Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Ashy! Jace! Come out." Drew slurred, knocking on the bathroom door that Jace and I were occupying.

Sometime in the last fifteen minutes, my pants had come off and Jace was still kissing me. I knew that Jace was holding off sucking me off until I was ready, because he wasn't a virgin but I was.

"Drew go away!" I moaned out, trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible.

"What are you doing in there? You sound like your hurt." Drew inquired, still slurring.

Jace kissed me one last time before going to get dressed. "Come on, Drew's drunk. We'll finish this another time." He said, winking at me and throwing me my clothes.

I pouted, but got dressed knowing that the sooner we got Drew home the sooner Jace would continue kissing me.

We both exited the bathroom and found Drew sitting on the floor, a bottle of rum in hands. Jace signed and stole the rum out of Drew's hands. "Get up."

Drew slowly obliged and stood up, only to fall against Jace. "I'm not drunk." Drew said.

"Sure your not buddy." Jace said rolling his eyes and pulling Drew out of Rikers. I followed them, grabbing Drew's jacket from Riker on my way.

We all starting walking down high street. "Drew your drunk." Jace said, steadying Drew as he tripped on the sidewalk.

"I am not." He protested, confidently.

I raised an eyebrow up at Drew and his face fell. "Jace and I are the biggest drinkers in this group, and at least we can stand straight! Your drunk brother."

"There's nothing straight about both of you." Drew muttered.

"Hey, I'm a proud bisexual." Jace said, reaching out to stop Drew from falling again.

"Whatever." Drew said rubbing his eyes.

God, why did Drew have to ruin mine and Jace's bathroom moment. I hate my brother.

"Love you too Ashy." Drew said sarcastically.

"I'm so fucken glad that I said that instead of something else." I said relieved. I would die if Drew knew I'd almost went all the way with Jace in the bathroom.

"You did what?" Drew asked, turning around.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and his in Jace's chest. "Nothing!"

"I can't believe you two!"

"Calm down Drew." Jace warned, holding me close.

"You guys are way too young! Jace I can't believe you." Drew yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "It's just sex."

Drew shook his head. "Jace doesn't do 'just sex' Ash. You know that."

"I thought we were cool." Jace said, pulling his eyebrows in.

Drew glared at us both, but continued walking. Great now Drew was mad at me. Jace slid his right hand into my left and we started after Drew.

"Don't worry about him." Jace said, kissing the side of my head.

"I guess. I hope he forgets about this."

"He will." Jace assured me.

I nodded, happy that I had Jace back. God I loved this boy.

"Come on, we're near a main road." Jace said, noticing that Drew was far in front of us.

Suddenly I was worried and sped up towards Drew, whom was starting to cross the road. "Drew stop!"

Drew ignored me and continued to cross the road. Jace started running up to Drew, with me trailing after him. It was so dark that I couldn't see anything but the headlights of oncoming cars.

Just as Jace and I reached the main road, Drew let out a scream that made my blood run cold. "Drew! Drew!" I yelled, running onto the road, not caring that I was holding up midnight traffic.

As I reached Drew, I pulled out my phone's flashlight and gasped when I saw Drew. He was disfigured. I couldn't even recognize him. "Drew.." I cried, wanting to look away from my brother but I couldn't.

"Ash." Jace said grabbing me and hugging me. I felt Jace's tears streaming onto my face as he hugged me. Just as Jace let me go and dropped to the floor, the car that had hit Drew stopped and the driver started walking over to us.

"I'm so sorry, I'm going to call the ambulance." The man said shakily dialing a number into his phone. I wanted to kick, punch and scream at the man but I knew I couldn't. Drew shouldn't have crossed the road without us.

I turned around and dropped down beside Jace and looked at Drew. Finally the tears started to well up in my eyes and I lost it. He was dead. There was no denying it. There was blood everywhere.

"Drew." I sobbed into Jace's arms.

Jace stroked my hair, crying just as much as I was. "It's going to be okay, Asher."

I wanted to tell Jace not to lie, but I couldn't say anything bar Drew's name. Sometime later an ambulance arrived and loaded Drew into the back, but I couldn't remember much.

Everything was just blurry, but I do remember Damo driving Jace and I to the hospital. And that I was pretty sure my twin brother was dead.

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