from my seat. Delilah made a beeline towards me.

She grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me out of class. "Your boyfriend is sleeping with an 18 year old."

"Okay nice joke. Why were you glaring at me?"

"Your a thick fuck Asher." She said sighing, "Jace was at school this morning but I caught him flirting with a young ass chick."

"So why'd you say that he's sleeping with her?" I asked, not really absorbing anything that's going on.

"He might be."

"That doesn't mean he is. We're not in highschool anymore Del. Don't try and control my relationship."

Delilah raised her eyebrows and fled off into the crowd leaving me standing there alone. Was Jace really flirting with a chick?

He wouldn't. We've been through too much.

I groaned and went off to the sports area to try find the hot mess I like to kiss sometimes. After a while I spotted him hanging out with some guys from his team.

I smiled to them as I walked over, "Hey."

They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Who's this kid?" They asked.

I almost choked laughing.

Jace rolled his eyes at me. "Ash meet the guys."

"Oh this is Ash? How'd you end up with this nerd?" One of them asked laughing.

"Haha funny. Jace let's go," I said annoyed.

Jace smirked. "I was actually going to go hang out with the guys. You can come if you want, but..."

But he doesn't want me there to kill his fun. Okay, two can play at that game.

"Sure I'll come. A bit of fun wouldn't do me no harm." I needed to keep an eye on Jace. With what Delilah said and his strange behavior lately, I was over Jace's bullshit.

Jace nodded slowly and then introduced me to all "the guys". The tall one was Josh, the short one was Kane and the one that looked like a sexier me was Mick.

"So where we going?" I asked, following everyone.

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