Chapter Eighteen

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"Delilah! Stop!"

I shouted as I continued to run up the hill after my friend Delilah, though I was falling far behind.

"Run faster!" She yelled back, still running. Her soft brown hair was messy from the strong gusts of wind that had blown by minutes earlier.

After another few seconds of running, my backpack bouncing up and down as I sprinted, we reached school. I came to a halt and glared at Delilah, who wore a cocky grin.

"You're mean!" I puffed, pouting. We both started walking into school, making our way over to the Senior hallway. I had only been at my new school for a few months so I still got confused, hence why Delilah - who was a Junior - walked with me.

"I had to wait for you this morning. I didn't want be late for school. So when I tell you to run faster, run faster."

I sighed. "It's not my fault my dad wants me to pray every morning."

Delilah rolled her eyes. "He cheated on your mother but he hates that you're gay? Doesn't he know that adultery is a sin?"

"But gay's gay. Period" I quoted my dad. I was exhausted with all this. It had been months of my dad taking me to church every Sunday, praying every chance we got and my dad pushing me to find a girlfriend to 'make me straight'. I never got a break from all this bullshit.

Delilah stopped and turned to me, her gaze serious. "You're gay, I'm gay. And it's not something that'll go away. Don't let your dad's words get into your head, Ash."

I nodded at her. "Yeah whatever. I don't want to talk about this now. Go to class midget."

Delilah glared at me. "Okay, one, I'm taller than you. Two, I'm your only friend in this hellhole so don't be an ass."

I punched her shoulder lightly. "Well aren't we in a happy mood."

Delilah scoffed. "Sure we are."

She walked down the hall leaving me at my locker. I didn't know much about Delilah, except that she was a loner, angry all the time and into the same TV shows and music as me. Sometimes I thought all this was unfair considering that she knew quite a lot about me, but it was true what she said before. I didn't have any other friends.

Class didn't start for another ten minutes so I fished around in my pocket and pulled out my phone, dialing Jace's familiar number. I held my phone against my ear and let it ring all the way to voicemail.

"Okay. It's been three months and I've heard from you like twice. Drew won't tell me anything. Are you okay? I miss-"

I groaned as the voicemail cut off. It was frustrating not being in the loop anymore. I had heard from Macie countless of times and of course I saw Drew every other day but I wanted to talk to Jace. I missed him. And it wasn't like I could just show up at his house whenever.

I started walking down the hall to my Economics class - one of the few classes I knew how to get too. I was shoved by countless students until I reached my class. I went inside and took a seat, putting my head in my hands. Life was getting worse. I think leaving my old life behind had effected me more than I let myself accept.

I mean, what did I have left? My own boyfriend won't talk to me. My brother won't stop apologizing. My mum is distant around me and my dad won't stop shooting me dirty looks, every chance he gets. The only things that I had now, was a angry friend and below average grades.

"Class! Get your books out! That includes you Asher."

I groaned and got my textbook and notebook out of my bag and started copying down the notes that the teacher was writing on the board. Class seemed to drag on for ages.

Once economics was over, I made my way over to Maths class. An hour of the teacher droning on about nothing later, it was break time. When I reached the cafeteria I spotted Delilah sitting alone reading a book. I went and sat with her, causing her to glance up and shoot me a fairly annoyed look.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, taking out my lunch.

"Why would something be wrong?" She replied, returning her eyesight towards her book.

"Stop doing that thing." I said, looking around the cafeteria. I felt a bit weird to be honest. Lunchtimes with Jace, Drew, Louis and Macie were always fun but now all I do is try and make conversion with a silent Delilah.

"Doing what?"

"You know, answer a question with a question. You remind me of someone I know." I said as I felt myself drifting away from reality.

Jace use to answer questions with questions as a defense tactic. It was only when Damo became more interested in his little brother that Jace had someone to fight with, emotionally as well as physically. They became a tag team so Jace wasn't alone.

"Good for you. Now shut up. I'm trying to read." Delilah said, running a hand through her hair.

"Yeah good for -" I started saying until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "I've got to take this."

Delilah didn't look up as I stood up. "Do what you have to do."

I rolled my eyes and answered the phone, walking into the empty halls. "Hello?"

"Ash, it's Drew. Something's wrong with Jace."

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