Chapter Twenty-One

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I continued to scroll through my phone, until Drew came in my room. He pointed at his watch and sat down next to me. "It's around nine, want to head to Rikers?" He asked, stealing my phone off me.

I pouted at him and took my phone back. "Yeah. Are we sneaking out? Or just going through the front door?"

Drew sighed and got up again; I copied him. "Let's just go through the front door. Mum won't know the difference." He said, sliding on one of my jackets that was hanged up in my closet. I shrugged on my own jacket and followed Drew downstairs.

"How long has it been since you've tried Jace?" Drew asked me as we walked down the street. I looked ahead at the dark road and sighed deeply.

"After we spoke to mum I called him." I lied flatly. Actually after mum had gone to bed I didn't want to chance Jace actually picking up the phone, so I just locked myself into my room and finished the vodka bottle. God I'm such an alcoholic.

"Okay, well I'll text him again."

"What's the point? We'll just get to Rikers and go from there."

Drew nodded but stayed quiet. After another ten minutes of small talk and walking, we reached Rikers. I smiled at the sight of some of the kids from school hanging out front smoking and the sound of laughter coming from inside. This is why everyone I knew came here: you were always bound to enjoy yourself.

"Ash! Drew!" Called Louis coming over to us. He was obviously drunk.

"Hey, Lou!" Greeted Drew.

"Ash, I thought you were in the North Side?" Louis slurred, taking another swing from his drink. I was lucky I had time to sober up - even though it was only a few hours - or I would be acting exactly Louis. And I couldn't have that: Everyone knew Riker didn't engage in serious conversations with you if you were hammered.

"I'm looking for Jace. Have you seen him?" I asked. I wasn't even sure if he knew Jace and I were dating or not, hell I didn't even know if Jace and I still HAD a relationship at this point.

"I haven't seen him in a while. Go ask Riker." Louis said, wandering back over to some guys that were on the soccer team with him.

I rolled my eyes and entered the bar, with Drew in tow. It made me laugh that I had a crush on Louis in the past. Now my life just revolved around Jace. I just wanted to find him, even though I had no clue what I was going to say to him when I do find him.

"Ash, he's over there." Drew said, pointing at Riker. I sighed and walked over to the brown haired redneck. I punched him in the back and he turned around, angry but then he smiled.

"Ash!" He pulled me into a hug. I smiled as I hugged him back.

"Hey, Riker."

"What's up man?"

I glanced around the bar, seeing that the people that were playing pool look over at us. I smiled a tight smile at Riker. "Have you seen Jace?"

Riker's eyebrows shot up and he threw Drew a questioning look. "Shouldn't you know, Drew? Isn't he your bestfriend?"

I breathed out deeply. "He's not answering our calls. We just wanted to know if you have seen him lately?"

Riker paused for a second, seemingly deep in thought. "Yeah, he came by for a beer a few days ago. He was with another guy...a blonde."

"Another blonde?" Drew said with a sly laugh.

I turned to glare at him and elbowed him. "Alright thanks. Do you know the name of the blonde?" I asked Riker.

Riker shook his head. "No, but I know I've seen him before. He looked like a real thug. But anyways Jace looked like he was happy. It looked like he didn't want to be found, so don't worry too much."

I looked away and mumbled, "Yeah. We'll see you." I turned around, grabbed Drew's elbow and pulled him out of the bar. Did Jace really not want to be found? Would he just ignore Drew and I for amusement? And who the fuck was this blonde thug guy?

Once outside the bar I heard Louis call my name but I ignored him, my hand still on Drew's bicep pulling him through high street. "That wasn't like you Ash." Drew said, worried.

I looked at him weirdly. "What do you mean? I'm fine."

Drew pulled free of my grasp and stopped me by my shoulders. His eyes were serious as he turned to face me. "Jace's going to be okay. Don't let him bother you."

I looked away. "Drew I think I...I think I..Actually don't worry about it." I said, walking away from him.

"Ash, don't be like this. You've turned into a stone. It's like you don't feel anything anymore. Talk to me."

I glared at the footpath ahead of me. What was I suppose to say to him? That I was starting to hate Drew for causing me to get sent to dad's? That I think I was in love with Jace, but I hated him at the same time for disappearing on me? Or that my life was going to hell?

"There's nothing to talk about Andrew." I said instead, walking ahead of him.

Drew caught up to me and sighed loudly. "Alright Ash. I'm here if-"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

Drew paused for a second then said, reluctantly, "Where to now?"

"Let's go find, Damo. He should know who that blonde guy Riker saw is." I said. I hope Damo knew something. I was desperate to find Jace.

"I think we should go home Ash.."

I shook my head. "No. We need to find Damien. Do you know where he could be?"

Drew groaned. "You never listen do you?"

I laughed. "No. Now answer the question."

"I don't know where he is Ash. We could try the club where he DJ's?"

I smiled at the memory of that night at the club months ago. "Alright let's go."

"Your plans are bad you know that right?"

"How are they bad?" I asked confused.

"I'm worried about Jace too, but what if Riker was right? What if Jace really didn't want to be found?"

I swallowed against my dry throat. "I don't know Drew. I don't want to think about that possibility."

"Just remember who Jace is Ash. I love the guy that a bother, but you of all people know he likes to use people. And yeah I know he's changed since you guys started dating but promise me you won't get hurt." Drew said, concern laced in his words. I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy. Everything was officially going to hell.

"I won't let myself get hurt Drew." I said slowly, not really believing my own words.

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