Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I can't believe dad let you crash here for the week."

"I know right." I said to Drew, whom was laying on my bedroom floor at my mum's house.

"It's pretty lonely without you here." Drew said playing with something he'd found on the room floor. He seemed to be in a happier mood now that Jace was gone hanging out with Damo. I didn't dare bring up Jace to Drew, nor did I really want to talk about him; Jace had said he loved me for godsakes. There's nothing to love about me anyways so he must be crazy. "Well, I'm going to go talk to Macie so you either come or be lonely."

"I haven't spoken to her.."

I sighed and joined Drew on the floor. "Dude you gotta face her. Don't turn into Jace or dad."

Drew made a face but then looked at me, defeated. "I guess your right."

"I'm always right." I said, pulling up Drew from the floor. I had called Macie and asked to see her, though she'd been planning to go graduation shopping so Drew and I would be joining her.

When I told Drew the plan he raised his eyebrows. "Have you even studied for you SAT's? You know you can't graduate if you don't pass them."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll study another day. Do you know what your doing when you leave the hellhole known as high school?"

Drew nodded and opened my wardrobe, pulling out a parker and putting it on. "I'm going into Law."

I smiled. "Perfect fit. I'm thinking of doing jack shit."

Drew rolled his eyes and chucked me my converses. "Put your shoes on you moron."

I stuck my tongue out at him and slipped my shoes on. We made our way out into the kitchen, where mum was sitting reading and sipping what seemed to be her fifth cup of coffee. "Hey mum. We're going to see Macie." Drew said politely.

Mum looked up and nodded, black circles were clear under her eyes. "Alright Drew."

I bit my lip, not expecting her to greet me. I mean, who am I kidding? She never asked for a fag son. "Bye, Ashe—Ashy." Mum said softly.

I looked at her not quite comprehending her words. Did she just call me Ashy? Okay Ash, play it cool. "You know I hate the name Ashy." I said giddily.

Mum laughed just as Drew pulled me out of the door. "We're gonna be late."

"She called me Ashy." I smiled.

Drew laughed as we started walking towards Macie's place. "She did, aye."


Drew and I walked in comfortable silence until we reached Macie's house. I looked over at Drew who looked cool, calm and collected. God damn that kid was going to explode so bad one day. "You okay?" I asked him as we made our way to Macie's window.

"Sure." Drew shrugged, knocking on Macie's window.

"Okay." I asked disbelievingly just as Macie opened her window looking annoyed.

"You know I have a door?" She said to us, though I noticed that she wasn't looking at Drew. Part of me wanted to hate her for toying with Drew's feelings.

"Oh! You mean that rectangular thing on the front side of your house?" I asked.

Macie rolled her eyes. "You shut it. I'm going to grab some things and I'll meet you both right out there."

Drew and I nodded as Macie shut her window. "Everybody's telling me to shut it today!" I cried.

Drew rolled his eyes. "Well then take the hint."

I gasped and elbowed him. "Your a meanie."

"Sorry." Drew muttered. We waited a few minutes before Macie came around the side to meet us, dressed in a short green dress that matched her eyes and her hair curled tightly.

"Let's go." She smiled, roughly linking her hand in mine and softly wrapping an arm around Drew's shoulders.


"Ash, your wearing a tie." Macie demanded. Right now we were in a guy's clothing store that I didn't know the name of and Macie was throwing clothes at me.

"No!" I gestured at my current outfit, which was a pair of skinny jeans and a Fall Out Boy shirt. "Do I look like I like wearing ties?"

Macie rolled her eyes. "I'll help you with college applications if you wear a tie."

"I don't like being bribed."

Macie raised a hopeful eyebrow. "Is it working though?"

"No." I said flatly and looked over at Drew for help, only to realise he had disappeared. "Where's Drew?"

Macie shrugged. "Don't know. Don't care."

I glared at her. "You kissed him and your the one mad at him?"

Macie's face paled and she rested her head on a clothes rack. "He told you?"

I nodded, "Explain." I demanded, while looking and seeing if I could find Drew although I had no such luck.

"Louis and I were having problems and Drew was there and..." She drifted off, not meeting my eyes.

"So you kissed him? Why?"

"I knew he liked me and I swear to God I think I like him too."

"I don't even have the energy to be shocked anymore." I said flatly.

"Can we stop talking about this?"

I shrugged. "As long as I don't have to wear a tie."

Macie rolled her eyes. "Fine, Whatever." She put the tie back and pulled me towards the dress shirts. "Let's talk about why you were in hospital."

"I fainted. You know that." I said with exaggerated patience. I was sick of people making such a big deal out of this.

"You have to start eating and sleeping Ash." Macie said concerned.

I rolled my eyes. "Eating and sleeping is for the weak."

"No it's for the living." Macie said in a motherly tone that made me roll my eyes.

"Let's get out of here and go find Drew." I suggested changing the subject, pulling Macie out of the store before she could protest.

"Hey Ash! I need to shop." Macie struggled as I pulled her towards the food court — the place I knew Drew would be.

"No you need to talk to Drew and I need to eat to stop everyone from fucking worrying about me." I said as we reached the food court. I searched around before my eyes landed on Drew whom was on his phone in front of an Indian restaurant. I pulled Macie along and pushed her down into the seat in front of Drew.

Drew looked up and I stole the food he had in front of him. "Goodbye. Both of you talk, while I eat your food."

"Your evil." Drew said miserably.

"I know." I waved to them and walked away. I kept wondering around, looking down at the food until a bumped into someone and the food fell on the floor.

"Oh poor food." I said sadly.

"Ash your a moron." A voice said — Jace — causing me to look up.

"I love you too." I blurted out, not knowing why or how or what possessed me to say that.

Jace looked at me like I was crazy, but then said, "Cool."

"Mega Cool."

"Totally cool." Jace said, his tone final.

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