Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Macie! Open the god damn window!"

I continued to shout Macie's name as I knocked at her window. Approximately a minute later, a sleepy Macie appeared at the window with a fixed glare.

"What's with you Sage boys waking me up in the middle of the night?" She growled, opening the window.

I smiled at her. I really did miss Macie. She'd been my best friend for years and it felt weird for me not to see her everyday. "Hey, Mace."

I climbed through her window and dropped down into her bedroom. "Sure, just come in." Macie said in an odd mix of sarcasm and deadpan.

"Someone's grouchy." I stated, sitting down on her bed. Macie still stood at the window, checking her watch.

"It's three am."

"Is it?" I said confused. I swear a moment ago it was only midnight.

Macie rolled her eyes and came to sit beside me. "Yeah, Ash it is."

"Wow. I'm going to feel dead in the morning." I said, laying down on Macie's bed. I also had to get up earlier because it took about half an hour to reach the other side of town.

"Your lucky I slept during class." Macie laughed. "Or I'll be an asshole when I wake up."

I shook my head. "Your always an asshole."

"That's Jace not me."

I groaned at Macie and sat up. "Don't say Jace's name."

Macie bit her lip and sighed. "I'm sorry, Drew told me about him running away. I didn't see him at school so I went and asked your brother but he didn't know anything."

"We looked for him all night." I said, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. Thinking about Jace took so much energy out of me but it was addictive. Jace in general was addictive. You never knew anything when it came to him. He could be sweet one minute, then an asshole the next. I think he was rubbing off on me, I thought with a groan.

"Drew your new best friend now?" I asked, changing the subject.

Macie sighed. "No, Ash. Louis is being distant, so I was talking to Drew about what I should do."

"God. Boys are confusing."

"They are." Macie agreed, then got under her blankets. "I'm going back to bed, so your either leaving or sleeping."

I shrugged. "Move over then."

Macie did as I said and I snuggled against her. I knew that I'd get into trouble when morning came but I didn't care. I was done living by anyone's rules. I was done with everything.

After all, the only person you can depend on it yourself.


"Wake up."

"Wake up."

"Wake up." Macie sang for the third time. I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head. I didn't want to get up.

"Time to join the real world, Asher."

I groaned again, but sat up. I knew Macie was right; I had to get up and go on with daily life. It was the only way I'd move on from Jace. "Fine I'm up!"

Macie smiled, as she ran a hand through her messy red curls. She looked pretty in the white dress she wore. Wait, why was she so dressed up? "Why are you so dressed up?" I asked.

Macie rolled her eyes. "That's the thing that I didn't miss; You saying things twice!"

I face palmed myself. "Oh lord." I jumped out of bed and checked the time on my phone, also seeing that I had two missed calls. "I'm late for school. I have to go."

Macie nodded. "Sorry we didn't get to spend a lot of time together. I'll see you next time you come down to the South Side right?"

I shook my head. "Yeah. I missed you."

Macie smiled and came over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Missed you too Ashy."

"Wait, seriously answer me. Why are you so dressed up?"

Macie rolled her eyes. "It's graduation in a few weeks Ash. I need to look good for college scouts. You should know this stuff."

I shut my eyes and groaned. I'd been too preoccupied with worrying and finding Jace that I had totally forgot about graduation. Not that I would go to college anytime soon anyways: I hadn't filled out a single application.

"No I forgot about graduation."

Macie hit me in the shoulder. "Idiot. Next time your back in the South I'll help you with your applications."

I let out a breath of relief. That's the thing about Macie; you could always count on her. "Thanks. Your a life saver. And good luck with the scout."

I waved goodbye and climbed back through Macie's window. I checked my phone again, this time tending to my missed calls.

From Drew:

"Ash, I swear to god. I hope you slept at Macie's last night. You want me to stop treating you like a child but you act like one. Text me."

I rolled my eyes and texted Drew back.

To: Drew

I slept at Mace's. I'll call you after school.

I continued to walk to the bus stop as I checked my last message.

"Ash, it's Jace. We need to talk."

My body froze as Jace's voice filled my ears. He'd finally called. What do I do? And the hell was with the short message? I couldn't do this. Jace couldn't just barge back into my life again!

Oh who am I kidding? Jace could leave me anytime he wanted and I'd still be there to pick up the pieces when he returned. Once I reached the bus stop, I sat down and reluctantly dialed Jace's number.

I put my phone against my ear, feeling real fear for what seemed like the first time in my life.

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