Chapter Thirteen

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"I'm fine, Ash, but you're not." Jace said as his thumb brushed against my cheek.

"You act that way but it's just a façade. I can see that sad look in your eyes from time to time." I said, biting my lip. Why is everything so fucked up? Why couldn't everything be like it used to be?

"I don't know, Ash. I don't know. I wish it was." Jace said. I nodded not caring that I spoke out loud again and not in my head. I just felt so done.

"Wanna go back home?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead.

"You're so confusing. First you're sweet, then you're an asshole and then surprise surprise we're back at sweet Jace." I said, with a laugh.

"That didn't answer my question."

"No, no it didn't. And yes, walk me home." I said to him as he released me. "Stay the night."

Jace nodded and grabbed my hand. We left the park and walked back to my house. I turned to him and pointed to the back gate that led to my bedroom.

"Go and hide in my bedroom. I'm going through the front door." I instructed, watching Jace disappear through the back gate. I looked at my house and after a terrified moment I opened my front door, using my key and walked inside.

Once the door was closed I looked around for any sign of my mum or Drew, but failed to see them. I shrugged, figuring that they'd probably just gone to bed. I walked to the fridge and picked up an apple since I hadn't eaten.

When I turned around, I jumped seeing my dad sitting on a bar stool facing me. My eyes widened at the sight of him and I groaned.

"Why?" I asked, flabbergasted. He shouldn't be here.

"Why what Asher? Try and complete a sentence will you?" He said flatly.

I shot him a glare and looked away from him. "You shouldn't be here. Go back to being a nonexistent figure in my life."

Dad's features soften and he looked down at his hands. "I should be home with your stepmother right now, but I'm here. I care Ashy."

In rage I threw my apple across the room, narrowly missing dad's head and hitting a wall. His eyes widened as I glared at him. Oh if looks could kill.

"You care huh?! Did you care when you left us with no money?! Did you care when you went off and had an affair?! No, Dad, you didn't. You never cared. So don't give me that bullshit. Drew might fall for it but I sure as hell won't." I shouted, anger burning inside me.

My life was falling apart and I needed my parents. Mum was always working and Dad was gone. As much as Drew tries, he's not my parent. He didn't deserve what we've been through, just as much as I don't.

"I'm so sorry Ashy-." Dad started, getting up from his seat but I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it. Go home, Dad. You have a new family now, a new life. You got a second chance, so use it." I said coldly, brushing by him and heading upstairs. Halfway upstairs, I saw my mum and stopped for a minute. After seeing her expression, though, I just continued towards my bedroom. I couldn't face her right now. I just wanted Jace.

Once I got to my room, the tears that had been threatening to spill finally did. Jace took one look at me and wrapped his arms around me, letting me cry on his shoulder. He guided us to my bed and I continued to cry into his shoulder as he played with my hair.

A few minutes later, I dried my eyes and blushed, embarrassed. "I'm sorry you have to see me in this state." I apologized ruefully.

Jace looked at me like I was crazy and continued to play with my hair. "Don't be."

"Okay." I said simply, feeling exhaustion wash over me.

"Okay." Jace said, as I rested my head on his chest, starting to fall asleep. "I heard you downstairs just now, and I have to say, you were pretty badass."

A smile played on my lips as I fell into a much needed slumber.


I squinted at the light coming through my windows when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and stayed laying down for a moment before looking beside me at a sleeping Jace. I sat up and grabbed a pillow to abuse him with.

"I'm hungover, let me die." Jace mumbled. I laughed as he sleepily tried to fight off the pillow, only to give up a minute later. The poor guy drank so much last night, it would be a wonder if he wasn't hungover.

"God, you sound like me. Now I understand why Drew dislikes me half the time." I said, smiling. I was still pretty messed up about last night but if my mum ever instilled anything in me it was the 'grin and bear with it' mentality.

"Shut up. It's too early for you."

"Oh and we're back to asshole Jace." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Jace looked at me for a second before brushing his thumb against my cheek. "I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes at him again, hitting him with the pillow. "I think I liked it better when you were an asshole. Stop being a sap and get dressed."

Jace sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Sure, whatever. I'm borrowing your clothes." He got out of bed and took off his shirt, causing me to blush. God, that boy was sexy, I thought as I watched him find another shirt and tug it on.

"How dare you ruin my fun?" I cried, pouting.

Jace smirked at me and came over to me, pushing me against the bed. He kissed me deeply, laying on top of me. I kissed him back hard, as he grinded up against my lower half, causing me to moan into his mouth. Just as I attempted to pull him more against me, he pulled away, a smirk still playing on his lips.

"Meanie, come back." I complained, grabbing his, well, technically it was mine, but whatever, shirt and pulling him close.

Jace sighed and pulled away from me once again. "We have school and I'm not doing this when we're not dating."

"You want us to be boyfriends? Fine, we're boyfriends." I said, getting up from my bed and pulling out clothes to wear.

Jace laughed. "I want to take you out on a first date and then ask you out."

I turned back around to face him, raising my eyebrows. "We've been on a first date."

"Last night wasn't a date."

I sighed and nodded, agreeing with him. "Yeah, that wasn't a date."

I got dressed and went over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Tonight?"

"Tonight." Jace confirmed.

Guess I'm getting myself a boyfriend, I thought to myself with a smile.

Edited by: @LarryShipSails

Hi guys, I'm back!! I'm so sorry for not editing, I totally forgot about my part-time job of being Tayah's editor lmao. But I'm back now haha. How are y'all liking this story?? If you're still not loving it, then, well, different people have different preferences, I guess, but I don't understand how you can't not love this story. Anyway, I gotta go edit the next chapter now, so bye!! :)

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